UTK Research Council Committees, 1996-1997

Standing Committees

Policies and Procedures
Charge: To explore the realm of policies and procedures at the University with special attention to policies and procedures which have not evolved consistent with the University's development as a Research I University. To make recommendations to the VC/Research regarding desirable policy and procedure changes that would enhance the productivity of the research enterprise.
Chair: Jim Adcock
Members: Debora Baldwin, Doug Birdwell, Ray Popp, Dwight Teeter
Ex-officio: Michael Devine (VC/Research), Ken Walker (Assoc. VC/Research), or designate(s), representatives from appropriate business and finance offices.

Research Promotion and Education
Charge: To work with the Research Office to educate the community -- University as well as Statewide -- regarding the research activities of the University. To promote awareness of the activities and achievements of the research enterprise.
Chair: Dhyana Ziegler
Members: David Bemis, Terri Combs-Orme, Dennie Kelley, Ravi Krishnan
Ex-officio: Michael Devine (VC/Research) or designate(s)
News Center: Mike Bradley (to be invited)

Research Infrastructure
Charge: To determine and prioritize research infrastructure needs in consultation with the research faculty. To engage the Chancellor's Staff in a substantive dialog regarding Research Infrastructure funding models such as the Library Model versus a Cost Recovery Model. To provide an assessment of the likely impact of funding model choices on Faculty productivity, graduate education, and our Research I status. To integrate into an annual research infrastructure needs document all committee and subcommittee assessments.
Chair: Ham Bozdogan
Members: Gayle Baker (RC V-Chair), Bill Blass (RC Chair), Burt English, Pat Fisher, Paula Kaufman
Ex-officio: Michael Devine (VC/Research), Susan Mettlen (VC/DII)

Research Infrastructure: Subcommittee on High Performance Computing
Charge: To assess, in consultation with the research faculty, the High Performance Computing needs of the faculty. To explore the role of the National Supercomputing Centers and DOE facilities in meeting HPC needs of the faculty. To engage the appropriate members of the Chancellor's Staff in a dialog exploring creative and efficacious ways to meet these needs. To provide timely assessment reports to the parent Research Infrastructure Committee.
Chair: Burt English
Members: Jim Adcock, Doug Birdwell, Kula Misra
Ex-officio: Susan Metros (Acting Director, Academic Technology/DII)

Research Infrastructure: Subcommittee on Desktop Services
Charge: To assess, in consultation with the research faculty, the desktop service needs of the faculty including e-mail, file service, graphics and color printing support, site licenses, help desk and other support services. To engage the appropriate members of the Chancellor's Staff in a dialog, exploring creative and efficacious ways to meet these needs. To provide timely assessment reports to the parent Research Infrastructure Committee.
Chair: Pat Fisher
Members: David Dobbs, Ben Oliver, Flora Shrode
Ex-officio: John Jarrard (DII/Computing & Administrative Services)

Research Infrastructure: Subcommittee on Access Services
Charge: To assess, in consultation with the research faculty, the access services needed by the faculty including telecommunications, high speed data and video networks, data and information resource access, and other access service requirements. To engage the appropriate members of the Chancellor's Staff in a dialog exploring creative and efficacious ways to meet these needs. To provide timely assessment reports to the parent Research Infrastructure Committee.
Chair: Gayle Baker
Members: Michael Gant, Ted Paludan, Joan Paul
Ex-officio: Ed Mahon or Terry Moore (DII/Networked Services)

Special Panels

Chancellor Research Awards
Charge: To solicit nominations, receive nominations, evaluate nominations materials and make recommendations to the Chancellor for the awards.
Chair: Michael Gant
Members: Debora Baldwin, David Bemis, Pat Fisher, Flora Shrode
Ex-officio: Gayle Baker (RC V-Chair), Bill Blass (RC Chair), Michael Devine (VC/Research)

SARIF: Summer Special Research Assistants
Charge: To solicit nominations, receive nominations, evaluate nominations materials and make recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for Research for the awarding of the funding.
Chair: Ben Oliver
Members: Dorothy Habel, Ravi Krishnan, Kula Misra, Ham Bozdogan
Ex-officio: Bill Blass (RC Chair), Ken Walker (Assoc. VC/Research)

Charge: To solicit and evaluate applicatons for EPPE grants on a timely basis and make recommendations to Vice Chancellor for Research for funding.
Chair: Dorothy Habel
Members: Terri Combs-Orme, Michael Gant, Michael Keene, Joan Paul
Ex-officio: Bill Blass (RC Chair), Ken Walker (Assoc. VC/Research)
Administrative Support: Jodie Wehr

Centers Evaluation
Charge: To evaluate Research Centers on an ongoing periodic basis and recommend to the Vice Chancellor for Research the disposition of renewal requests; to perform the same evaluation for new applications for Research Center status.
Chair: Michael Keene
Members: David Dobbs, Burt English, Paula Kaufman, Ray Popp
Ex-officio: Gayle Baker (RC V-Chair), Ken Walker (Assoc. VC/Research)

Ad Hoc Committees

Special Projects
Charge: To engage in activities which will raise Community awareness of UTK research activities and results. To promote the participation of all faculty in scholarly and research activities. Specific projects shall include the RC web page, a public lecture series, and the promotion of small grant applications.
Chair: Kim Jensen
Members: Gayle Baker, Bill Blass, Ham Bozdogan, Pat Fisher
Ex-officio: Ken Walker (Assoc. VC/Research)

Comments to: gsbaker@utk.edu
Last updated September 4, 1996.