
Program Review and Redirection Task Force Minutes

Review and Redirection Task Force

Attending: Barlow, Chesney, Collier, Galligan, Grimm, Gross, Hamilton, Harden, Keeton,Lyons, Mayhew, Scroggins, Sowers, Tenopir, Zomchick. plus guests.

* Task force discussion prior to the hearing on Ed Admin and Policy Studies. Lyons stressed the need to consider not only the centrality of the program now, but in future decades. In case of this unit several questions: importance of mission to the State and University; ability to serve that mission; clarity and consistency of plans for the future with the missions of the College of EHHS, the University, the State.

* At 8:30 Olga Welch, Interim Head of Educational Administration & Policy Studies introduced the faculty and explained that the presentation would be in two parts: Grady Bogue would talk about the history and centrality of the unit; Vincent Anfara would talk about future directions. A document in support of the presentations was distributed to all members of the Task Force.

Among the points made by Bogue were these:
As part of the landgrant mission, UT has, for over a century, prepared educational administrators. If we are to continue to prepare education professionals this must be coupled with teacher preparation.

The College Student Personnal Program is unique in the state and there are not many other such programs in the region or nation.

There are other masters programs in educational administration, but the program at UT is superior based on placed students.

A cost-benefit analysis shows that it would foolish to close the programs.
Among the points made by Anfara were these:
The unit plans to terminate the higher education concentration in the PhD.

A number of goals have been established: programmatic emphasis on accountability, social justice, and values and ethics; a heightened emphasis on research; will provide open admission to courses for students from other programs; emphasis on socialization of students; a seamless program that will allow students to move to a 36 hour masterā??s program to an 81 hour PhD; continued opennes to improvement;more national recruitment of students; want more national recognition with summer workshops in middle school administration; hope for national prominence in middle school leadership; continued influence in the State.
In response to questions from the Subcommittees, the following points were made: Approximately 55% of students in the CSP program are out-of-state; all work while they are students; in the EdAdmin Masters program most are region and most are teachers with some years of experience; in the doctoral program in EdAdmin most are practicing school administrators in the area; in higher ed most are regional.

In response to a question about why they proposed to eliminate the concentration in higher education administration: 2 faculty lines lost in this area, without promise of replacement, so felt couldnā??t support the program. If lines were returned would program be reinstated? Perhaps. Also need collaboration with teacher preparation program in the College.

A majority of students produced in highed education in recent years would not get degrees under the planned revisions.

About support for graduate students: external funding in unit does not help with graduate student support because of nature of grants; students are hired as parttime employees without fee waivers; endowment funds help with student support; no undergraduate teaching so no Tas; most students do work and get reduced or no tuition because working for university.

In response to a question about what students do following graduation; most go, or continue in practice as administrators. With increased demand for research in this area, more may become faculty with research agendas.

Are students engaged in professional activities: Want students more involved; some accomplishments.

Will the Ed.D. be eliminated? Yes.

Will changes in PhD reduce enrollment? Yes, but by how much is hard to predict.

Emphasis on accountability makes sense in Tennessee with its history of accountability practice. What is the relationship of research/teaching about accountability in this unit to the Institute for Assessment & Evaluation in the College. Have PhD committee members from that unit sometime; sometimes members of that Institute teach courses.

Is there only one faculty member in Higher Ed? No, but only one publishing scholar in the area? If new faculty would they be added in accountability? Need faculty discussion to determine that.

Is there research collaboration with other units? Yes, with Theory & Practice in Teacher Ed and there is discussion with other units.

There is a need to find grants that will support graduate students, but funds are very limited these days.

It is hard to define service in the context of this department. Much service is integrated into faculty and course activity and not pulled out separately.

What is the benefit of the College Student Personnel program to UT? A national program, unique. All students serve in student services positions across the campus.

A bit less than 50% of teach in CSP is done by adjuncts. 15-16 students admitted each year. They take 2 to 3 courses per term.

There is no need to duplicate programs in educational administration that have developed in other institutions in the state. We need to emphasis scholarship and special emphases.

What portion of exernal funding in college comes through this unit? About 10%.

The Hearing was adjourned at 10 A.M.

Review and Redirection Task Force

In attendance: Barlow, Chesney, Collier, El-Ghazaly, Galligan, Grimm, Gross, Hamilton, Harden, Lyons, Mayhew, Schuneman, Scroggins, Woods, Zomchick.

The meeting adjourned at 9:55.

Review and Redirection Task Force

All members in attendance except Gross and Woods.

Tom Galligan moved the tabling of the motion introduced by Lou Gross at the last meeting (see below). The motion was seconded and approved without dissent.

An alternative motion that incorporated Gross's proposal to return consideration of reorganization of Health and Safety programs to the unit and College was introduced for discussion As part of this discussion, some material in answer to the questions raised at the end of the meeting on 2/05/04 was provided. This alternative motion was discussed and substantially modified by the RRTF. Its acceptance was moved and seconded and passed with no dissenting votes, but with the agreement that the RRTF would continue to comment on the wording after all of the suggested changes were made.

The final Resolution on Health and Safety as adopted at the meeting on 2/12/04 and with the editorial changes approved by a majority of the RRTF members on Friday, 2/12/05:
The Review and Redirection Task Force recognizes the importance of health and safety education for the state and nation and shares the commitment of the Faculty of the College of Education, Health, and Human Science to strengthen this area at the University of Tennessee.

With the consent of Chancellor Crabtree and Interim Dean Koontz, the RRTF will suspend consideration of the Health & Safety programs until May 1. By that date we ask that a tentative plan for consolidation and strengthening of the programs in health and safety education in the College be presented to the Dean, Chancellor and RRTF. This plan should be developed by a College-wide committee to be appointed by the Chancellor and Interim Dean Koontz but which will include faculty from the Health and Safety programs. As part of the planning for reorganization we recommend that recognized experts from one of the top academic programs in public health be brought in to advise the University of Tennessee on how, within existing College and University resources, we can create and maintain a program in public health that will provide both the research and educational outreach programs that are needed by the State.
Among the observations of the RRTF and the issues that will need to be addressed are these.
The MPH is the strongest of the current degree programs in Health and Safety and the one most vital to the University and to the State.

The ratio of faculty to degree programs is very low. This could, and probably should, be resolved by eliminating some degree programs, by merging with another unit and consolidating course offerings.

Less than one-quarter of the upper division undergraduate courses are taught by tenured and tenure-leading faculty. This is a matter of concern and should be addressed, perhaps by elimination of the undergraduate major.

There are not enough faculty to support and sustain three research-based graduate programs (two M.S. and one Ph.D.) SACS requires that there be a minimum of four faculty to support a graduate program. Moreover, there currently are only two faculty with the credentials (scholarly productivity) to supervise dissertations in the PhD in Human Ecology/Community Health Concentration.
In planning for a strengthened program in health and safety research and education, consideration should be given to ways to create a vital and ongoing intellectual discourse across department lines. Research, instruction and service outreach in health and safety can form a vital core for the College of Education, Health, and Human Science when it is built upon active engagements with and exchanges among faculty from all related disciplines. Simple administrative reorganization of the health and safety degree programs will not solve many of the concerns identified by the RRTF.

A Resolution on Scheduling was introduced and discussed. Acceptance of this resolution was moved, seconded and approved without dissenting vote. The resolution as approved:
Given the need to deal with the ongoing budgetary process, as well as the need of colleges to absorb the substantial changes already put in place by the RRTF during the AY2003-04, the Task Force will suspend further review and deliberation until May 1. At that time, we expect to have reports on reorganization from Botany, Educational Administration and Policy Studies, Health and Safety, and Human Resource Development. By then, or shortly thereafter, we should also be able to review the plans for integration of courses in Planning with other units. With the consent of Chancellor Crabtree, we will delay any further consideration of the Dance program. If possible the other programs on our list, Engineering Management and Engineering Physics, should be dealt with through the normal curricular revision process. If consent is given, the RRTF will suspend further meetings until May 6.
The RRTF meeting was adjourned.

The motion introduced by Lou Gross at the meeting on 2/05/04, as amended by him in electronic communication:
The RRTF strongly urges the Chancellor to support the efforts of the faculty in Health and Safety to strengthen and maintain an excellent set of degree programs in their area. We recommend that further discussions within the Health and Safety faculty be held, in association with other faculty, to consider possible consolidation of the current degree programs these faculty manage. We recommend that a plan by the Health and Safety faculty, containing suggestions they have regarding consolidation, be submitted to the Dean and the RRTF by May 1. However, independent of any such consolidation, we urge the rapid initiation of processes for new faculty searches to replace the positions recently lost to the unit, including possibly an external search for a Department Head.

Review and Redirection Task Force

Please note that I have included answers (in bold caps) to questions raised during the meeting.

Attending: Gross, Lyons, Schuneman, Galligan, Mayhew, Chesney, Tenopir, El-Ghazaly, Hamilton, Zomchick, Barlow, Scroggins, Harden, Sowers

Meeting adjourned.

Review and Redirection Task Force

Attending: Scroggins, Sowers, Galligan, Zomchick, Gross, Tenopir, Hamilton, Barlow, Chesney, Mayhew, Lyons Anne Mayhew
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Dean of Graduate Studies

Review and Redirection Task Force

Attending: Zomchick, Sowers, Schuneman, Galligan, Lyons, Gross, Woods, Mayhew, Collier, Scroggins, Chesney, El-Ghazaly, Tenopir, Barlow. Anne Mayhew
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Dean of Graduate Studies

Review and Redirection Task Force

Attending: Scroggins, Hamilton, Lyons, Gross, Zomchick, Galligan, Tenopir, Woods, Chesney, Barlow, Mayhew

Anne Mayhew
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Dean of Graduate Studies

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