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UT Research Council

UT Faculty Senate Charge to the Research Council


1. Improve operations of the Office of Research through consultations with
Arlene Garrison and Billie Collier.
2.Work to create a Humanities Staff specialist in the Office of Research
3. Work to foster UT compliance with OMB regulations regarding faculty
release time on funded projects.
4. Help to make IRIS better serve Principal Investigators.
5. Explore the potential of allowing Research and Non-Tenure Track Faculty
to be eligible for EPPE-SARIF Funds
6. Include regular reports from Fred Tompkins regarding the UT Research
7. Include periodic reports from Gretchen Whitney on the IT Advisory
8. Strengthen the sub-committee addressing the evaluation of Research
9. Review criteria for SARIF funds.
10. Ensure that language on SARIF and EPPE webpages is consistent; design
grid that sets criteria for both programs side by side.