
Ad Hoc Committee on Technologically-Enhanced Instruction

November 3, 1999

Members Present: L. David Fox, Peter Hoyng, John Mount, Bruce Ralston, Fred Weber; Marla Peterson, Chair

The meeting began with a discussion of the fact that the Committee is charged with identifying campus activities related to the use of technology in the delivery of both on-campus and off-campus (distance education) instruction. The President of the Faculty Senate has requested that we "secure a place at the table" for the representation of faculty views as policy issues and other plans for technologically-enhanced delivery of instruction are discussed. Further, the Committee will be issuing a report to the Senate that contains:
1. The extent to which faculty are playing major leadership roles on campus committees dealing with policy issues related to technologically-enhanced delivery of instruction;

2. Lists and explanations of various campus units and committees that are dealing with technologically-enhanced delivery of instruction; and

3. Identification of major issues that need to be addressed by the campus and the Faculty Senate in relation to technologically-enhanced delivery of instruction.
The Committee agreed to seek information from several campus groups and review some key documents. Committee members volunteered for the following assignments:
  • Marla Peterson will contact Linda Painter who is chairing the Information Technology Task Force. David Fox will also be working on this task.

  • Peter Hoyng will review the AAUP Statement on Distance Education, placing particular emphasis on the "Principles" section in terms of whether the Faculty Senate would like to consider adopting similar principles. Peter will also review the AAUP Statement on Copyright.

  • John Mount will meet with Chancellor Snyder to discuss the status of five Information Technology Projects which were described in an October 19, 1999 memo to President Gilley and which Chancellor Snyder shared with the committee.

  • Bruce Ralston will gather information from the Technology Fee Committee on how the TFC Committee is addressing issues related to technology and instruction.

  • Fred Weber will meet with Faye Muly who chairs the Instructional Technology Round Table.

  • Marla Peterson will meet with Gina Robertson who chairs the Teaching, Learning, Technology Round Table.
  • The above list of contacts is only an initial list. This list is expected to expand as various committee members meet with individuals listed above. The Committee as a whole will also be meeting with various campus administrators whose responsibilities relate to instructional technology.

    As background information, the Committee has compiled a selected list of WWW links to reports, policy statements, opinion documents, and institutions offering on-line courses/degrees. The list will be placed on the Faculty Senate Homepage.

    Next Meeting: December 1, 1999
    2:30 p.m.
    Room 432 Claxton Education Building

    Agenda: Share information on assignments
    Make list of administrators with whom Committee should meet

    Meeting, October 10, 2000

    Note: Date for next meeting has been changed to November 14. Same time. Memo to follow on location.

    Present: Breinig, Hoyng, Mount, Ralston, Peterson, Weber

    The Committee is actively engaged in a number of issues related to how technology affects instruction:

    1. John Mount is continuing to represent the Committee's viewpoints on intellectual properties. The Committee has requested that John should approach the appropriate administrators/committees to pursue the possibility of having University legal counsel develop a Sample/Model Contract for Mediated Course Materials. Such a document would more clearly illustrate the intent that might be used if the proposed "Application of the Policy on Patents, Copyrights, and Licensing to the Development and Distribution of Mediated Course Materials" is adopted.

    2. The Faculty Incentives, Competencies, Compensation, and Workload Sub Group on Online Teaching (Metros, Breinig, Hoyng) has compiled a list of incentive models that are used by various universities. This Sub Group has been given an additional charge related to the use of contingent/part-time/non-tenure track employees in the delivery of online instruction. The President of the Senate, Bob Glenn, has asked seven committees of the Senate to study how contingent employees are used to deliver instruction at UT. He has appointed a Task Force on Contingent Employment. The Sub Group is to report back to the Ad Hoc Committee at its November 14 meeting (NOTE CHANGE of DATE). The goal: Present a list of categories that would be important to address in a one-page statement that will be prepared by the end of January.

    3. Peterson distributed a DRAFT copy of, "Statement of the Regional Accrediting Commissions on the Evaluation of Electronically Offered Degree and Certificate Programs and Guidelines for the Evaluation of Electronically Offered Degree and Certificate Programs." The Committee agreed that Peterson should approach the AAUP to see if they are interested in co-sponsoring the distribution of this document to all Deans and Department Chairs on the campus. If AAUP is not interested, the Committee, as a service to the UT community, will proceed to distribute the document.

    4. Peterson reported Dean of Continuing Education and Outreach has invited her to a meeting on October 30 to discuss aspects of the new undergraduate degree in information technology that is being developed with a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education (FIPSE). Among the items to be discussed is the organizational placement of the degree. The Statement by the Regional Accrediting Bodies (See Item 3) and earlier statements presented to the Senate by the this Ad Hoc Committee should be helpful in determining the "academic home" for the degree.

    5. At the request of President Bob Glenn, the Ad Hoc Committee discussed whether the Committee should continue in an Ad Hoc capacity or whether the Committee should become a Standing Committee of the Senate. Fred Weber voiced that the work of a Committee that is specifically focused on technology has become so important that a Standing Committee should be formed. He further recommended that such a Standing Committee should be composed of the heads of selected other Standing Committees of the Senate (perhaps, Budget, Educational Policy, Faculty Affairs, Faculty and Staff Benefits, Professional Development, and Teaching Council). In addition, several key faculty and, perhaps, those who administer the Innovative Technology Collaborative and Continuing Education and Outreach) should constitute be members of this Standing Committee.

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