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Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting
October 7, 2002

Members Present: Mike Combs, Sam Jordan, Otis Stephens, Glenn Graber, Jon Coddington, Paul Phillips, Olga Welch, Sylvia Davis, Doug Birdwell, Barbara Dewey, Salvatore DiMaria, Ann Fairhurst, Jim Gehlhar, Louis Gross, Carolyn Hodges, Wesley Morgan, Bonnie Ownley, David Patterson, Peggy Pierce, Richard Strange, Fred Weber, Candace White, Sara Williams

M. Combs called the meeting to order at 3:31 p.m.

The secretary confirmed that a quorum was present. Combs then introduced four visitors: Anne Mayhew, Alan Chesney, Monique Anderson, and Richard Bayer

President's Report (M. Combs)

Combs noted that Educational Marketing Group, Inc. has been hired to assist in marketing the university.

He also noted that representatives of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools had been on campus and he had met with them.


Admissions (R. Bayer)
Bayer distributed a one-page statistical summary of the fall, 2002, freshman class. Applications were up 15% over the previous year. The test score profile also improved from 23.5 to 24.2 (ACT Equivalent). The number of African Americans increased from 291 to 319 and the number of Asian, Hispanic and Native American Indians increased from 110 to 168.

D. Birdwell reported concern in Engineering about the quality of transfer students. A. Mayhew
reported that, overall, transfers did as well as non-transfer students and suggested addressing problems through the curricular process. P. Phillips reported that some transfer students realize they have deficiencies and drop back to lower level courses.

Educational Policy Committee (F. Weber)
Weber called attention to three pages distributed with the agenda. They deal with proposed changes to the Bylaws. Under the proposal, the Graduate and Undergraduate Councils would report regular curricular changes to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee rather than the Educational Policy Committee. After some discussion there was agreement that curricular changes should be posted on the web. Several spoke in favor of changes being seen by the entire Senate. P. Pierce suggested the use of a "consent agenda" to avoid delays at Faculty Senate meetings. Mayhew suggested that the full minutes of the Councils be posted on the web after Executive Committee approval, but also that changes not become official until the full Senate has had an opportunity to review them and comment at the next Faculty Senate meeting. F. Weber said he would add to the proposal the following: All changes approved by the Executive Committee will be disseminated (probably electronically) to the Faculty Senate. Moving forward with the proposal, including the addition, was approved.

Creation of a Chancellor Position (G. Graber)
Graber called attention to a draft of a resolution distributed with the agenda. It concerns the creation of a chancellor position. L. Gross suggested deleting a sentence expressing support for L. Crabtree to fill this position. J. Coddington spoke in favor of strengthening a statement on faculty involvement in designing a new administrative structure. Birdwell spoke in favor of leaving in the reference to Crabtree, since his current position is to be deleted. D. Patterson expressed concern about how nebulous the proposed change is. Pierce spoke in favor of deleting references to both Crabtree and Shumaker. The resolution was approved (although not unanimously) with the following change: Replace the last sentence with "We look forward to the Senate and the faculty as a whole playing a central role in the planning and implementation of the new administrative structure as it being developed and in the filling of these administrative positions once they are established."

New IT Policy (D. Birdwell)
Birdwell reviewed the creation of the old IT policy, which was put in place in 1999 or 2000. The Faculty Senate had a substantial role in creating the policy. F. Muly recently informed the Research Council that the policy had been replaced with a new policy, which was created without Faculty Senate involvement. The new policy mostly addresses user activities and lines they must not cross. Matters such as security and stability of systems are not addressed. A meeting of a small group with Muly has been scheduled; further information will be provided after the meeting. Gross moved that the Executive Committee recommend to the Faculty Senate that the new IT policy be rejected and the old policy be reinstated. Weber seconded the motion. Gross noted that new recycling policies and summer school policies also had been implemented recently without faculty consultation. Gross accepted a motion from S. DiMaria that his proposal be preceded
with a phrase referencing recent failures in shared governance. B. Dewey then reported that IT reports to D. McKay, not Crabtree, and that, as of last spring, the new policy was to go to the Faculty Senate, but it did not. The following motion then was approved: "In the spirit of shared governance, the Executive Committee has concerns about the adoption and implementation of the new IT Policy, which was created without involvement of any Faculty Senate committee. Therefore, the Executive Committee recommends to the Faculty Senate that the new IT Policy be rejected and the old policy be reinstated."

Information Technology Committee Possibility (B. Dewey)
Dewey reported that during the Faculty Senate Retreat there was discussion of establishing a Faculty Senate Information Technology Committee to consider a wide range of matters. She then proposed establishing such a committee. Gross commented that the charge of this committee would have to be clearly stated to avoid overlap with other committees. Combs created an advisory group of Dewey, Gross, Weber, Morgan and Blass to create a proposal for establishing such a committee.

Draft of Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Policy (A. Chesney)
Chesney called attention to the draft policy distributed with the agenda. He requested e-mail messages with comments and suggestions. Coddington noted that the AAUP has recommendations on the maximum percentage of faculty who are non-tenure-track; he urged that they be included in the document. Gross stated that non-tenure-track research faculty should be addressed specifically, possibly in a separate document. Weber noted that there needs to be a procedure in place for last-minute hiring of teachers for one term.

Campus Recycling Committee (L. Gross)
Gross reported that in response to complaints this committee has been formed. Small recycling bins can be requested, but must be kept In offices.

Executive Planning and Budget Committee (L. Gross)
Gross is attending meetings of this committee as a Faculty Senate Budget Committee representative.

Legislative Committee (C. White)
White recommended removing from the Faculty Senate web site the following: "Response to State Budget Situation: To sign a pledge to vote only for candidates who promise to support a State tax system that provides adequate funding for public education,' click here."

White also proposed changing the committee's title to the Government Affairs Committee.

Other Information (M. Combs)
Combs called attention to various reports to be included with the next agenda; there was no objection to including them. Combs next reviewed proposed faculty members for university committees. F. Weber, T. Diacon, R. Strange, and V. Long will be recommended to serve on the University Calendar Committee. Combs and T.-W. Wang and a person to be named will be recommended to serve on the Enrollment Management Committee. Combs and Welch were recommended for the Commissions for Blacks and for Women, respectively.

Professional Development Committee (S. Williams)
Williams said the committee recommends deleting its charge to develop a policy of professional leave and to monitor the resulting program. The recommendation was approved.

Committee on Senate Structure and Effectiveness (P. Phillips)
Phillips reviewed a report distributed at the meeting. The committee unanimously agrees that the Faculty Senate should be a true faculty senate, with only faculty having voting rights. It also is recommended to reduce the size of the Faculty Senate to 40-60 members, and to reduce the size of the Executive Committee. Re-establishing the group TENNSENS consisting of the faculty senate presidents from the UT system is recommended. Finally, re-establishing the Senate-Chancellor Committees to decide academic and other polices also is recommended.

The meeting adjourned at 5:24 p.m.

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