Group Photos

Group Photo 2024

Sambridhi, Lakshan, Kavishka, Luther, Yanhong, Brian, Ashley, Ben, Kevin, Avery, and Daniel. Dylan isn't shown.

Group Photo 2023

Kevin, Yanhong, Brian, Sambridhi, Luther, Ashley, Avery

Group Photo 2022

Avery, Luther, Kiman, Kevin

Group Photo 2020

Amanda, Kevin, Shiyu, Kiman, Avery, Nathan, Sabine

Group Photo 2019

Sabine, Nathan, Kendall, Kiman, Shiyu, Amanda, Avery, Kevin, Michael

Group Photo 2017

Brian, Sabine, Ken, Kendall, Shiyu, Michael, Nathan, Amanda, Kevin

Group Photo 2016

Michael, Ken, Nathan, Amanda, Shiyu, Kendall, Kevin, Brian

Group Photo 2015

Brandon, Michael, Shiyu, Ken, Amanda, Brian, Judy, Laura, Kendall, Amal

Group Photo 2013

Amanda, Laura, Ken, LaKenzie, Brian, Dip, Michael, and Karuna

Group Photo 2012

Michael, Bleu, Tanea, LaKenzie, Nada, Ken, Dip, Jackie, and Brian

Group Photo 2011

Henok, Charles, Tanea, Ken, Brian, Jackie

Group Photo 2010

Front: Tanea, Chris, Charles; Back: Ozge, Jackie, Henok

Group Photo 2009

Charles, Tanea, Ozge, Xiaoshan, and Jackie

Group Photo 2008

Henok, Jessica, Luciana, Ozge, Tanea, Xiaoshan, and Charles

Group Photo 2007

Tanea, Jan, Ram, Rachel, Xiaoshan, Jinbo, Luciana, and Charles

Group Photo 2006

Ram, Jinbo, Jan, Sonal, Luciana

Group Photo 2005

Jason, Andi, Sonal, Jinbo, Bo, and Ram

Group Photo 2004

Serena is a Renoir fan and a talented Photoshop user.

Group Photo 2003

We REALLY like the Matrix movies!

Group Photo 2002

Sometimes we make (and eat!) lab ice cream. Recipe = milk, cream, sugar, and vanilla. Add liquid nitrogen and stir!

Group Photo 2001

There is an interesting Periodic Table in Beuhler Hall. Lighted elements correspond to those important in our samples.

Group Photo 2000

Group members in the "Brady Bunch" format.

Group Photo 1999

Group members in "Abbey Road" format. (Unfortunately, Iwona is missing from this picture).

Group Photo 1998

Group members working on a simulation of a layered film structure for a distance learning course.

Group Photo 1997

Group members simulating a disordered spin chain for a distance learning lesson in the Organic Molecular Conductors course.