Aenean ornare velit lacus, ac varius enim lorem ullamcorper dolore aliquam.
Journal Publications
- D. Dasgupta, A.A. Kohnert, and B.D. Wirth, "Modeling radiation defect cluster accumulation in neutron-irradiated FeCrAl," manuscript in preparation.
- E. Martínez, N. Mathew, D. Perez, S. Blondel, D. Dasgupta, B.D. Wirth, and D. Maroudas, "Thermal gradient effect on helium and self-interstitial transport in tungsten," Journal of Applied Physics 130, Article No. 215904, 9 pages (2021).
- C.-S. Chen, D. Dasgupta, R.D. Kolasinski, B.D. Wirth, and D. Maroudas, "Onset of fuzz formation in plasma-facing tungsten as a surface morphological instability," Physical Review Materials 5, Article No. 113403, 14 pages (2021).
- C.-S. Chen, D. Dasgupta, A. Weerasinghe, B.D. Wirth, and D. Maroudas, "Hole formation effect on surface morphological response of plasma-facing tungsten," Journal of Applied Physics 129(19), Article No. 193302, 12 pages (2021).
- C.-S. Chen, D. Dasgupta, A. Weerasinghe, D. Maroudas, and B.D. Wirth, "Effects of elastic softening and helium accumulation kinetics on surface morphological evolution of plasma-facing tungsten," Nuclear Fusion 61(1), Article No. 016016, 11 pages (2021).
- D. Dasgupta, D. Maroudas, and B.D. Wirth, "Prediction of temperature range for the onset of fuzz formation in helium-plasma-implanted tungsten," Surface Science 698, Article No. 121614, 7 pages (2020). - This article was featured as the cover page article.
- D. Dasgupta, R.D. Kolasinski, R.W. Friddle, L. Du, D. Maroudas, and B.D. Wirth, "On the origin of "fuzz" formation in plasma-facing materials," Nuclear Fusion 59(8), Article No. 086057, 11 pages (2019).
- D. Dasgupta, A. Kumar, and D. Maroudas, "Effects of edge diffusional anisotropy parameters on the current-driven dynamics of single-layer epitaxial islands," Surface Science 669, 25-33 (2018). - This article was featured as a cover page article.
- A. Kumar, D. Dasgupta, and D. Maroudas, "Complex pattern formation from current-driven dynamics of single-layer homoepitaxial islands on crystalline conducting substrates," Physical Review Applied 8, Article No. 014035, 14 pages (2017).
- A. Kumar, D. Dasgupta, and D. Maroudas, "Surface nanopattern formation due to current-induced homoepitaxial nanowire edge instability," Applied Physics Letters 109, Article No. 113106, 4 pages (2016).
- A. Kumar, D. Dasgupta, C. Dimitrakopoulos, and D. Maroudas, "Current-driven nanowire formation on surfaces of crystalline conducting substrates," Applied Physics Letters 108, Article No. 193109, 5 pages (2016).
- L. Du, D. Dasgupta, and D. Maroudas, "Weakly nonlinear theory of secondary rippling instability in surfaces of stressed solids," Journal of Applied Physics 118, Article No. 035303, 14 pages (2015).
- L. Du, D. Dasgupta, and D. Maroudas, "Stabilization of the surface morphology of stressed solids using simultaneously applied electric fields and thermal gradients," Journal of Applied Physics 116, Article No. 173501, 12 pages (2014).
- L. Du, D. Dasgupta, and D. Maroudas, "Stabilization of the surface morphology of stressed solids using thermal gradients," Applied Physics Letters 104, Article No. 181901, 4 pages (2014).
- D. Dasgupta and D. Maroudas, "Surface nanopatterning from current-driven assembly of single-layer epitaxial islands," Applied Physics Letters 103, Article No. 181602, 4 pages (2013).
- D. Dasgupta, G.I. Sfyris, and D. Maroudas, "Current-driven morphological evolution of single-layer epitaxial islands on elastic substrates," Surface Science 618, L1-L5 (2013). - This work was highlighted by the editor and a perspective article on this work was written by Prof. Yannis G. Kevrekidis in the same issue of the journal.
- G.I. Sfyris, D. Dasgupta, and D. Maroudas, "The effect of a thermal gradient on the electromigration–driven surface morphological stabilization of an epitaxial thin film on a compliant substrate," Journal of Applied Physics 114, Article No. 023503, 13 pages (2013).
- D. Dasgupta, G.I. Sfyris, M.R. Gungor, and D. Maroudas, "Electromigration-driven complex dynamics of void surfaces in stressed metallic thin films under a general biaxial mechanical loading," Journal of Applied Physics 112, Article No. 083523, 10 pages (2012).
- D. Dasgupta, G.I. Sfyris, M.R. Gungor, and D. Maroudas, "Surface morphological stabilization of stressed crystalline solids by simultaneous action of applied electric and thermal fields," Applied Physics Letters 100, Article No. 141902, 4 pages (2012).
- D. Dasgupta and S.C. Patwardhan, "NMPC of a continuous fermenter using Wiener-Hammerstein model developed from irregularly sampled multi-rate data," IFAC Proceedings Volumes 43(5), 637-642 (2010).
- S. Pal, U. Sarkar, and D. Dasgupta, "Dynamic simulation of secondary treatment processes using trickling filters in a sewage treatment works in Howrah, West Bengal, India," Desalination 253(1-3), 135-140 (2010).
- U. Sarkar, D. Dasgupta, T. Bhattacharya, S. Pal, and T. Chakroborty, "Dynamic simulation of activated sludge based wastewater treatment processes: Case studies with Titagarh Sewage Treatment Plant, India," Desalination 252(1-3), 120-126 (2010).
Chceck Google Scholar for a more exhaustive list of reports and other documents co-autored by Dwaipayan Dasgupta and the links for the published journal articles.