Neutron to Antineutron Transition

(alternative search for baryon instability in a reactor-based experiment)

Physics and Motivation:

"A new experiment to search for neutron - antineutron transitions at HFIR reactor " (PDF document)
by Yu. Kamyshkov (U. of Tennessee), from Proceedings of Workshop on Fundamental
Physics with Pulsed Neutron Beams, Research Triangle Park, NC, June 1-3, 2000

"Neutron-antineutron transitions and (B-L) non-conservation" (PDF document)
by Yu. Kamyshkov (U. of Tennessee), paper for "Comments on Nuclear and Particle Physics",
March, 2001

"Observable Neutron Antineutron Oscillations in Seesaw Models of Neutrino Mass" (SPIRES link)
by K.S. Babu (Oklahoma State U.), R.N. Mohapatra (Maryland U.), Aug 2001,.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0108089.

"Nucleon instability and (B-L) non-conservation" (PDF document)
by Yu. Kamyshkov, from Proceedings of Workshop on Next Generation Nucleon Decay
and Neutrino Detector, Stony Brook, 23-25 September, 1999

Letters to Community:

Letter to  Fred  Gilman  (PDF document)
from September 8, 2000 in support of  new reactor experiment for neutron-antineutron transition search.

Letter to the   NRC's Committee of Mike Turner on the Physics of the
Universe (CPU), March 26, 2001 (PDF document)

Talks to Community:

Presentation to HEPAP sub-panel: at SLAC May 23,2001
"Reactor Search for Neutron-Antineutron Transitions",
Yu. Kamyshkov (PDF document)

Presentation  to NRC Committee chaired by Mike Turner on the
Physics of the Universe (CPU) at Snowmass, July 13, 2001
Yu. Kamyshkov, "Neutron -> Antineutron Search"  (PDF document)

Snowmass Talks: in P3 working group "Scales beyond 1 TeV"
"Neutron-Antineutron Oscillation and Proton Decay"
P3 Group Plenary Session July 14, 2001

Agenda of this session is here (PDF format)

Yu. Kamyshkov (UT),  "Neutron -> Antineutron Transition Search" (Introduction and Overview, PDF format)

R. Mohapatra (UM), "N-Nbar in Unification Models"  hep-ph/0108089  (SPIRES link)

Yu. Kamyshkov (UT),  "New Proposal to Search for Neutron->Antineutron Transitions at HFIR/ORNL Reactor" (PDF format)

Seth Hoedl (Princeton University), "A Search for N-Nbar Oscillations with UCN" (PDF format)

P3 Subgroup Summaries:

Yu. Kamyshkov (UT), "Few points on n->nbar. Alternative search for Baryon Instability",
P3 subgroup meeting at Snowmass on July 18, 2001(PDF format)

Greg Landsberg (Brown U.) Summary report of P3 group   at the general Snowmass
Plenary session on July 19, 2001, (PDF format)

JoAnne Hewett (SLAC) "Scales Beyond 1 TeV"    summary report to the meeting
of DOE/NSF HEPAP Subpanel on Long-Range Planning for US HEP in Washington,
DC on August 16-18, 2001, (Zipped PDF format)

Letter of Intent:

Old Letter of Intent for n-nbar search at HFIR reactor submitted to ORNL
in November 1996 (read-only MS WORD document)

Updated October 3, 2001 by Yuri Kamyshkov