special panel session

THURSDAY MARCH 19, 8:30PM -10:30PM
Session Chair: Kelly M. Nelson, Longwood University, Farmville, Virginia, USA
Email: nelsonkm@longwood.edu
Get to the point in 20 PowerPoint slides. Be poetic, purposeful, provocative, performative, progressive, palpable, passionate, pizazzy, P.H.A.T, or all of the above. PechaKucha is a PowerPoint presentation with a simple format: 20 images x 20 seconds. More specifically, the format is 20 images that advance automatically every 20 seconds for a total presentation time of 6 minutes and 40 seconds. This special evening session to be held in downtown Knoxville can accommodate up to 15 presenters. This session is designed to include established and emerging artists. Students are encouraged to participate. Since PechaKucha’s inception, over 600 PechaKucha nights have occurred worldwide in numerous cities and the format has been used at various universities and conferences. This session will be comprised of two rounds of six presenters for a total of twelve presentations. Visit the following website for more information and examples of this innovative format: http://www.pechakucha.org.
Erika Adams
“She said I have a French Face; how what we say makes what we mean”
We are all translators, assigning words to thoughts and ideas and then relying on others to understand what we mean. That exchange is based on trust, experience and perhaps a dose of luck. This Pechakucha will focus on a language based interactive/performative project and the conversations (in English, with some French) that took place; I’ll also speak (briefly!) about the linguistics professor who happened by and what she had to say about how context makes meaning.
Laurie Carnohan and Ashley Hawkins
“What to Expect when You’re Expecting (to run a nonprofit community print shop)”
Laurie Carnohan and Ashley Hawkins will discuss the ups and downs of founding and operating Studio Two Three, Richmond’s nonprofit Community Print Shop.
Shelley Gipson
“Morbid Beauty”
Using a children’s story cadence, I will explore emotional anguish through suicide, death and despair while celebrating the human form in all its oddities and extremes.
Raluca Iancu
“Contemporary Printmaking and Design in Poland”
This PechaKucha presentation will focus on my recent experiences in Poland and at the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design. Printmaking and poster culture are prevalent in the city and graphic design is everywhere.
Ina Kaur
“Impressions Multiplied”
Nature is an inherent source for Kaur’s cultural inspiration and she utilizes the traditional print philosophy while exploring and pushing its boundaries within its contemporary context. Her works examine under layers of complexities associated with notions of identity and how it is defined. It allows her to construct new meaning while blurring the boundaries cultures. She uses variety of mediums and materials, which symbolically express her hybrid identity.
Monika Meler
“From the Faraway Nearby”
When she moved to New Mexico from new York City, Georgia O’Keeffe finished her letters by writing “from a faraway nearby,” signaling both her longing for the past and acknowledgement of the poetry and majesty of the desert that surrounded her. This presentation will examine my work through the journey of moving West, starting in Poland, moving to Chicago and gradually migrating to California. I will examine my images and how they coordinate with this journey, from the nostalgia I experienced for Poland to the awe I experienced when looking at the landscape of California.
Kimiko Miyoshi
“Nebulous Wonderment”
I am drawn to trivial and forgotten objects. I am attracted to serendipitous events and phenomena that are too absurd to be taken seriously or perhaps too ordinary to be noticed. Some recent focuses of my work are to transform insignificant and trivial objects into something visually striking and to invoke a renewed curiosity in the viewer, and thus providing a perpetual amusement in their life. Things disappearing are beautiful to me. My choice of subject matter is related to my own existential perception. As I often feel rather powerless and invisible in contemporary society, these forgotten objects become ciphers for a state of being akin to mine. My passion toward printmaking stems from a similar kinship I have toward this discipline that is seemingly outdated. However, I am hopeful about the possibilities and the power of the repeatable medium as well as the beautiful marks made with this medium.
Marilee Salvator
“Marilee Salvator: Recent Works”
I will be presenting 20 images of my working process and will discuss the conceptual ideas behind my works such as my interest in Indian patterning, my love of biology and plants and formal interests.
Debrah Santini
“Once Upon a Time….”
Where do ideas come from in a day rife with costume changes? As printmakers in academia excerpts from a typical day may begin with, the technician,” what print method am I teaching now?” followed by, the secretary, “what meeting should I be at now”? Segue into, the valet, how will I remove this ink stain now”? Concluding with the exhausted printmaker, “when will I do this laundry? (Not now!)” Ideas, for me, come from reading (or drawing) between the lines, an unabridged version of ‘all of the above ‘. The riotous ruminations plaguing my brain are the essence of and distillates that populate my prints. My ideas come from life; my imagery and the printing are how I manage life.
Kelsey Stephenson
“New Work from St. Michaels Printshop”
Kelsey Stephenson will be sharing her print work in the context of both study at the University of Tennessee, and work conducted while back in Canada at St. Michaels print shop. Her work plays with a sense of space, placing the viewer within emotionally charged constructed expanses. Within the frame, the viewer can explore memory and intimate space. By presenting work done in the studio at the University and explorations over summer, Kelsey would like to share her experiences as a student and artist.
Summer G. Ventis
“Controlled Burn”
I will give a PechaKucha presentation of the body of work that I have made over the last several years dealing with the idea of the controlled burn. Controlled burns are used as a fire management strategy in prairies and forests and have different associations and connotations in different areas. My presentation will touch on both the concrete realities of controlled burns and their metaphoric associations as I perceive and express them in my work.
Erik Waterkotte
“Alchemy, Pentacles, and Print”
My PechaKucha Powered Session presentation will include inspiring images of Occult and Esoteric symbols along with my own, recent work, and related artists such as Kenneth Anger, Jesse Bransford, and Elijah Burgher. As part of the presentation I will detail the directions of creating bestowed circles as described by Arthur Edward Waite in his book The Book of Black Magic and show clips of Kenneth Anger’s conjuring from his film Invocation of my Demon Brother (1969) and the introduction to Benjamin Christensen’s Haxan, Witchcraft Through the Ages 1922). In addition I will reference concepts of Alchemy and Physics with readings from Phil Hine’s book Condensed Chaos. Through this presentation I hope to provide some examples of how the Occult is archetypical to human expression and influences various realms of contemporary culture.
Chelsea Young
“Proletaricat: New Ways of Thinking about Internet Cat Culture”
I have taken a great interest in the ubiquitous nature of cats on the internet. Why are they everywhere, and why do so many people seem to enjoy their endless antics? People heavily consume cat related material on the internet – but what happens if this silly banality is taken away from the public? A Harvard researcher, Ethan Zuckerman, put forth the enlightening “Cute Cat Theory”. This theory describes the surprisingly uncomplicated relationship between oppressive governments, internet censorship, kittens and citizens. Using Zuckerman’s theory as a basis for my work, I utilize the four-color separation printing process for my images. All images are appropriated from the internet, and then I corrupt them in a process called glitching. I use excerpts from various laws about internet censorship around the world to assist in the deterioration of the photos. The words literally corrupt the photo and censor the viewer from experiencing it in its entirety. I seek to address and exploit the harsh internet regulations that run rampant in other countries, but also to acknowledge that our own country is also subject to such censorship.
Tatiana Potts
"Five Orders"
Familiar spaces
everyday places
recalled spaces
dreamlike places
abandoned spaces
rebuilt places.
Where was I?
Where am I?
Where will I be?
Will I remember?
Will I forget?
I will record,
and make
This is a presentation about my recent project, a manuscript that I based on research about the Five Classical orders of architecture, focusing on columns. I chose columns because they have a dual meaning: a support element in architecture and a metaphor for me as a support for my family. The manual consists of illustrations, which are accompanied by poems that I wrote.
Beauvais Lyons
"Teaching Pranks"
Why do we find pranks on MTV’s Punk’d or Jackass interesting? For over 4 years I have taught a one-credit Freshman Studies seminar at UT Knoxville on the topic “Pranks.” In this course we study and stage a number of pranks during the semester to explore the social, political, ethical and artistic uses of the prank. Students in the course come from all across the university, pursuing majors including engineering, business, arts and sciences, nursing, agriculture, and social work. Most of the course materials are on a Blackboard website with numerous short readings and videos. The course has five assignments, including a prank letter, an "Improve Everywhere" inspired group action, an annotated bibliography, a prank poster and a final project involving the creation of a fake student organization. For this PechaKucha talk I will introduce the course and present some of the student projects. Information about the course see: http://web.utk.edu/~blyons/teachingpranks.htm