Casebook Readings*: Group 8.

Somatoform Disorders
Factitious Disorders
Dissociative Disorders

  1. Mary Quite Contrary. Pp. 56-58
  2. The Sailor. Pp. 130-131
  3. Lovely Rita. Pp. 194-195
  4. The Bully. Pp. 200-201
  5. Burt Tate. Pp. 254-255
  6. Foggy Student. Pp. 270-271
  7. Misery. Pp. 391-395
  8. Sickly. Pp. 404-407
  9. Frigophobia. Pp. 457-460
  10. Fits. Pp. 469-470

        * Spitzer, R. L., Gibbon, M., Skodol, A. E., Williams, J. B. W., First, M. B. (2002). DSM-IV-TR casebook: A learning companion to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, (4th. ed., text revision). Washington, D. C.: American Psychiatric Press, Inc.

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Last Updated: 9 September 2003