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August 26, 1996
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Blass reported that the caucus structure needs to be incorporated into the bylaws. Caucus leaders will meet to discuss how matters are being handled. There was general agreement that the purpose and function of the caucuses in the bylaws should be written broadly enough to allow a wide-range of caucus activities. Blass also reported that there is some interest in redefining membership of the Executive Committee to include more committee chairs. He personally favors having some appointed members. Ziegler noted that the questions of length of service and how members rotate off the committee would need to be considered. Another possible topic for Bylaws Committee consideration is faculty welfare/preservation/development.
Faculty Affairs (R. Mundy)
Mundy reported that all cases from last year have been completed and no new cases have arisen. There have been some informal requests concerning salary issues. He and Peters agreed that reviews have been concluded successfully.
Educational Policy Committee (M. Papke)
Papke reported that the EPC has approved the Graduate Council minutes of 20 June 1996, the Undergraduate Council minutes of 19 September 1996 and the Graduate Council minutes of 12 September 1996. The EPC calls attention to the policy requiring "culminating experiences" in each Master's degree program. These experiences must be identified in departmental graduate student handbooks. Program reviews require documentation of culminating experiences. It was suggested that it is also necessary to develop a way to monitor whether each Master's degree student has met the requirement. Dean Minkel is to be asked by Peters to have someone at the next Faculty Senate meeting to speak about this matter.
Budget Committee (Alligood)
Alligood reported (on behalf of M. Peterson) that the Budget Committee has sent letters to various administrators to ask (1) how new programs on various UT campuses are approved and, in particular, how budgetary impacts of such decisions enter into the process, (2) whether cost analysis studies are underway or planned for academic and non-academic units, and (3) for a meeting with Snyder after he has reviewed reports from the five ACPB task forces. Snyder responded that he will meet with the Budget Committee, as well as many other groups, to discuss the task forces' reports. Alligood reminded everyone of the need to involve as many faculty as possible in all discussions and she announced that the first faculty forum will be held November 25 from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. in the Hodges Library Auditorium. She hopes that a second faculty forum can be held this semester.
Alligood noted that the Faculty Senate has no committee specifically charged with watching out for faculty welfare. She presented graphics based on data taken from the Fact Sheets produced in the Office of Institutional Research showing fairly level student, faculty, and administration numbers over the last ten years, but a significant increase in the professional category (non-faculty academic personnel, post-docs, etc.) She said we need to emphasize the faculty role in the University and ask Chancellor Snyder to make faculty a priority in these changing times. Chancellor Snyder agreed that the faculty was a priority. She then asked everyone to think about whether an existing committee could be charged with taking a proactive role in looking out for faculty welfare on whether a new committee might be needed. Alligood said that she had considered this role as an extension of either the Faculty Affairs or the EPC committees or both. Peters noted that including the current year data in Alligood's presentation would show decreases in all categories with the largest decrease in the professional category because of the terminations in DII There were several questions about who is included in the data and how. Blass suggested that the need for existing committees should be reviewed and a new committee should be established to deal with what currently is being called "faculty welfare." Dobbs suggested using "the state of the faculty" as a more appropriate term. Papke suggested using "faculty development" and adding to the charge of the Professional Development Committee.There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5: 10 p.m.
Alligood called attention to the next issue of Context and encouraged getting the word out about the Faculty Forum on November 25.
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