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NEXT MEETING: 11-20-02, 8:30 AM, UC 203

Members in Attendance: Teresa Berry
Mark Hedrick
Baldwin Lee
Julia Malia
Gary McDaniel
Chris Oswalt
Kay Reed
Richard Strange

Mr. Lee, representing the Awards Committee, made a report to the Teaching Council. He submitted three sets of proposals for review by the Teaching Council. He also suggested adding an entry under the “ Hot Topics” section of the UT home page explaining the premise for the Teaching Award.

The Teaching Council continued the discussion concerning the English language skills of foreign GTA students. The TOEFL is an admission requirement. Once they arrive on campus, students who speak English as a foreign language must pass the Speak Test as a prerequisite to teaching. The speak test has two sections, hearing and reading. Results of a two-year study on the effectiveness of this test should be released this semester by Jeff Miller.

The Teaching Council suggested starting a tutorial session to help prepare foreign GTA students for teaching large classes. The session should test oral and aural skills with mock lectures and group discussion. Immersion in American culture would supplement the course. Social interaction and media exposure would communicate the idiosyncrasies of the American dialect. Foreign GTA students could be hired as research assistants for their first year to give them time to adjust to American culture before standing in front of a classroom.


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