Research Council Agenda
Monday, April 22, 2002
11:30 AM, University Club
- Lunch
- Welcoming Remarks
- Doug Birdwell, Chair
- Billie Collier, Interim Associate Vice President
- Election of Chair for 2002-2003 (Bill Blass)
- Federal Relations (Lillian Mashburn)
- Annual Report (Doug Birdwell) Att. A
- 2001-2002 Faculty Senate Charges to the Research Council - Att. B
- Centers Evaluation Criteria (Handler)
- Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Recommendations (Birdwell) - Att. J
- IRIS (Birdwell) - Att. I
- Strategic Planning Group / Computing & Networking (Blass) Atts. G & H
- Campus Network Security (Birdwell)
- Reviews & Awards
- Centers (Bozdogan) - Att. C
- EPPE (Sutherland) - Att. D
- SARIF Summer Research (Fisher) - Att. E
- SARIF Equipment (Baker)
- Provost's Awards (Gant) - Att. F
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment
Comments to: gsbaker@utk.edu