
Instruction With Technology (IWT) Subcommittee

Date: August 28
Time: 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Place: Room 451 Claxton Complex
Review new Senate bylaws that affect IWT Subcommittee

Update on online degree and course offerings--Dr. Robert Leiter

Update from committee members who serve as liaison to campus-wide technology committees

Set goals for 2001-2002--very important because we have work to do

Organize to meet goals
Members Present:
Peterson, Breinig, Clapp, Graber, Leiter, Metros, Mount, Ralston, Weber
The first meeting of the newly established standing committee of the Faculty Senate began with an examination of the role of each of the three groups that report to the Senate through the Faculty Senate Educational Policy Committee (EPC): (1) Graduate Council (GC), (2) Undergraduate Council, (UC) and (3) Instruction With Technology Subcommittee (IWT). Fred Weber, Chair of EPC, indicated that in relation to GC and UC the role of IWT is two-fold: suggest areas that GC and UC should address in regard to instructional technology and make specific recommendations to GC and UC for instructional technology policies.

Seven goals for 2001-2002 were identified. The Chair will prepare and send a draft copy of the goals to the entire committee for review and placement in priority order. The final set of goals is attached.

Bob Leiter informed the group that the New College component of University Outreach and Continuing Education has moved to the University of Tennessee Martin and will focus on providing the Bachelors of University Studies (BUS) degree. Distance Education courses and certificate and degree programs will continue to be offered by University Outreach and Continuing Education. Bob shared printed materials describing these various offerings. The catalog of offerings, Learning Virtually Anywhere, received the national award from The Association for Continuing Higher Education for outstanding Distance Education Publication.

Susan Metros shared a copy of an Instructional Technology Survey that was conducted in March 2001 by staff in the Innovative Technology Center.

Susan also agreed to check with Bob Levy on the status of the Intellectual Properties Statement. Marla Peterson asked for clarification as to whether a revised draft has been sent back to the Senate for review.

Smiley Clapp gave an update on classroom upgrades. There have been 21 rooms upgraded in Humanities with different combinations of technology, new carpet, new seating, etc. The technology equipment is designed to be a faculty-friendly method of expanding the capabilities for classroom instruction. It includes LCD projectors, computer hookups, access to the campus network and the Web, document cameras, and other audio/visual equipment as dictated by the size and layout of the room. There will be four additional rooms upgraded in Alumni Gym as a part of the refurbishment of that facility.

During this year, there will be classroom upgrades in the College of Engineering and in the large classrooms on the Hill. The final list is under development currently by the Classroom Committee that is chaired by Faye Julian.

Marla Peterson announced the following meetings:
September 23: Faculty Senate Retreat, Henley Street Conference Center,
7:30 - 5:30
October 2: IWT Committee Conversation with Provost Loren Crabtree,
8th Floor, Andy Holt Tower
10:30 a.m.
October 9: IWT Meeting,
451 Claxton Complex, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.

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