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Personal Pronouns as Objects

The tricky part of objects in Spanish is learning how to use the direct and indirect objects as personal pronouns: there's nothing like it in English.

Direct objects

English: Juan sees the tree. Tree is the direct object.
The Spanish would be: Juan ve el arbol.

But: suppose the object is it.
The Spanish would be: Juan lo ve.

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Indirect Objects (in English, the object of to or for)

English: Juan gives the book to Ana.
Ana is the direct object.
Spanish: Juan da el libro a Ana.

But: suppose the object is her.
The Spanish would be: Juan le da el libro a Ana.
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Object of Preposition

English: Juan goes to school with Eduardo.
Spanish: Juan va a la escuela con Eduardo.

But: suppose the object is him.
Juan va a la escuela con él.

In Spanish, personal pronouns are different depending on the function in the statement. (Refer to the Resources page for Subject pronouns.) Here is a case where it matters to know both the function and the part of speech of the noun.
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Depending on how a personal pronoun is used, there will be a different set of pronouns (refer to next page for a listing of object pronouns) to use:

Direct objects:
English: Juan sees it. ("it" refers to tree)
The Spanish would be: Juan lo ve.
However, the literal translation is "Juan it sees."

Indirect Objects (in English, the object of to or for)
English: Juan gives her the book ("her" refers to Ana)
Spanish: Juan le da el libro a Ana. (Spanish repeats the name of the person)
The literal translation is "Juan to her gives the book to Ana."
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Object of Preposition:
English: Juan goes to school with him. ("him" refers to Eduardo)
Spanish: Juan va a la escuela con él.

English: Marta travels to Europe with them (them refers to her parents).
Spanish: Marta viaja a Europa con ellos.

There is nothing unusual about the position of objects of prepositions - they follow the preposition, and with the exception of English "me" and "you" as objects of prepositions, in Spanish the subject pronouns are used as objects of prepositions.
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English: The baby is playing with me.
Spanish: El bebé juega conmigo.

English: The boy is talking with you.
Spanish: El niño habla contigo.

Because the position of the direct and indirect objects is such a different concept to grasp, the next page will explain these objects further.
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