Department and College Bylaws Guide Based on the New Faculty Handbook
This guide was compiled by the Faculty Affairs Committee and based on the new Faculty Handbook that was approved by the Faculty Senate on November 15, 2004. It was approved for general distribution by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee on Monday January 10, 2005.
Each academic unit is governed in accordance with its own bylaws, the unit's core procedures and policies that, normally, have been ratified by a majority vote of the tenured and tenure-track faculty of the unit. Each unit's bylaws should provide for amending these individual procedures and policies (e.g., specifying how much notice must be given in advance of a meeting to amend the bylaws and what a quorum for such a meeting must be). The bylaws may also denote situations where something other than a simple majority of the tenured and tenure-track faculty of the unit may be required to take an action. For example, amending a given procedure may require a supermajority vote of the tenured and tenure-track faculty of the unit. If a policy involves a specified sub-group of the unit's faculty (e.g., only the tenured faculty or only professors), amending that policy may require a vote (either majority or supermajority) by that specified sub-group.
This guide is intended to assist departments and colleges bring their bylaws into compliance with the new Faculty Handbook. It "flags" where the handbook refers to department and college bylaws. The Faculty Affairs Committee recommends that departments and colleges organize their bylaws in a structure that is parallel to the new Faculty Handbook. It is also recommended that department and college bylaws should describe a process for future revisions, with a record of those revisions. Finally, department and college bylaws must also be consistent with the Manual for Faculty Evaluation and other appropriate university policies.
CHAPTER ONE: Governance and Organization
1.4 College and Departmental Administration, Academic Deans
Representation on Dean Search Committees: While satisfying requirements for senior level searches, college bylaws need to address the representation of tenure-track faculty members, non-tenure-track faculty members, students, and where appropriate faculty members from outside of the college on dean search committees.
1.4 College and Departmental Administration, Effective Departmental Governance
The importance and scope of department bylaws and the collaborative process between the department head and the faculty in drafting these documents is outlined in the section on effective departmental governance. The handbook states: "The bylaws address issues, such as the governance structure of the department; search process for new tenure-track faculty; departmental voting protocols; criteria for promotion, retention and evaluation of tenure-track and tenured faculty members; selection, evaluation and roles of non-tenure-track faculty members in the department; input into criteria for evaluation of department heads; application of faculty evaluations to salary adjustments; and the role of the faculty in setting departmental budget priorities. A departmental strategic plan discusses the needs, goals, and aspirations of the department, providing guidance to both the head and the faculty members about achieving departmental objectives in teaching, research and service. Such plans should be constructed and revised as necessary in the context of college and University goals. Departmental bylaws and the strategic plan provide the head with guidance for day-to-day decisions about personnel evaluations, handling budgetary responsibilities, dealing with facilities issues, improving the student experience, achieving appropriate diversity goals, and representing the department to the college and University. The head conducts regular faculty meetings (at least two per semester), and facilitates the work of departmental faculty committees as outlined in the bylaws. After approval by the dean, the head conducts searches for new faculty and staff members in accordance with departmental bylaws and University policies. The head meets annually with each faculty member to conduct a performance review and writes an evaluation, in accordance with departmental bylaws, the Faculty Handbook and the Manual for Faculty Evaluation."
1.4 College and Departmental Administration, Selection of Department Heads
While satisfying requirements for senior level searches, department bylaws should address the role of tenure-track faculty members, non-tenure-track faculty members, students, and where appropriate faculty members from outside the department on department head searches.
While all departmental constituencies have input into the discussion, only the tenure-track and tenured faculty members conduct an anonymous vote for their choice, unless non-tenure-track faculty are otherwise permitted by departmental bylaws to vote in department head selections.
1.4 College and Departmental Administration, Annual Evaluation of Department Heads
Department bylaws should address the procedures for evaluation of the department head by the faculty.
CHAPTER TWO: Faculty Rights and Responsibilities
2.2 Responsibilities
Department bylaws should address the responsibilities of faculty with regard to research/scholarship/creative activities, teaching and service.
CHAPTER THREE: Appointment, Evaluation, Promotion, Tenure, and Review for All Tenure-track and Tenured Faculty.
3.1 Process for Appointment of New Faculty to Tenure-Track Positions
Representation of Search Committee: In accordance with university search procedures, department bylaws should address the representation on faculty search committees. It is the department head's responsibility to assure compliance with both.
3.8 Faculty Review and Evaluation
Department bylaws should address the procedures, criteria and rewards used for the annual evaluations of all faculty.
3.9 Salary
When considering faculty raises, departmental bylaws may allow salary decisions to be made by faculty committees or determined by numerical rankings.
3.11. 3 Probationary Period, Annual Retention Review
Department bylaws should address the format of the summary of teaching, research/scholarship/creative activity, and service prepared by tenure-track faculty for their Annual retention review.
3.11.3 and 4 Criteria and Procedures for Probationary Periods and Tenure Decisions
Consistent with university policies, department bylaws should establish clear procedures and criteria for evaluating the research/scholarship/creative activity, teaching and service of tenure-track faculty.
3.11.5 Procedures for Consideration and Grant of Tenure
Department bylaws shall provide for a meeting of the tenured faculty to debate and discuss the tenure candidate. The bylaws shall also provide for the manner of taking and recording a formal vote of the tenured faculty on whether the candidate should be recommended for tenure and shall establish the minimum number of votes necessary to constitute a positive recommendation. A written summary of the tenured faculty's deliberation, in addition to a formal record of the vote, is required to help the department head understand positive and negative considerations for tenure and must be kept on file in accordance with university policies.
CHAPTER FOUR: Appointment, Evaluation, and Appeals for All Non-tenure-track Faculty
4.1 Appointment of Faculty to Non-Tenure-Track Positions
All appointments to non-tenure-track faculty positions, including part-time appointments, will be made in accordance with departmental and college bylaws and subject to the provisions of this chapter. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, tenured and tenure-track faculty, or a committee of tenured and tenure-track faculty, will evaluate credentials and vote on non-tenure-track appointments, in accordance with departmental and college bylaws.
4.1.1 Non-tenure-track Teaching Positions
As soon as possible, but normally no later than May 1, a departmentally designated group of faculty will review applications in accordance with departmental and college bylaws.
4.1.2 Non-tenure-track Research Positions
Department and college bylaws establish standards and procedures relating to searches for and promotion of research faculty.
4.1.3 Non-tenure-track Clinical Positions
Department and college bylaws establish standards and procedures relating to searches for and promotion of clinical faculty.
4.2 Criteria for Appointment to Faculty Rank, Non-tenure-track Teaching Faculty
A departmentally designated group of faculty will review and evaluate appointments to the rank of Distinguished Lecturer, in accordance with departmental and college bylaws.
4.2 Criteria for Appointment to Faculty Rank, Non-tenure-track Research Faculty
A departmentally designated group of faculty will review and evaluate promotions to the ranks of Research Associate Professor and Research Professor in accordance with departmental and college bylaws.
4.2 Criteria for Appointment to Faculty Rank, Non-tenure-track Clinical Faculty
A departmentally designated group of faculty will review and evaluate promotions to the rank of Clinical Associate Professor and Clinical Professor in accordance with departmental and college bylaws.
4.2 Criteria for Appointment to Faculty Rank, Adjunct Faculty
Tenured and tenure-track faculty will evaluate the recommended rank of Adjunct Faculty in accordance with departmental and college bylaws.
4.3 Evaluations
The criteria for evaluating non-tenure-track faculty for purposes of hiring and retention must be adopted by a vote based on, and in accordance with, departmental bylaws and made available to all faculty.
Teaching, research and clinical faculty are subject to annual performance reviews appropriate to the positions and as outlined in departmental and college bylaws.CHAPTER FIVE: Faculty Rights of Appeal
The only reference to department and college bylaws in this chapter is to the right of faculty to pursue a grievance through an appeals channel if department or college bylaws have not been upheld.
CHAPTER SIX: Benefits and Leaves of Absence
No reference to department or college bylaws.
CHAPTER 7: Compensated Outside Activities
Note: This chapter is still under revision, however, department bylaws should address the nature of compensated outside activities appropriate to the academic discipline in the context of the faculty member's performance.
CHAPTER 8: Revision of the Faculty Handbook
No reference to department or college bylaws.