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The University of Tennessee


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Tennessee University Faculty Senates

The UTK Faculty Senate is a charter member of Tennessee University Faculty Senates (TUFS), an organization whose  goals are to increase communication among faculty senates at the state's universities and provide faculty an opportunity to speak with a united voice on issues of importance at the state level.

TUFS Executive Committee
Toby Boulet (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), President
Thomas E. Schacht (East Tennessee State University), President-Elect
Jeffrey S. Berman (University of Memphis), Past President
H. Lyn Miles (University of Tennessee, Chattanooga), Secretary

To access the TUFS website, please click here


UTK TUFS Voting Representative


Vincent Anfara, President

UTK Faculty Senate

325 Bailey Education Complex

865-974-4985 (Voice)

865-974-6146 (Fax)