Local History
Sigma Nu Epsilon Eta Chapter
The University of Tennessee

Local History
Sigma Nu Fraternity has been a tradition at the University of Tennessee since 1921 and thrives upon the ideals of Love, Honor and Truth. At UT, the brothers of Sigma Nu are active on campus, participating in intramurals, university events, and service with the Knoxville community, all while having active social lives and thriving in the classroom. Over 1,800 young men have been initiated into the Epsilon Eta chapter of Sigma Nu.
Sigma Nu Fraternity officially began on January 1, 1869 when three honorable cadets at the Virginia Military Institute joined together in the spirit of brotherhood to oppose the hazing they witnessed at VMI. With 180+ active chapters between the United States, men of honor today are continuously being shaped into the leaders of tomorrow. Our brotherhood still strives to uphold the same ideals of love, truth, and honor set forth by our founders.
Sigma Nu stays active on the campus. Athletically, the Epsilon Eta chapter actively participates in all intramural events offer by UT. Socially, the chapter offers a strong social calendar and traditionally joins with a sorority in large campus events such as Homecoming, All-Sing and Carnicus. Academically, the chapter excels and offers financial discounts to new candidates who display a commitment to academic excellence.
Today the Epsilon Eta chapter of Sigma Nu is one of the fastest growing fraternities at the University of Tennessee. We encourage you to become a part of a brotherhood that values Love, Honor and Truth.
MORE LOCAL HISTORY for this Chapter ~ 1920's, 1930's, 1940's, 1950's, 1960's, 1970's. These PDF's contain articles from the period along with informative benchmarks documenting Sigma Nu's past.

The Plaque
By Lynn Sorrell (E.H. #677)
The story of the plaque begins at 900 S. 17th Street (site of the current Carousel Theatre beside Clarence Brown Theatre). I was house manager in 1962-63. That was far more work than any other job I had in the fraternity. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Zeta Beta Tau and Lambda Chi Alpha were all on the same block and had bronze plaques with their Greek letters on it. Somehow, it came up at a chapter meeting that we needed a plaque too. We priced the ones from nationals and they were beyond our means. We were cheap and poor in those days. David Lee, initiated circa 1961, was from Lenoir City and his Dad ran a foundry in the town. Dave talked his Dad into forging us a bronze plaque, but the foundry needed a drawing. I drew it up, not knowing the specific gravity of the bronze alloy to be used for calculating the total weight. Well, I overdid it. I could have drawn it up with about half the thickness and it still would have worked. It's about two inches think on the sides and one inch would have done it. We attached it to the house at 900 17th in the fall of 1963. It took four men to lift it into place and substantial bolts to attach it. The plaque stayed until the original house at 1824 Fraternity Park was built in 1966-67. The plaque was removed from its second house when the original 1824 Fraternity Park house was demolished and is now proudly displayed on its third Sigma Nu house, the new fraternity house at 1824 Fraternity Park.

Man Of The Year Award
Epsilon Eta, Sigma Nu Chapter
Each year the brothers of Epsilon Eta select one bother as Man of the Year. The award goes to the brother who has served the chapter with distinction during the academic year and lived the ideals of Love, Honor and Truth.
1987-Brad Serff
1988-Chip Orr
1989-J. W. Scott
1990-Tim Ingle
1991-Joseph Gillespie
1992-Shawn Hodge
1993-Issac Lewis
2003-Frank Mason
2004-Andrew Shafer
2005-Cory Tickle
2006-Jeff Yarborough
2007-Tyler Wilkerson
2008-Tyler Wilkerson
2009-John Smolko, III
2010-Nick Poveromo
2011-Not Selected
2012-Taylor Wilkins
2013-Philip Davis
2014-Robert Stow
2015-Robert Stow
2016-John Seale
2016-Ian Metcalfe
2017-Jacob Travis
2018-Luke McConnell
2019-Luke McConnell
2020-Philip Deaton
2021-Kris Brucker
2022–Jack Shelton
2024-Stone Smith

Past Commanders
Epsilon Eta, Sigma Nu Fraturnity
The following list of Past Commanders was complied from information obtained from Sigma Nu Headquarters, reviewing The Volunteer Yearbook and old chapter composites on file with the chapter.
The following brothers served as Commander from 1921 to 1949 —
Claude C. Wilson | Howard H. Baker | Robert R. Dodson | Emmett Hoge | George E. Oldham Jr. | Julius H. Bayer, Jr. | Edward J. Young, Jr. | William P. Ridley, Jr. | John B. Link, Jr. | Joseph R. Gracy | Col. William M. Slayden, II | Ward M. Burleson | George E. Paullus, Jr. | Frank H. Snipes, Jr. | William C. Jacobs, Jr. | Jack Williams | Jack Williams | Ernest M. Kenny | William O. Mynatt | James S. Little | Julian P. Hinton | Benjamin C. Young | Earl O. Williams | James W. Fly | Dan Thompson | Paul A. Hughes | Joseph E. Tate, Jr. | Paul O. Dore, Jr. | Thomas C. Prince, Jr. | Joe L. Lay | Richard W. Dell | Joe Mansfield
1950-Jack Q. Crum
1951-James D. Robertson
1952-Elmer L. Cook
1953-Dr. Tyler E. Riggins
1953-Dr. Cecil H. Stansberry
1959-C. Russell Briggs, Jr.
1954-Joe R. Gamble, Jr.
1955-E. Douglas Gilmer
1956-C. Leroy Anderson
1957-R. Kelley Baird
1958-R. Kelley Baird
1960 William G. Crump
1961 Charles F. Smith
1962 Patrick C. Malone
1963 William G. Robinson
1963 64 H. Steve Tidwell
1965 Grady O’Neil Clark
1965-66 D. Lynn Sorrell
1966-67 John R. Tindall, Jr.
1967-68 Larry D. Bredeson
1968-69 Judge Dennis H. Inman
1969-70 Dennis Ford
1970-71 Stephen C. Beckmann
1971-72 Warren E. Travis, Jr.
1972-73 Edwin M. Baxter, III
1973-74 James L. Hanvey
1974-75 Dr. John S. Arendt
1975-76 Charles J. Klindt
1976-77 William B. Lawson
1977-78 William B. Lawson
1978-79 Thomas M. Sweatt
1979 Frank E. Neal, III
1979-80 James L. Parrish
1980-81 R. Edward Ingle
1982 Frederick L. Dismukes, Jr.
1982-83 Jerry R. Stroupe, Jr.
1983-84 Barry J. Smith
1984-85 L. Allen Pollitt, III
1985-86 L. Allen Pollitt, III
1986-87 David J. Kanwisher
1987 Christopher A. Pike
1987-88 Bradley P. Serff
1988-89 Barry M. Spurlock
1989 Nathan Kerr
1989-90 Thad L. Harshbager
1990-91 J. Brent Moore
1991-92 J. Brent Moore
1992-93 Marshall L. Beene
1993 Christopher S. Davis
1994 Robert G. Parkinson
1995 Chad A. Quesenberry
1996 Marc V. Courts
1997-98 Matthew P. Friedman
1998-99 Jonathan L. Bell
1999-00 Bryan M. Reiley
2000-01 Chadwick A. Raphael
2001-02 Jason E. Watkins
2002-03 Patrick R. Poynor
2003 W. Eric Wachtler
2003-04 Andrew A. Shafer
2004-05 Jeffrey H. Yarbrough
2005-06 Cory S. Tickle
2006-07 Tyler Wilkerson
2007-08 J. Wesley Harmon
2008-09 Josh Frieling
2009-10 Jason Kafader
2010-11 Nick Poveromo
2011-12 C. Todd Bateman
2012-13 Parker Loy
2013-14 Will Parks
2014-15 Jeremy Soble
2015-16 Ian Metcalf
2016-17 Michael Bowers
2017-18 Zach Long
2018-19 Luke McConnell
2019-20 Will Hensley
2020-21 Phil Deaton
2021–22 Kris Brucker
2024-25 Stone Smith
2022–23 Jack Shelton
2023–24 Chandler Rogers
2025-2026 Stone Smith