Research Council Agenda
Monday, November 12, 2001
3:30 PM, 8th Floor Board Room, Andy Holt Tower
- Opening Remarks (Doug Birdwell, Chair, and Arlene Garrison,
Assistant Vice President for Research)
- Campus Information Assurance Issues (Rodney Meryweather, Senior
IT Security Manager)
- Updates
- Federal Relations (Lillian Mashburn, Executive Director,
Federal Relations for Research)
- Task Forces (Doug Birdwell) (Report to
Faculty Senate)
- Accesss to Bethel Valley Road @ ORNL
(See article in Oak Ridger
and communication to ORNL.)
- Strategic Planning for Computing and Networking (Bill Blass)
(See draft motion)
- IRIS and Research Accounts (Doug Birdwell)
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjourn
Comments to: gsbaker@utk.edu
Last updated November 9, 2001.