
[The following report was presented to the UTK Faculty Senate on July 11, 1977.]

In the July 11 meeting of the Faculty Senate, retiring President Clinton Allison addressed the Senate concerning activities of the past year. A summary of his review follows.

This year a greater air of permanence and continuity has been given to the Senate through the establishment of a Senate office in Alumni Hall with a part-time secretary. The Senate appreciates this support provided by Chancellor Reese and Vice-Chancellor Herndon. The records of the Senate have been organized and are being kept up-to-date by the office secretary, Phyllis Coleman, and the Senate Secretary, Pauline Bayne. To enhance continuity in the work of standing committees, new committee chairpersons are urged to visit the office (103 Alumni Hall) to examine their committee files.

Continuity has also been aided through the creation of the office of President-Elect. This change in By-Laws demonstrates the wish of the Senate to change in accordance with new needs. Further changes may be needed in the future, particularly in the area of committee structure since inequities result from the by-law requirement for representation of all schools and colleges on some committees.

Attendance at the Faculty Senate and at committee meetings is a perpetual problem, A solution that might be considered by the By-Laws Committee is a provision that a Senator's seat becomes vacant when that Senator has missed three consecutive meetings.

The quality of deliberation on important issues before the Senate also needs attention. Senators should critically examine proposals and debate the issues before voting. Too many committee reports and recommendations were passed this year with few questions and little discussion.
The bright spot this year was the success of the TIAA long-term disability insurance campaign; it was successful largely due to the efforts of Frank Leuthold. We, the faculty, owe Frank a great debt of gratitude for the hours he spent on that campaign.

On the negative side, we were disappointed that President Boling failed to accept our resolution calling for earlier, unofficial notification of salaries. A number of Senators still feel that faculty deserve this information before the end of the academic year. Also important was the failure of the University's proposal to exempt TIAA retirement contributions from federal income taxes. With continued support from the Knox County legislative delegation and continued pressure from the University administration, there seems to be a good possibility for passage of such legislation in the future. It should be added that Garrett Briggs and the Legislative Committee did much to strengthen cordial relations between faculty and legislators this year.

A Senate proposal awaiting administrative action is the quarter-bank plan which would be a major instrument for faculty development. Over the next decade, faculty development should rise toward the top of our priorities. A good beginning point would be the vigorous search on the part of Senate committees and the University administration for means to enhance and encourage faculty exchanges with other universities on a regular and systematic basis.
The Senate resolved several controversial academic issues this past year. The Teaching/Learning Guidelines were finally written in a form acceptable to most of us. The mandatory advising proposal was approved and re-approved by the Senate; the details for implementation are cheerfully passed on to the new Senate. There is still fundamental disagreement on an ideal academic calendar; the solution of this issue also remains for future Senates.
The quality of faculty governance is an indicator of the character of a university. We are fortunate at UTK because the Chancellor and his staff are willing to share both information and concerns with the faculty. This past year we have had numerous examples of their respect for faculty opinion-and their recognition of the principles of faculty governance. The Development and Alumni Relations Committee was involved in the setting of priorities for the Capital Giving Campaign. The essence of the Senate's recommendations on the meaning of faculty involvement in promotion and tenure considerations has been included in the drafts of the faculty handbook. The review process for that document itself has demonstrated an increased interest in the faculty's opinions and views. The faculty was consulted in the selection of the new Vice-Chancellor for Business and Finance through the inclusion of two members of the Executive Committee on the Chancellor's advisory committee and the involvement of the Executive and Budge Committees in the interview process.

Unfortunately, recognition of the rights and privileges of faculty governance is less obvious at the Presidential level. We must continue to insist on faculty involvement in the major decisions which affect our University. Four examples of the kinds of things we should be concerned about with the President and his staff are: 1) the naming of future chancellors and vice-presidents, 2) any revision of the University By- Laws, 3) the direction of inter-collegiate athletics, and 4) of great symbolic importance, the naming of University buildings (we should keep in mind the Senate's unanimous resolution on the Buck Ewing Art and Architecture Building).

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