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Spanish position or order of words is very different from English order of words. This module will describe the importance of position of words with nouns and adjectives, and how to form questions.

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Position of Nouns and Adjectives
The positions of nouns and adjectives in Spanish is different from the positions of these words in English. Although one can make oneself understood by using the same order as in English, it is a dead giveaway that you don't know your Spanish grammar if you use a word order that is simply not used in Spanish!

[The expression of the possessive is one example of the importance of the position of words in Spanish. (Instead of saying, "Juan's hat," we say in Spanish, "the hat of Juan = el sombrero de Juan.) Refer to the Possessives section of the module for more information on this subject.]

How it sounds:
the new house
the black book
the old building
a great man
our favorite theater
the great palace
less strong
more money

(page down)
la casa nueva (the house new)
el libro negro (the book black)
el edificio viejo (the building old)
un gran hombre (a great man)
nuestro teatro favorito (our theatre favorite)
el gran palacio
" " menos fuerte
más dinero
(to top)








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revised April 28, 2003