Research Council Agenda
Monday, September 10, 2001
3:30 PM, 8th Floor Board Room, Andy Holt Tower
- Introductory remarks (Doug Birdwell)
- Welcome
- Summer Events: Research Centers, RIF, and JICS
- Faculty Senate Retreat
- Federal Relations (Lillian Mashburn, Eecutive Director, Federal Relations for Research)
- Committee Overview (Doug Birdwell)
- Office of Research (Peter Alfonso, Associate Vice President for Research and
Chief Research Officer)
- Discussion Items
- Faculty Senate Charge to the Research Council, FY 2001-02
- Faculty Senate Retreat, Research/Graduate Issues
- Committee of the Whole: Faculty involvement with the administration in
areas affecting research. Inquiries for the administration? Issues?
- Old business
- New business
- Adjourn
Consult meeting handouts.
Comments to: gsbaker@utk.edu
Last updated September 15, 2001.