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Viewing and Pick-Up : Thursday, March 19, A Session, 10:00am-11:30am, KCC 200DE

Editions Due to Portfolio Organizer by December 15, 2014.
Organized by Elizabeth Klimek and Melanie Yazzie
Email: elizabeth_klimek@yahoo.com

The first “Dog Head Stew” portfolio created in 2003 and exhibited at the SGC conference in Boston is still being exhibited nationally and internationally.  This unique portfolio celebrates Native American traditions and cultural persistence, which over time and situation has been redefined, honored, manipulated, categorized and stereotyped, but not vanquished.  This portfolio invites personal and political expression honoring or criticizing past and present representations of Native American culture. This new portfolio, “Dog Head Stew: The Second Course,” will it pick up where the last portfolio left off. The title comes from the story/recipe “Dog Head Stew (for Fifty People)” by Dorothy Pennington, which can be found in the book, The Way: An Anthology of American Indian Literature by respected Mohawk anthropologist and educator Shirley Hill Will. It is the depiction of an imaginary feast in which the Native Americans throwing the feast pretend to live up to the stereotype of being savages to get rid of their unwanted, non-native dinner guests. What has changed in the past ten years for the indigenous community of North America?  Where do Native Americans fit into the sphere of the United States, and subsequently, to the world?  Graphic icons such as the Cleveland Indian are still used in today’s culture, how much power do those images still possess? This portfolio is open to printmakers working with traditional and non-traditional archival print media, regardless of cultural background.

Paper Size: 15 x 20 inches

Edition Size: 30

Technique: any print media

Participation Fee: $50

Lynne Allen
Laura Bentz 
Burt Bucher
Brooke Bulovsky Cameron
Matthew Egan
Kirsten Furlong
Oscar Jay Gillespie
Elizabeth Klimek
Jean McComas
Leah Matthews
Jacob Meders
David Mohallatee
Heather Muise 
Sue Pearson
Nicole Pietrantoni
Michael Reed
Kathryn Reeves
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith
Neal Ambrose-Smith
Kryssi Staikidis
C. Maxx Stevens
Glory Tacheenie-Campoy
Ericka Walker 
Melanie Yazzie

Shipping: Address: Elizabeth Klimek, 23632 Rolling Fork Way, Gaithersburg, MD 20882