Info for Parents
Sigma Nu Epsilon Eta Chapter
The University of Tennessee

Info for Parents
Thank you for showing an interest in the fraternity choice your son will consider during rush. Sigma Nu holds the interest of families in the highest regard. We host events every year for parents and alumni where they can come meet the brothers of Sigma Nu and ask any questions they might have. Below you will find answers to some of the most common questions parents ask when their son is considering joining a fraternity.
Will my son's grades drop?
- Every fraternity has academic standards that they require members to meet. Sigma Nu has a mandatory minimum GPA for both candidates and brothers as well as a support system in place to help members meet and exceed these standards.
- Brothers in the chapter are more than willing to help candidates or fellow members out with a class or homework. We have a wide variety of academic majors in the chapter and can provide tutoring or mentoring to candidates regarding specific classes or even give informal advice that can prove to be invaluable. Older members can give insight about certain classes, the best order to take classes to obtain a specific major, or even aid in the selection of classes or a certain teacher during registration periods.
- Candidates are encouraged to use the Student Success Center to find tutors or address academic concerns. We have a Scholarship Chairman within the fraternity who is familiar with all of the academic support resources on campus and can help connect any member to the appropriate support network on campus
Will my son get hazed? I have heard horror stories!
- While many fraternities have no hazing policies, Sigma Nu is the only fraternity which was specifically founded against hazing. You can view our history page to learn more about the story behind Sigma Nu's founding and our dedication to a non-hazing environment.
- The number of fraternities recognized by accredited colleges around the country increases every year. However, Sigma Nu is one of only eighteen fraternities recognized as an honor fraternity. An honor fraternity is recognized because it has an education plan that helps teach and promote ethical and moral practices to all members.
How much will it cost?
Sigma Nu is a reasonably priced fraternity and uses a private billing service to handle its financial affairs. We also offer flexible paying schedules and many opportunities for scholarships. Click here to see a detailed overview of the costs associated to joining Sigma Nu.