September 28, 1998


Attendees: Gayle Baker (co-vice-chair), Kim Jensen (co-vice-chair), Valerie Bales, Benjamin Bates, Dania Bilal, Hamparsum Bozdogan, Terri Combs-Orme, Chris Cox, Mike Devine, David Hacker, Zoë Hoyle, Andy Kramer, Brenda Lawson, Madhu Madhukar, Ron Maples, Hal Schmitt, Flora Shrode, Phyllis Turner, Ken Walker, Kadesha Washington (GSA representative), Pete Wicks.

General Comments/Remarks: Kim Jensen called meeting to order. Due to Bill Blass’ (chair) absence from meeting, Kim Jensen and Gayle Baker (co-vice- chairs) facilitated the meeting. Asked everyone if they received packet of materials that was mailed out with copies of the Research Council by-laws, mission according to Faculty Senate by-laws, year-end committee reports from last year, and committee assignments for this year. The majority of time spent in this meeting was to have a round-table discussion reviewing issues that members believe are important to the UTK research mission and use these ideas to prioritize issues for upcoming meetings.

Jensen welcomed the new members and asked everyone to introduce him or herself and what department and area of research they are in. Jensen noted that the Research Council does act as an advisory body for the Office of Research and part of their charge is to look at issues that may impact research productivity. Some areas of concern are looking at research incentives and support, facilitating interdisciplinary research activities, research compliance, research infrastructure and other issues.

Mike Devine (Vice Chancellor for Research) welcomed and thanked everyone for agreeing to serve on the Research Council. He discussed the importance of the Research Council and the various committees. Some of the committees help with the awarding of SARIF (scholarly Activity and Research Incentive Funds) funds and center reviews. A lot of things are happening university-wide that will effect research in the future, just a few examples are:

Ken Walker (Associate Vice Chancellor for Research) welcomed new members to the Research Council. He explained his job in Office of Research was two- fold: (1) working with faculty to put together creditable cost-sharing packages to forward to agencies and foundations; and (2) working on behalf of the Office of Research with most of the council committees; especially the committees that review SARIF proposals/award, Summer GRA stipends awards, and the review of new and existing centers.

Committee Overview: Gayle Baker gave a brief description of committees and their charges. Three types of committees: standing committees that are issue-oriented committees; special panel committees are business related committees as far as allocating awards and moneys; and ad hoc committees or special project committees. Last year’s committee reports were included in your packets that were mailed out.

Prioritization of Issues for Discussion/Action of 1998-99: (Baker/Jensen) The issues for discussion/action for Research Council 1998-99 that were identified during the round-table discussion have been edited for consistency. They are listed in five different groups below. If an issue is related to a section in the Research and Creative Achievement Self-Study, we have listed the objective from the self-study by the notation –RS Objective #. Members were asked to help us prioritize the issues for discussion at the next meeting (October 26, 1998).

  1. Computing Infrastructure:
  2. Other Infrastructure:
  3. Graduate Students:
  4. Research Incentives/Promotion:
  5. Research Self-Study:

Meeting adjourned 4:55 p.m.