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University of Tennessee Research Council

Welcome to the University of Tennessee Research Council

Welcome to the web page of the Research Council, a committee of the Faculty Senate for the Knoxville campus, the Institute of Agriculture, and the Space Institute. The Research Council serves as the faculty's advisory body to the Office of Research. Members work with the Office of Research to review faculty proposals for the SARIF GRA fund, the SARIF infrastructure fund, and EPPE awards. Members also review dossiers for the Chancellor's awards for research and creative achievement and for professional promise.

In addition, the Research Council has extensive involvement in most of the University's programs that pertain to research. Among other projects, the Council has assisted in developing the UT Research Foundation, was instrumental in beginning the "Refresh" program for faculty workstations, and reviewed the University's Conflict of Interest policies. More generally, we maintain regular contact with Oak Ridge National Laboratory and work to raise the public's awareness of the University of Tennessee's research programs.

Faculty of the Health Science Center in Memphis are served by a separate faculty senate and research committee.

Contact the Research Council

Elizabeth H. Sutherland
Dept. of Classics
1101 McClung Tower
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-04130

Phone: 865-974-7174


Current Issues

OMB Circular A-21

Faculty Refresh Letter from Elizabeth Sutherland to Clif Woods

Report to accompany Letter