Unpublished Manuscripts
- Brewer, E. W., & Hollingsworth, C. (2003) Preliminary Evaluation Report of Findings and Recommendations and a Proposed Evaluation Model for the Program Effectiveness of the Knox County, Tennessee Birth to Kindergarten Program. 28 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (2000). Instructor's manual: Workforce education. Dubuque, IA: Kendall- Hunt Publishing. 112 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (2000). Instructor's Manual: Promising practices: Goals 2000. Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway Publishers. 121 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1996). An Annotated Bibliography on Grantwriting and Project Administration. 62 pages.
- Brewer, E. W., Decker-Flum, D., & Lewis, J. (1996). Cooperative learning: Academic team competitions. (3rd ed.). 73 pages.
- Brewer, E. W., Decker-Flum, D., Lewis, J. (1997). Student workbook: Academic team competition curriculum. 13 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1997). Procedures Manual: Office of Federal Programs. 45 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1993, September). Selecting and using an appropriate statistical technique to conduct basic research for publication. Paper presented at the National Conference. 8 pages.
- Brewer, E. W., & Coates, J. (1996). Procedures Manual: Veterans Enrichment Program. 153 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1997). (3rd ed.). Procedures Manual: Talent Search. 123 pages. (updated by Lonas, B.)
- Brewer, E. W. (1997). (3rd ed.). Procedures Manual: Upward Bound (updated by Hollingsworth, C. and Hess, C.). 173 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1997). Procedures Manual: Academic Enrichment Program (assistance of Hollingsworth, C., and Lewis, J.). 125 pages.
- Brewer, E. W., Hollingsworth, C., & Decker, D. (1991-1995). Series of Math and Science Instructional Manuals. (13 manuals). U. S. Department of Education. 205 pages.
- Cameron, W. A., & Brewer, E. W. (1990). Chapter 15: Instructional Strategies. [This chapter was written scheduled to be included in the text entitled Materials and Methods of Instruction in Vocational Education. When editors Craig and Lary modified the structure of the book, this chapter was not included as initially planned]. 42 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1988). Program Forms and Letters: UB Pre-College Enrichment Program. Knoxville, The University of Tennessee: College of Education. 58 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1987). Guidance Specialty Series, Center for Advanced Learning Systems, U.S. Department of Labor, Vol. I and II, 136 and 76 pages, respectively.
- Brewer, E. W., & others. (1985). Instructional Guide. Knoxville, The University of Tennessee's Department of Technological and Adult Education. 173 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1984). Student Handbook: Career counseling, educational planning, and financial aid. Knoxville, The University of Tennessee: College of Education. 34 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1984). A Booklet for Instructions: Orientation to the competency-based, individualized, multi-mediated (CBIM) instructional system. Professional Training Institute, Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia. 16 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1984). Student Handbook: The University of Tennessee's College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP). Knoxville, The University of Tennessee: College of Education. 28 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1984). Student Handbook: The University of Tennessee's Pre-College Upward Bound Program. Knoxville, The University of Tennessee: College of Education. 24 pages.
- Brewer, E. W., & Traver, G. (1983). Your Partner for Progress. Screenplay. 128 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1983). Orientation to the CBIM Instructional System. U.S. Department of Labor. 16 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1983). Practice Teaching Program and Competency Evaluation System. U.S. Department of Labor. 33 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1982). Man in Motion. Screenplay. 143 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1981). Administrative Teaching Manual. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Instructor Training Institute, Riyadh. In English and Arabic. 103 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1981). Self-Evaluation Format: Shop Safety Checklist. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Instructor Training Institute, Riyadh. In English and Arabic. 77 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1981). Omicron Tau Theta: Fifth Anniversity National Historical Report. Disseminated at the American Vocational Association Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana, and to new members up to Fall 1989. 27 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1981). Shop Safety Program. Instructor Training Institute: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 115 pages.
- Brewer, E. W., & Anderson, V. A. (1978). Informative analysis for guidance counselors: The relationship between the output of training programs and job accession. Tennessee Valley Authority and Tennessee Department of Employment Security under the CETA Act. 36 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1975). Who's who: Institute of Human Resources. Knoxville, Tennessee. 21 pages.
- Brewer, E. W. (1975). Institute of Human Resources of Knoxville: One road to productivity. Stepping Stones (Tennessee Planning and Advisory Council for Developmental Disabilities). 3(2). 1-2.