
Educational Policy Committee
April 2001

Specific duties of the Educational Policy Committee are to
  1. Review the minutes of the Graduate and Undergraduate Councils and work with the Graduate and Undergraduate Council chairpersons to prepare the presentation of their minutes for Senate consideration, highlighting items of special importance and policy issues.
    This item has been completed. The results of the undergraduate and graduate council minutes relating to educational policy have been approved and so reported to the executive committee.
  2. Investigate the restructuring of the Educational Policy Committee to better coordinate the work of the committee with other Faculty Senate committees in the area of educational policy.
    Reviewed the proposed by-law committee changes to Senate by-laws and commented on these changes.
  3. Study the following policies, curricular, and instructional issues and make recommendations to the Senate regarding these items:

  4. Study the effect of contingent employment on the curricular and instructional goals of the University. This effort will be coordinated with a task force involving other Senate committees.
    Fred Weber has been active in the task force and has kept the EPC informed on their activities. The following issues have been identified:
    • Student advising and job references
    • Must be careful with policies on a maximum number. For example, one agriculture department has lost 1/2 of their faculty and they must use lecturers until they can replace the faculty.
    • What are the hiring criteria for these employees?
    • Are benefits available?
    • Who takes care of educational policy and curricular issues if you have only a few tenured faculty in a department?

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