
University of Tennessee
(Knoxville Campus)
Research Council


UTK Research Council Committees, 2002-2003

  • Standing Committees
  • Special Panels
  • Ad Hoc Committees

  • Standing Committees

    Policies and Procedures
    Charge: To explore the realm of policies and procedures at the University with special attention to policies and procedures which have not evolved consistent with the University's development as a Research I University. To make recommendations to the VC/Research regarding desirable policy and procedure changes that would enhance the productivity of the research enterprise.
    Chair: William Hamel
    Members: Doug Birdwell, David Eastwood, Pat Fisher, Dukwon Kim, Tamara Miller, Janice Musfeldt
    Ex Officio: Elizabeth Aversa, Billie Collier, Arlene Garrison, T. Dwayne McCay, Faye Muly, David Schumann
    Research Promotion and Education
    Charge: To work with the Research Office to educate the community -- University as well as Statewide -- regarding the research activities of the University. To promote awareness of the activities and achievements of the research enterprise. May work jointly with the Special Projects Committee.
    Chair: Jon Levin
    Members: Doug Birdwell, Bill Blass, Bonne Ownley, Mary Rogge, Pamela Small, Elizabeth Sutherland
    Ex Officio: Billie Collier, Denny Dukes, Arlene Garrison, Thomas Klindt, Lee Magid, Lillian Mashburn, T. Dwayne McCay
    Research Infrastructure
    Charge: To determine and prioritize research infrastructure needs in consultation with the research faculty. To engage the University administration in a substantive dialog regarding Research Infrastructure funding models such as the Library Model versus a Cost Recovery Model. To provide an assessment of the likely impact of funding model choices on Faculty productivity, graduate education, and our Research I status. To integrate into an annual research infrastructure needs document all committee assessments.
    Chair: Bill Blass
    Members: Basil Antar, Gayle Baker, Doug Birdwell, David Eastwood, Joanne Hall, Heather Hirschfeld, Majid Keyhani, Bruce Tonn, Gretchen Whitney
    Ex Officio: Billie Collier, Barbara Dewey, Denny Dukes, Arlene Garrison, Maureen Groer, Lee Magid, T. Dwayne McCay, Faye Muly, John Sobieski, Jr.

    Special Panels

    Provost's Research Awards
    Charge: To solicit nominations, receive nominations, evaluate nominations materials and make recommendations to the Provost for the awards.
    Chair: Michael Gant
    Members: Doug Birdwell, Hampersun Bozdogan, David Eastwood, Joanne Hall, Marion Hansen, Jon Levin, Tamara Miller, Susan Smith
    Ex Officio: Jon Coddington, Billie Collier, Arlene Garrison, T. Dwayne McCay
    SARIF: Summer Special Research Assistants
    Charge: To solicit nominations, receive nominations, evaluate nominations materials and make recommendations to the Associate Vice President for Research for the awarding of the funding.
    Chair: Mark Hedrick
    Doug Birdwell, Dukwon Kim, Janice Musfeldt, Elizabeth Sutherland
    Ex Officio: Elizabeth Aversa, Billie Collier, Arlene Garrison, T. Dwayne McCay, Robert Moore, David Schumann
    SARIF Equipment & Infrastructure
    Charge: To solicit and evaluate proposals and make recommendations to the Associate Vice President for Research for the awarding of the funding.
    Chair: Gayle Baker
    Doug Birdwell, Bill Blass, Mark Hedrick, Pamela Small
    Ex Officio: Billie Collier, Arlene Garrison, T. Dwayne McCay
    EPPE (Exhibit, Publication and Performance Expense)
    Charge: To solicit and evaluate applicatons for EPPE grants on a timely basis and make recommendations to Associate Vice President for Research for funding.
    Chair: Elizabeth Sutherland
    Members: Gayle Baker, Doug Birdwell, Bill Blass, Susan Smith, Gretchen Whitney
    Ex Officio: Billie Collier, William Dunne, Arlene Garrison, Maureen Groer, T. Dwayne McCay, John Sobieski, Jr.
    Centers Evaluation
    Charge: To evaluate Research Centers on an ongoing periodic basis and recommend to the Associate Vice President for Research the disposition of renewal requests; to perform the same evaluation for new applications for Research Center status.
    Chair: Marion Hansen
    Basil Antar, Doug Birdwell, William Hamel, Heather Hirschfeld, Majid Keyhani, Bonnie Ownley, Mary Rogge, Bruce Tonn
    Ex Officio: Billie Collier, Barbara Dewey, Denny Dukes, William Dunne, Arlene Garrison, Thomas Klindt, T. Dwayne McCay

    Ad Hoc Committees

    Special Projects
    Charge: To engage in activities which will raise Community awareness of UTK research activities and results. To promote the participation of all faculty in scholarly and research activities. Specific projects shall include the RC web page, a public lecture series, and the promotion of small grant applications.
    Chair: Gayle Baker
    Members: Bill Blass, Doug Birdwell, Pat Fisher, Dukwon Kim, Susan Smith
    Ex Officio: Jon Coddington, Billie Collier, Arlene Garrison, Lillian Mashburn, T. Dwayne McCay, Robert Moore

    Comments to: gsbaker@utk.edu
    Last updated October 15, 2002.