
Proposed Committee Charges

Athletics Committee
  1. Follow-up of academic performance study
    1. Qualitative data concerning college experience of student-athletes at UT
    2. Further describe & recommend actions concerning Freshman student athlete experience
    3. Review entry into major data & recommendations for improvements

  2. Continue oversight of Thornton Center
    1. Hiring/orientation/monitoring of tutors
    2. Academic outcomes

  3. Faculty forums on athletics and academics
    1. The Knight Report
    2. Faculty responsibility and Division 1 athletics
    3. "View from the bench"--coaches' perspectives on balancing academics and athletics

  4. Faculty/staff fitness programs
    1. Monitor utilization of offerings
    2. Suggest changes

  5. NCAA interim report on Division 1 certification
    1. Assist as needed in completion
    2. Review report

  6. Faculty Athletics Representative Position Description

Budget Committee
  1. The Budget Committee will include a repeat of our Annual Faculty Salary Wage Study and follow-up on the Living Wage Resolution focusing on the costs and benefits of outsourcing and other aspects of privatization on campus. We will also explore the possibility of an Equal (dollar amount) Raise scenario for full-time UT Faculty and Staff instead of the current "across the board" system of distributing cost of living raises.

  2. We will also review ways that faculty can provide:
    1. greater input into the University budgeting process;
    2. to encourage the use of faculty expertise in budget matters;
    3. to inform the faculty, through the Senate, concerning budget matters.

  3. To this end we are working with the Vice-President of Budget and Finance to foster greater transparency to the budget and budgeting process.

Development & Alumni Relations Committee
  1. Work closely with the University Alumni and Development Office in furthering relations between faculty and the Alumni and Development Office

  2. Provide faculty with an understanding of how alumni Affairs and Development work to enhance academic programs

  3. Maximize opportunities for faculty to understand and increase their role in development

Educational Policy Committee
  1. Review the minutes of the Graduate and Undergraduate Councils and work with the Graduate and Undergraduate Council chairpersons to prepare the presentation of their minutes for Senate consideration, highlighting items of special importance and policy issues.

  2. Study the following policies, curricular, and instructional issues and make recommendations to the Senate regarding these items.
    1. Use of medical excuses by students.
    2. Scheduling of technology equipped classrooms on campus.
    3. Suggest policies and procedures for technologically enhanced instruction through distance education.
    4. Identify and suggest changes to educational policies that hinder graduate recruiting.

Faculty Affairs Committee
  1. To continue to monitor the changing ratio of tenure-track to non-tenure track at The University of Tennessee.

  2. Monitor the progress of implementation of Cumulative Review of tenured faculty and conduct a university-wide survey of tenured faculty who have participated in this evaluation process and/or been evaluated under the Cumulative Review procedures.

  3. Monitor the UT's new policy on access to student records that was announced by the former President. The Committee continues to be concerned with the implications of this policy on the normal faculty activities, how accusations of violations of the policy are verified, and rationales and procedures for determining a penalty for a violation of the policy.

  4. Offer assistance and consultation with the Task Force on Contingent Employment as it considers the effects of such employment on tenure, academic freedom, and governance.

  5. Monitor the implications and impact of UT Electronic Mail Monitoring Policy faculty academic activities including research, advising, and teaching.

  6. Review faculty grievances submitted to the Committee.

  7. Offer assistance and consultation in revising and updating the UT Faculty Handbook.

Instruction with Technology Subcommittee
  1. Request that the Provost's Office, in coordination with the Office of Information Technology, develop a Distributed Education Plan.

  2. Seek final approval of the Senate on Intellectual Properties Statement.

  3. Work with the Provost's Office to prepare statement on incentives/ workloads that includes support for the use of instructional technology to count towards promotion, tenure, and other recognitions.

  4. Assemble all current policies relative to distributed education.

  5. Recommend policies to be considered by the Undergraduate and Graduate Councils for approval of distributed education courses and degrees.

  6. Follow up to see if course categories approved in 2000-01 by the Educational Policy Committee are being implemented in timetables and other university documents.

  7. Examine the course categories approved in 2000-01 by the Educational Policy Committee and recommend seat time/class meeting time policies for each category.

International Education Committee
  1. Place on the agenda of at least on 2001-2002 faculty meeting of every UT department an item promoting active student, faculty, and departmental participation in international education activities.

  2. Work to create a UT funding mechanism through which faculty and staff in all subject areas will be encouraged to establish viable new linkage agreements and working relationships with institutions outside the U.S.

  3. Encourage recognition by faculty tenure and promotion committees that significant participation in international academic activities is central to the mission of the academy.

  4. Work with the University to establish uniformity across campus of procedures to maintain the payment of salary, benefits, etc., to faculty members who take leave to travel outside the country for extended periods in order to conduct research or participate in exchange programs.

  5. Assist the University in strengthening efforts to increase the number of UT students who participate in study and research abroad, and, through early identification, increase the number of qualified students who apply for Fulbright, Rhodes and Marshall awards.

Legislative Committee
  1. Formulate its annual legislative agenda following meetings with:
    1. The President of the Faculty Senate
    2. UT Administrative employees responsible for governmental relations
    3. The State AAUP Legislative Committee Representative

  2. Consider that areas of particular legislative focus and action this year may include:
    1. Funding for the University of Tennessee
    2. Legislation recognizing a faculty member's interest in the grades she assigns and limiting administration's right to change those grades.

  3. Play a role in educating legislators and the public about current conditions and needs at UT.

Library Committee
  1. Work with the Dean of Libraries to identify better ways for faculty and student views to be included in decisions about collections and services.

  2. Explore the state of funding for library services and collections in the near future and its implications for campus users. Serial publications remain a critical problem and are likely to become more problematic if periodical cancellations are needed to balance budgets. (Charge 2 is also an action item named at the Senate Retreat.)

  3. Explore the problems and opportunities involved in moving from largely print collections to digital collections and services where information is often leased rather than owned. Consider the implications of providing access to users who do not visit the library.

Professional Development Committee
  1. Promote adoption and implementation of a policy on professional leave approved by the Faculty Senate in February, 2001. Assist the Professional Leave Task Force to develop the detailed policy and procedures necessary to implement professional leave for UT faculty.

  2. Evaluate existing programs for mentoring faculty by collecting information from junior faculty on their mentoring experiences. Review and recommend any needed changes in mentoring program guidelines for UT departments and colleges.

  3. Compile listings of the professional development programs that are currently available and the application criteria for each program. Seek to include this information in the Faculty Handbook.

Research Council
  1. The Research Council shall engage the Administration including but not limited to the President, the Vice President for Research and Information Technology, the Associate Vice-President for Research, and the Provost regarding all aspects of the University's research mission, including but not limited to:
    1. Recommendations for uniform procedures governing establishment, funding, review, and abolition of multidisciplinary centers
    2. Allocation of research incentive funds, startup funds for new faculty, faculty accounts, incentives to work with centers
    3. Follow-up on faculty leave policy
    4. Leave time accumulations and charges to contracts and grants; contract and grant management
    5. University supercomputer initiatives, the Joint Institute for Computational Science, and DII's support infrastructure
    6. Impact of restructuring on the Research Council
    7. Public exposure of research and outreach
    8. Benchmarks and measurement of University progress
    9. Stipends and benefits for graduate students
    10. Overview of IRB/Human Subjects, Federal requirements, and compliance at UT
    11. Faculty titles

  2. The Research Council shall, in addition, explore the possibility of collaboration with comparable bodies at Memphis and Tullahoma.

  3. The Research Council shall, further, remain engaged in:
    1. The functioning of the faculty workstation refresh program
    2. Its historically close collaboration and supportive activities with the Office of Research.

Student Affairs Committee
  1. To develop procedures for ongoing communication between student government and the Faculty Senate.

Teaching Council
  1. Review the process and revise the criteria for the professional awards in outstanding teaching and advising.

  2. Oversee the process for nomination and selection of recipients for the outstanding teaching and advising awards.

  3. Conduct a series of programs aimed at enhancing faculty (tenure-line and contingent) and graduate teaching assistants professional development in teaching and advising related issues.

  4. Facilitate the implementation of the Student Assessment of Instruction System (SAIS).

  5. Promote student and faculty interaction.

  6. Enhance the perception of the teaching and advising awards.

  7. Integrate the work and results of the Teaching Council's subcommittees to enhance teaching and advising.

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