
[The following resolution was adopted by the Faculty Senate on January 14, 1974.]

Whereas, Charles W. (Bill) Keenan has recently succumbed to the lure of the "administrative" life," thereby rendering himself ineligible further to perform the duties of chairperson of the Faculty Senate, and

Whereas, his fellow senators, aware of his long-time service to The University of Tennessee academic community as a scholar-teacher, a redoubtable college and University Senate committee member and chairman, a witty and incisive contributor to Senate deliberations, and an admirably level-headed person "when those about him were losing theirs," had the good sense to elect him as the first chairperson of the now Faculty Senate, and

Whereas, said Bill Keenan has fully met, nay even surpassed, their most optimistic expectations, presiding with judicious yet good-humored aplomb over Senate sessions, guiding and prodding with a firm yet humane hand the work of the Senate's newly created network of committees, exhibiting in his contacts with campus and system administrators a pleasant but tough willingness to cooperate in resolving university problems, and drafting felicitously expressed reports which have given both Senate and faculty members-at-large a better insight into the work of the Senate and its officers, and,

Whereas, his follow-senators will sorely miss him as a colleague and leader;

Therefore, be it resolved that this Senate hereby expresses its sincere appreciation for the unique and invaluable contribution which Charles W. (Bill) Keenan has made to the campus community over these past years, and most especially to the Faculty Senate during this first year of its existence, and

Be it further resolved that this Senate, confident of his success in his new position, covets for him a rich harvest of personal satisfaction from new challenges and new opportunities to render service, and

Finally, be it resolved that this Senate, facing the loss of Bill Keenan finds solace in the thought that we are observing merely another instance in a long and honored tradition at The University of Tennessee of upgrading the administration by an infusion of sturdy faculty blood. How can we long sorrow knowing that the supply of faculty acumen and leadership is virtually limitless!

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