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Possessive expressed with nouns - Practice

So let's practice: simple possession will emphasize the object possessed first, and then any descriptive words will be given for the object possessed:

English: She is Juan's sister.
(page down) Ella es la hermana de Juan.
Think "sister" first: "la hermana"
"Then think, whose sister:

The correct to say this becomes, "la hermana" ("the sister") "de Juan" ("of Juan")

Doesn't that make sense?

Now look at this example:

English: I see Juan's older uncle's blue car.
(page down) Yo veo el auto azul del tío mayor de Juan.

In the case of "Juan's older uncle's blue car," think "car" first and then work on the descriptive words, such as "Juan's older uncle's blue…"
The correct way to say this becomes, " el auto" ("the car").

Then - what is the next important word? Right - "blue", so it becomes "el auto azul."

Then -Who owns it? Right - "the uncle," so it becomes "el auto azul del tío."

Then - What about the uncle - whose uncle, and what about him? Right, "Juan's older uncle," so it becomes "el auto azul del tío mayor de Juan."

All that simply to say a bunch of stuff about the car which happens to be blue and owned by Juan's older uncle…. If you will remember to do this, then you will not have any trouble with possessives in Spanish.

Here are more sentences to practice with:

English: Where is María's book? (What? Whose?)
(page down) Dónde está el libro de María?

English: I'm going to Ana's house. (What? Whose?)
(page down) Voy a la casa de Ana.



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revised April 28, 2003