Faculty Senate Charge to Research Council, 2001-2002

The Research Council shall engage the Administration including but not limited to the President, the Vice President for Research and Information Technology, the Associate Vice-President for Research, and the Provost regarding all aspects of the University's research mission, including but not limited to:

  1. Recommendations for uniform procedures governing establishment, funding, review, and abolition of multidisciplinary centers
  2. Allocation of research incentive funds, startup funds for new faculty, faculty accounts, incentives to work with centers
  3. Follow-up on faculty leave policy
  4. Leave time accumulations and charges to contracts and grants; contract and grant management
  5. University supercomputer initiatives, the Joint Institute for Computational Science, and DII’s support infrastructure
  6. Impact of restructuring on the Research Council
  7. Public exposure of research and outreach
  8. Benchmarks and measurement of University progress
  9. Stipends and benefits for graduate students
  10. Overview of IRB/Human Subjects, Federal requirements, and compliance at UT
  11. Faculty titles

The Research Council shall, in addition, explore the possibility of collaboration with comparable bodies at Memphis and Tullahoma.

The Research Council shall, further, remain engaged in:

  1. The functioning of the faculty workstation refresh program
  2. Its historically close collaboration and supportive activities with the Office of Research.

Comments to: birdwell@hickory.engr.utk.edu         
Last updated August 14, 2001.