The Parejas Study

Un Tiempo para Las Parejas (“A Time for Couples”) is a randomized trial that examined the effectiveness of a brief couple-based intervention in reducing smoking behavior for male partners, increasing healthy eating and exercise for female partners, and directly increasing positive communication for the couples among Latino male smokers and their non-smoking pregnant female partners. This study was a collaborative project between the Gordon Couples Research Lab and the Duke University Medical Center. Data collection is now completed and ongoing research using this data is currently underway.

Eligible couples participated in a two-arm randomized controlled trial that compared the efficacy of a two-session, culturally appropriate, couple-based, cognitive behavioral face-to-face treatment versus a control arm in which couples received a culturally appropriate self-help smoking cessation guide. The style of smoking cessation counseling was based on Motivational Interviewing (Miller & Rollnick, 2002) and couples communication sessions were based upon models of behavioral marital therapy that promoted mindfulness of family-related motivations for quitting smoking while also teaching communication skills training (Epstein & Baucom, 2002). Four face-to-face surveys of the couples were conducted throughout the duration of the study: at baseline (Time 1), end of pregnancy (28-35 week gestation; Time 2), 3 months postpartum (Time 3), and 12 months from baseline (Time 4). Survey follow-ups coincided with intervention procedures such that the two-session treatment protocol was completed by Time 2 and additional booster sessions and follow-up telephone calls were completed between Time 2 and Time 4.  Each couple member was compensated for each survey completion with a $10 gift certificate.