Wes Morgan, Ph.D.
303-B Austin Peay
Phone: 974-7167
E-mail: wesmorgan@utk.edu
To Seminar Schedule |
Required Texts:
        American Psychiatric Association.
(2000). Diagnostic and
statistical manual of mental disorders: (DSM-IV-TR) (4th ed. rev.).
Washington, D.C.: Author.
        Spitzer, R. L., Gibbon, M., Skodol,
A. E., Williams, J. B. W., &
First, M. B. (Eds.). (2002). DSM-IV casebook: A learning
companion to the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental
disorders (4th. ed., text rev.). Washington, D.C.: American
Psychiatric Association.
Course Description
573 Descriptive and Theoretical Psychopathology (3) The current psychiatric taxonomic system is examined. Theories of etiology for various diagnostic categories are presented. Examples from written case vignettes and recorded interviews. Preq: Admission to doctoral program in clinical psychology or consent of instructor. F
1. The student is expected to develop a high level of proficiency
in forming diagnostic impressions concordant with the current
diagnostic system (DSM-IV-TR and/or ICD-10). Given adequate information
and observations the student should be able to correctly classify
disorders in agreement with recognized experts in the field. This
amounts to learning a specialized language that will form the basis
of communication among clinical and research workers in fields as
diverse as psychological assessment, psychiatry, psychotherapy,
epidemiology, cultural anthropology, taxonomy, neurology and psychopathology.
2. The student is expected to be familiar with various theories of
etiology as applied to specific mental or behavioral disorders or
anomalies and to be able to discuss these theories in the context of
historical and current research findings. The student is expected to
develop a basic working knowledge of biological,
psychodynamic, and behavioral approaches to psychopathology.
Emphasis will be placed on psychoanalytic, behavioral and
biological theories of etiology as applied to specific
disorders or anomalies.
TBA. Appointments with the instructor may be made at other times as well.
There will be two exams (a midterm and a final), each covering about half
of the semester's
work. Each exam will count equally toward the seminar grade. In total the exams will
account for two-thirds of the semester grade. All exams will be due at 9:05 AM on the day
indicated on the syllabus.
Each student is make three presentations during the semester. The specific topics for each presentation can
be found under "Presentation Assignments." The date of each presentation is given
in the schedule below. Each presentation should be about 30 minutes in length. Discussion after the
presentation is expected. The presentation should address the history of the disorder, current research,
effective treatments, cross-cultural concerns and at least one example case history.
Present and discuss recommended resources on the web. The presentations are to be oral and need not be
written. Handouts, overheads, demonstrations, illustrations, etc. will be appreciated. The seminar
presentations will count for one-third of the semester's grade.
The instructor has a very good record of meeting his classes despite adverse weather conditions. Please plan to attend if the University is open. Check the UTK Inclement Weather Page for official announcements and University policy concerning class cancellations.
The course grade will be based on seminar participation and
presentations (one-third), and the exams (two-thirds).
At any time of the semester you may check your grades for the course at the Online@UT
(Blackboard) website.
Online@UT |
If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a documented disability or if you have emergency information to share, please contact the Office of Disability Services at 191 Hoskins Library or 974-6087. This will ensure that you are properly registered for services.
Check here often for announcements and changes.
DISCLAIMER: Any reference to a commercial product,
process, service, company or organization is not an
endorsement or recommendation of the instructor. The
instructor does not necessarily subscribe to or support the
views found on the linked sites, and it is recognized that
some views may be of questionable value. Information found
there is no substitute for competent professional
Additional Features:
Additional features of this course website, including a discussion board, gradebook
where you can check your grades, and a calendar can be found at "Online@UT." You will need your NetID (username)
and password to access these features.
Wesley G. Morgan, Ph.D.
Seminar Schedule and Readings
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Last revision: 16 August 2005