Sigma Nu Epsilon Eta Chapter
The University of Tennessee

Social Activities
Sigma Nu hosts formals, date parties, and social mixers with sororities throughout each semester. The purpose of attending a college is to increase an education and to ultimately graduate, but as any graduate will indicate, the social atmosphere of a college campus is a once in a lifetime experience.
Sigma Nu seeks to provide social opportunities for its members to participate in a variety of events and to acquire skills for all types of social situations. Sigma Nu does a great job setting up parties and events with sororities and fraternities, as well as many brotherhood and alumni events.
Homecoming is one of the most exciting times of the year at the University of Tennessee. Every year fraternities welcome back brothers and fraternity row is alive with float building, cheer competition practice, lawn displays and the annual banner hanging. Each year Sigma Nu teams up with a sorority to participate in the campus wide homecoming festivities.

University Events
The Sigma Nu chapter has a long history of participating in campus events such as Homecoming, All Sing, Relay for Life, Vol Challenge and Carnicus. Each year the chapter joins with a sorority to participate in these events.

Community involvement is an important aspect of Sigma Nu. We are involved in various fundraising projects and community services that are organized each year to benefit individuals and charities in our community.
There are many smaller community services done by the Sigma Nu chapter at Tennessee, yet our purpose with these projects is to help build moral character through the realization of the needs of less fortunate people. The ideals of Sigma Nu are exemplified through human service projects, once again stressing our three cardinal principles: Love, Truth, and Honor.
In addition to participation in various sorority philanthropy events, each spring semester Sigma Nu hosts its annual Snake Daze Philanthropy event to raise money for Camp Kononia. Camp K is a UT-hosted and funded outdoor education program for 150 children ages 7-21 who have multiple disabilities The week has a long history with the chapter and campus.