100th Anniversary
Sigma Nu Epsilon Eta Chapter
The University of Tennessee

Come Celebrate With Us
The 100th anniversary of the Epsilon Eta chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity is scheduled to take place this spring after being delayed a year. Our chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity has been a tradition at the University of Tennessee since 1921 and continues to thrive upon the ideals of Love, Honor, and Truth as we have for a century. Over the past three of years, a group of alumni has been meeting via conference call to discuss the 100th Anniversary of the Epsilon Eta chapter. We are continuing to plan events in various cities at different times throughout the year to lead up to our weekend of celebrating together in Knoxville.
We want to invite all or our alumni, actives, families, and friends to save the date for our April 2022 celebration so you can join us in Knoxville.
We want to invite all our alumni, actives, families, and friends to save the date for our April 2022 celebration so you can join us in Knoxville for the Epsilon Eta Chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity 100th Anniversary Celebration April 8th - 10th, 2022 Knoxville, TN
This web site will be updated throughout Spring 2022 with the latest information on our 100th Anniversary Weekend.
As the chapter and alumni committee develops more details for the 100th Anniversary Celebration, please let us know if your physical or email address changes. If the chapter does not have your addresses, please send it to sigmanu@utk.edu.

Calendar of Events
Friday, April 8th
1:30pm Golf Tournament – Three Ridges Golf Course (6101 Wise Springs Road, Knoxville, TN)
1:00 – 6:00 pm Open House at Chapter House for drop in visits
7:00 – 10:00pm Reception at Mill & Mine (227 W. Depot Avenue)
8:30pm Program and Welcome at Mill & Mine
Saturday, April 9th
9:00am Donor and Leadership Brunch at Calhoun’s on the River (400 Neyland Drive, Knoxville, TN)
Past Commander’s, Past Lt. Commander’s and Donors to the house fund, scholarship fund and Big Orange Give
Noon Chapter Spring Initiation (Christ Chapel, 1528 Highland Avenue)
6:00pm 100th Anniversary Reception - Knoxville Convention Center (KCC)
7:30pm 100th Anniversary Dinner & Program - KCC
Receptions throughout the year Atlanta, Knoxville, Memphis and Nashville

100th Anniversary Endowment
The planning committee has created the Sigma Nu Legion of Honor Memorial Endowment to raise money for chapter scholarships and money for housing expenses. The past six years alumni have donated $66,000 to present twenty-two $3,000 scholarship to active brothers in the chapter. The scholarship ceremony has become an annual event with the chapter.
The chapter house was opened in March 2010. The house has been home to thirteen groups of brothers. Over the years, there has been a number of repairs needed on the house. As 1824 Fraternity Park Drive continues to be home to members of Epsilon Eta, we want to make sure that necessary expenses are covered for the house.
The link to the Sigma Nu Legion of Honor Memorial Endowment is listed here - http://giving.utk.edu/sigmanu100
If you have questions about the Memorial Endowment, please contact Jerry Adams at sigmanu@utk.edu.

Registration Information
Here is the link to register for the 100th Anniversary events --- sigmanu.org/epsiloneta100 Registration will close on April 1st at 11:59 pm.

Golf Tournament
The 100th Anniversary Golf Tournament will be at Three Ridges Golf Course knoxcounty.org/golf/three_ridges on Friday, April 8th at 1:30 pm. The tournament will be a four-person best ball with a shotgun start. Range balls are included in the registration fee. The tournament is open to the first 120 golfers who sign up.

Area Receptions
Knoxville, Memphis and Nashville To Be Determined
Questions, Email - sigmanu@utk.edu