
August 27, 1990

October 1, 1990

October 29, 1990
November 26, 1990

January 14, 1991

February 18, 1991
March 25, 1991

April 15, 1991

June 24, 1991


August 27, 1990

Anne Mayhew, Presiding

Members present: Cleland, Everett, Fenske, Haughton, Hood, Jennings, Lester, Mayhew, McConnel, Miller, Silverstein, Trahern, and Yarbrough.

The meeting was called to order by Mayhew at 3:30 p.m. in Room 202 of the University Center. After members introduced themselves, the Committee addressed the following items of business:


Mayhew reported she had been advised of two parking issues during the summer. One, Vice Chancellor Scheurer is keeping her updated on the matter of parking fine overpayment reimbursements presently underway in the traffic office. Two, the city's installation of parking meters on campus has been halted pending conversations between Mayor Ashe's office and University administrators. While some short-term parking areas are needed, the University is in general opposed to blanketing the campus with meters.

Deans Retreat:

Mayhew represented the Senate at the Dean's Retreat. Major items of discussion were the updating of the University's Mission /Goals/ Strategies document, plans for a possible bicentennial fund-raising campaign, and administrative changes in the Chancellor's Office.

Bylaws Update:

Mayhew noted that the Senate Bylaws are seriously out-of-date as a result of recent administrative changes and that the Bylaws Committee has been charged with drafting changes. For the interim and after consultation with the Chancellor's Office, Mayhew submitted the following persons as representatives from the Central Administration to the Senate for next year: Quinn and Trahern will be ex-officio members of the Senate Executive Committee and the Senate; Norman, Minkel, Liston, Scheurer and Collins will serve in the Senate. This arrangement does not represent a net increase over the number of administrative members called for in the Senate Bylaws.

Faculty Club Renovation Committee:

Mayhew announced that the Chancellor has appointed two faculty members, Jeff Kovac and Dolly Hough, to a new committee to address the renovation of the Faculty Club. (The other members of the committee are Phil Scheurer (chair), Joseph Trahern, Hardy Liston, Michael Shires.) There was some uncertainty about whether the Board of Trustees still intended to use funds from the sale of the Chancellor's residence for the renovation in spite of the Senate's earlier resolution requesting otherwise. Mayhew and Trahern will investigate.

Summer Senate Meeting:

Mayhew noted that little actual business had been done at summer term Senate meetings for the past two years and asked if summer meetings should be abandoned. After some discussion, the Committee suggested appointment of an Ad Hoc Committee to address the issue, noting that, since curricular matters would be a consideration, the Chair of the Educational Policy Committee ought to be included on the committee.

Campus Chest:

The report and recommendation from the Ad Hoc Campus Chest Committee, a matter tabled at the Summer meeting, is in fact now obsolete. The Campus Chest Committee (Bert Sams, Ben Granger and Neal Russell) has met and has approved some changes in campaign procedures which should provide solutions to the problems faculty members have been concerned with. However, there was some uncertainty about the exact form of the planned changes. Mayhew will contact Granger for more information. The Executive Committee also determined that a new Ad Hoc Committee appointed jointly by the Chancellor and the Senate with a broadly based membership is needed to study the whole issue of how fund-raising on campus should be conducted. Staff members should be represented. Mayhew and Trahern will pursue the suggestion.

Comprehensive Examinations:

Mayhew announced that the catalog statement on Comprehensive Major Examinations for graduating seniors will expire with the next printing of the Undergraduate Catalog. If the faculty wishes to continue to require the examination, the Senate must act to re affirm the statement. The whole issue of comprehensive exams and performance funding was to have been addressed last year by a committee chaired by Ken Kenney. The committee has indeed gathered a great deal of information and plans to report to the Senate Executive Committee on October 29, but they have not been able to answer the most critical question: does the extra state funding the University receives as a result of performance excellence justify the expense and the problems created by special testing of seniors in their major fields. It was suggested that the Educational Policy Committee should hear the report from the Committee on Assessment and make a recommendation to the Senate.

Athletic Board Representation:

The committee discussed the draft of a resolution prepared by Yarbrough regarding faculty participation in the governance of intercollegiate athletics. Mayhew has been informed by Malcolm McInnis, current faculty representative to the Athletic Board, that the Executive Committee of the Athletic Board is willing to accept the addition of another faculty member to their Committee, perhaps the Chair of the Faculty Senate Athletic Committee. The Committee agreed to propose to the Senate that the offer be accepted by means of the Yarbrough resolution. Yarbrough will make the necessary revisions in the resolution for its submission to the Senate.

Student Evaluation Procedures:

Mayhew announced that Nancy McCormick is the new director of the Student Evaluation of Teaching Program and that the materials from last fall's evaluation should be distributed to departments soon. Trahern added that the procedure has been changed to try to make it more efficient. In future, forms will be distributed and collected by departmental offices. Lester objected, noting that small departments are already having a difficult time coping with the University paperwork requirements. Trahern suggested that Ralph Norman should be contacted about problems.

Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Lorayne Lester for Bruce Wheeler


October 1, 1990

Anne Mayhew, Presiding

Members present: G. Everett, M. Fenske, G. Graber, F. Grimm, T. Hood, J. Jennings, L. Lester, T. Miller, S. Patton, J. Quinn, J. Trahern and B. Wheeler.

The meeting was called to order by Mayhew at 3:30 p.m. in Room 202 of the University Center.

A. Mayhew asked Chancellor Quinn to update the committee on the computer platform. Quinn said the administration would prefer to go to a single platform (IBM DB2), which has been approved by State's Information Systems Council. Training for DB2 underway.

B. Mayhew then brought up the following items:
1. On October 20 there will be a meeting of the Tennessee Higher Education Faculty Assembly in Nashville. The program topic is adjunct teaching. Mayhew, Hood, and A. Van Hook will be going.

2. At last Senate meeting, revision of consulting policy was tabled, principally because the systems administration was working simultaneously on such a policy. People from this campus on the committee are William Snyder, John Ray, Tom Klindt, Terry Schultz. Silverstein said we are not required to accept a systems policy, that it is possible that policy for all campuses need not be the same. There followed a discussion of the tabled policy itself, which essentially ended when Quinn said he thought the tabled policy was a good one, and explained how he interpreted certain points of that policy.

3. Mayhew also circulated a list of names of the search committee for the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Wheeler urged the addition of one more person in the humanities.

4. Mayhew announced a committee studying whether to abolish the Senate's summer meeting.

5. Mayhew said she heard it is likely that the NCAA may move to abolish separate dorms for athletes. Quinn reported that our Athletic Department opposed this move. Trahern also noted that the financial aspects of this could be interesting (since these dorms often carry separate debts).

6. Mayhew reported that the planning committee is refining new missions statement and planning for reaccreditation.
C. Mayhew brought up FIPSE project "Toward Equal Opportunity and Retention," by Affirmative Action officers Camille Hazeur and Lola Dodge. They asked for some time to make a presentation to the Senate. General agreement, although it was hoped that presentation could be limited to twenty minutes.

D. Mayhew announced that the October 15 Senate meeting would hear reports and would take up Gross's resolutions (from last meeting).

E. Calendar Issues (Fred Grimm). Grimm brought up what some consider to be problems with the current calendar. He saw three principal issues: 1) rolling registration, 2) academic review, 3) changes in basic calendar. A discussion followed on the too-short break between the end of the second summer session and the beginning of fall semester. Grimm said the Educational Policy Committee cannot address these issues by itself, that a joint Chancellor-Senate committee would be better. Silverstein moved (2nd Everett) that ad hoc joint committee be established to examine calendar matters, including summer school. Approved unanimously.

F. Continuing Education Study Committee (distribution of September 1990 draft report). Mayhew said draft recommended some major changes in the present status and operations of Continuing Education at this University. Mayhew said the draft calls for major reallocations of faculty time and resources. Quinn said to date the report has not been discussed very much. Presently a search committee is looking for a new Dean of Continuing Education. Quinn said any changes should have the support of the faculty on this campus, and not approved by the Board of Trustees just because the systems administration wants it. He said he had reservations and asked for reaction.

Silverstein said he was irritated that the systems administration had interfered in a campus matter, a dangerous precedent. Hood said that continuing education was an important and legitimate activity which should be encouraged, and that systems-level coordination would be beneficial. There were, Hood added, other issues that needed to be addressed. Mayhew said she found some of the draft report's implications to be "alarming". Hood called the draft a "mishmash of recommendations", some good and some not. He said he hoped this report in its current condition should not go to the Board of Trustees. Silverstein agreed, as did Jennings. The executive committee gave this sense to Quinn and Trahern (who had to leave for another meeting). A motion to this effect was made by Hood (2nd Jennings and Lester), that report was premature, had some problems, and should not go to Board at this time, although committee clearly recognized and approved of the growing role continuing education in today's society. Approved unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Bruce Wheeler


October 29, 1990

Anne Mayhew, Presiding

Members present: Silverstein, Graber, Patton, Kenney, Cleland, Lester, Yarbrough, McConnell, Everett, T. Miller, Wheeler, Hood, Fenske, Jennings, Haughton, Trahern.

The meeting was called to order by Mayhew at 3:30 p.m. in Room 202 of the University Center.

1. President's Report (Mayhew)
a. Mayhew reported on Board of Trustees meeting and Planning Committee meeting. At the former meeting, the Board postponed consideration of the ten-year planning document. This is not to say Board was unhappy with the document itself. Sammie Lynn Puett has been appointed Vice President of Public Service and Continuing Education, although the continuing education document itself did not come before the Board for approval.

b. Tennessee Higher Education Faculty Association (THEFA) held its conference recently in Nashville, and we were well-represented. The topic of discussion was the use of adjunct faculty, a severe problem on other campuses. Mayhew said she was concerned about students on other campuses who transfer here and are taught by adjunct faculty who may or may not be well qualified. Another meeting on the same subject will be held in February.

c. Student Leadership Retreat - Mayhew and Lester represented the Senate.

d. Workshops on Research Misconduct and on Consulting Policies. The administration (Ken Heathington) wants to have two separate workshops. Mayhew has agreed that Senate will co-sponsor these workshops when they occur.

e. Mayhew reported on schedules for candidates for the position of Vice Chancellor for Computing and Telecommunications. Mayhew urged faculty attendance at the open meetings (announced in the Beacon).
3. Mayhew referred to a meeting scheduled for this evening (October 29) concerning the alleged incident at Gibbs Hall, which has made headlines. Mayhew said she does not believe the Senate should investigate that case, but we should be concerned with campus procedures. Hood said he had earlier served on a committee that reviewed the relationship between the UT Police and the Knoxville Police. Miller said she also had reviewed plans for coordination which were generally satisfactory but that there was a possibility a conflict of interest when UT Police investigate. Mayhew will consider an invitation to Vice Chancellor Scheurer to a future meeting to discuss campus police procedures.

4. Senate Calendar (report Hood). Proposal to change bylaws to change Senate meetings. It would abolish the summer meeting of the Senate.

5. Assessment (report Kenney). Kenney reported that Joint Provost (Chancellor) - Senate Committee on Assessment has met for two years, and comes forward with some conclusions and recommendations, one of the former being that assessment is here to stay and is growing. Mayhew suggested that all read the conclusions and recommendations prior to the next meeting and that she will send them to the Educational Policy Committee.

Meeting adjourned at 4:57 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Bruce Wheeler


November 26, 1990

Anne Mayhew, Presiding

Members present: Cleland, Everett, Fenske, Haughton, Jennings, Lester, Quinn, Reed, Silverstein and Wheeler.

The meeting was called to order by Mayhew at 3:30 p.m. in Room 202 of the University Center.


1. Mayhew announced meetings on December 5 on misconduct in research policy and consulting policy. They are sponsored by the Senate, the Office of Research Administration, and the Office of Research and Technology Development.

2. A January 31 visit by Ann Okerson, an expert in academic publishing, is scheduled. She will speak on the rising cost of library serials.


1. Campus Chest - Mayhew reported that changes have been made in the collection and allocation process. Mayhew asked whether a new committee should be formed to continue to study this. Quinn explained the process that was used this past year. This year the unallocated funds were apportioned in a different way. Jennings said she did not see the need for another committee. Lester said a committee should be appointed to review the whole process. Reed said he thought the process was fair, and once the faculty learned to allocate between either United Way or Community Shares the process would work well. Silverstein moved (2nd Lester) that a Senate /Chancellor's committee be appointed to study the process. Passed without opposition.

2. Quinn reported on the meeting between the Governor and the Board of Trustees on November 21. He said the Governor was supportive. Quinn praised Alexander for his work at the meeting. Mayhew said she wanted to have the Senate sponsor a meeting in January to which faculty would be invited and which would concentrate on tax reform. Dr. William Fox would present his findings.

3. Campus Police/KPD Agreement. Mayhew asked for Executive Committee's reaction to Vice Chancellor Scheurer's presentation to the last Senate meeting. The AAUP has recommended to the Chancellor that rape be added to the list of crimes for which KPD automatically would be called. Silverstein asked for a thorough thinking through of the arrangement.

4. Bylaws Committee (report Lester). Most of the recommended changes have to do with changed administrative titles, but there are a few substantive issues: 1) the decrease in the number of voting administrators in the Senate, 2) the scheduled meetings of the Senate, 3) the widening scope of the Senate Athletics Committee, 4) deletion of administrators from the Faculty Affairs Committee, and 5) the issue of presidential succession. Mayhew hoped the Executive Committee would digest this, and she would bring the proposed changes up at the next Executive Committee meeting (which meets again before the next Senate meeting). Wheeler raised the issue of having faculty only as voting members of the Senate (the administrators to be non voting members). Was some discussion of this, none of it totally in agreement with Wheeler.

5. Report on Assessment - The Senate /Chancellor's Committee on Assessment is to report to the Educational Policy Committee this year. Ken Kenney is chairing the committee. Nettles says THEC is preparing a new 5 year plan for performance funding and wants faculty feedback. Mayhew has arranged for a small group (Mayhew, Grimm, Kenney, Hood, Banta, Moffett, Painter, Everett, Reed, Tober) to meet with Nettles tomorrow. If any members of the Executive Committee want to attend they are welcome. George Everett asked if performance funding "here to stay"? Chancellor thinks it and assessment are "here to stay". But Mayhew says meeting will give faculty the opportunity to ask these questions and state objectives.

Meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Bruce Wheeler


January 14, 1991

Anne Mayhew, Presiding

Members present: B. Connell, Everett, Fenske, Graber, Hood, Lester, S. Patton, Quinn, Reed, Silverstein, Trahern and Wheeler.

The meeting was called to order by Mayhew at 3:36 p.m. in Room 202 of the University Center.

1. Presentation by Ms. Camille Hazeur (Director of Affirmative Action Programming) on a faculty development project concerning racial/ethnic issues in the classroom, a project funded in part by a grant from FIPSE. One part of the project was the creation of six video simulations, designed to stimulate discussion. These videos were written and produced by Ms. Hazeur and Professor D. Ziegler. The committee viewed one of the videos. Hazeur then explained that 41 faculty now are meeting once a week for four hours over an eight-week period.

a. Reminder of visit of Ann Okerson to this committee on January 31 to talk about library serials.

b. Executive Committee March meeting changed from 18th to 31st.
3. Mayhew spoke about the UT presidential search process (if that is necessary), saying she has sent a letter of thanks to Governor McWherter for his statement of intent to consult the Senate in that process.

4. Assessment. Three years ago the Senate gave temporary approval to field achievement test, and that should be addressed this year. Mayhew is now collecting all the various ways faculty and programs are being assessed. Mayhew reported that Vice President Nettles told her of assessments being done at the University of Virginia which does not require additional comprehensive or field tests. Mayhew says she continues to press for alternatives, and welcomed suggestions. Trahern added that a new report has appeared questioning the validity of the Comp. Exam.

5. Mayhew reported on agreement between the campus and the Knoxville Police Department. She reported that the review to be done this spring will have to do with the training and efficiency of the UT campus police. Quinn then reported on the training of the campus police and explained the agreement between the campus and the KPD. Quinn also dealt with the thorny issue of access to student records where, he said, the university thinks it is in compliance with the Department of Education regulations. Mayhew proposed that we applaud the review of the campus police and that we further applaud the plans to have faculty representation on this review. She added, however, that to deal with "deep distrust" by any students and faculty of the campus police, a full review of the administration of the police as well as their competence is required. She believed there should be no action by the full Senate until after this review. The Committee concurred.

6. Proposed bylaws changes will come to the Senate on February 4. All will go forward save one (on number of administrators in the Senate).

7. This year's election process to the Senate is moving forward, Mayhew reported. Graber then reported that Greg Reed has been elected as president-elect.

8. Parking meters (report Silverstein). Silverstein reported on the proposed addition by the city of 200-250 additional city parking meters on campus (poles have been put up in most places). The UT Parking Authority did oppose this, and will come up with an alternative proposal for the city. Silverstein agreed that we should use political clout to continue to oppose parking meters on campus.

9. Mayhew raised the question of whether we should try to exercise political clout in favor of an income tax. Silverstein reminded the committee that in 1982 the Senate did pass a resolution in favor of tax reform. He urged the legislative committee to bring that resolution, or another, to the Senate.

Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Bruce Wheeler


February 18, 1991

Anne Mayhew, Presiding

Members present: Everett, Fenske, Graber, Hood, McConnel, Miller, Quinn, Reed, Silverstein, Trahern and Wheeler.

The meeting was called to order by Mayhew at 3:35 p.m. in Room 202 of the University Center.

1. The correct date of the next Executive Committee meeting is March 25, not March 31 as earlier reported.

2. Mayhew updated the committee on the search for a Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. There were around 80 applicants. She urged names of qualified minorities and women be added.

3. Mayhew then updated the committee on the consulting policy (one proposal had been tabled by the Senate). A promised policy revision from the UT system has not been developed.

4. Mayhew reported on the possibly of substituting another general education test for the presently-used Comp Test.

5. On a campus committee to review the UTK Police, Greg Reed and Amy Hess were appointed by Mayhew as the two faculty representatives. Mayhew then reported that she had received a petition from faculty members in the College of Communications requesting that campus police records will be open for scrutiny. Quinn reported that the University is requesting a ruling on its policy from the Department of Education. He also said he had met with Knoxville's mayor and chief of police on the possibility of broadening the agreement with the KPD.

6. On parking meters, Mayhew reported that the city is going forward with its plan to put additional parking meters on campus (parts of Stadium Drive, U.T. Drive, Fraternity Park Drive, Andy Holt Avenue).

7. Mayhew told the committee that Paul Phillips of the Research Council informed her that an ad hoc committee responded to the NSF on proposed changes in funding guidelines. A copy of their response was circulated.

8. THEFA (Tennessee Higher Education Faculty Assembly) has been in existence for several years. Mayhew asked about the possibility of organizing more formal and orderly representation for the UTK faculty in that body (at present we are presented on a volunteer basis). Silverstein said that past representation had been active. Hood said he hoped our representatives would take a greater leadership role in the future. He suggested a duty of the Executive Committee to name such people: a motion will be introduced at the next meeting.

9. Committee on Committees (report Reed). Reed distributed a draft of nominees to this committee. No one on the list of nominees has been contacted as yet. The committee approved the list by general agreement.

10. Senate-Chancellor Committee on the Evaluation of Administrators. Mayhew reported that a committee had been appointed, and that it had written to the Chancellor recommending the implementation of a formal review procedure of UTK administrators. Wheeler said he thought the evaluation was to be of the administration, not just individual administrators. Trahern said that was not the message the committee got, nor was it the AAUP recommendation (where this originated). There also was some discussion of the time intervals for evaluation (every five years). Mayhew proposed that the discussion that led to the creation of the committee be reexamined by Mayhew and Hood, with a report to be brought to the committee next month.

11. Silverstein raised the issue of state tax reform, asking how the Senate should promote the resolution it passed. Mayhew noted that the legislative committee will be reporting to the Senate in March. Hood suggested that Dr. William Fox make his presentation again, to increase interest. After more discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:03 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Bruce Wheeler


March 25, 1991

Anne Mayhew, Presiding

Members present: Everett, Cleland, Grimm, Haughton, Hood, McLemore, Miller, Quinn, Reed, Silverstein, Trahern, Wheeler and Yarbrough.

The meeting was called to order by Mayhew at 3:30 p.m. in Room 202 of the University Center.

1. Mayhew reported on a meeting of all the UT Faculty Senate Presidents with Governor McWherter regarding selection of new UT President and tax reform. Silverstein moved (2nd Cleland) that we thank the Governor for taking the time to meet with the senate presidents. Will go to the full Senate. The Governor said the search for a new UT President would be nationally advertised, that he would ask members of the search committee (from the Board of Trustees) to listen to the opinions of various constituencies, including faculty, that the search would move judiciously but rapidly, and that it would not be a repeat of the former search. Quinn then reported that a meeting later that day between the UT Chancellors and the Governor covered the same topics, and also tax reform and budgets.

2. On efforts to encourage tax reform, Mayhew reported on three such efforts. Silverstein spoke of a citizen's committee for tax reform that probably would take out major advertisements, would meet with other interested groups, would encourage letter writing and petitions, and would have a speakers' bureau. The Senate's Legislative Committee will be meeting with the Knox County legislative delegation. Mayhew reminded the committee that Dr. William Fox will be speaking again on the reform on March 28 at noon in the Shiloh Room. Mayhew also reported that she was going to try to encourage the Senate's Legislative Committee to amend or withdraw a resolution calling for a detailed study of the present bill, on the grounds that what will emerge ultimately will not be the present bill.

3. Grimm reported on a recent study of calendar issues. The joint Senate-Chancellor Calendar Issues Committee makes the following three recommendations: 1) have a flexible summer schedule, with a 10-week term with two 5-week terms and the addition of an 8-week term which would start later than the 10-week term; 2) fall semester classes would begin during the last week in August, and each semester would last for 70 instructional days (the present is 72), 3) the fall commencement would be eliminated. There was considerable discussion of each recommendation, especially on the elimination of fall commencement. Recommendations 1 and 2 approved without dissent. On recommendation 3, Hood moved (2nd Reed) that it be withdrawn for further study.

4. On the report from the Committee on the Evaluation of Administrators, Hood pointed out that the committee's report was not in full compliance with the charge and recommendations by the UTK Chapter of the AAUP (February 1, 1990). Report will be sent back to committee.

5. The salary structure proposals, from the Faculty Affairs Committee, was postponed until next meeting.

6. Reed asked for guidance on apportionment for representation in the Senate. The College of Architecture and Planning has objected to the present system, which apportions on the basis of actual faculty members rather than on the total of positions (filled and unfilled). The committee generally agreed to continue using the former.

7. The 1991 Committee on Committees:
Gregory Reed, chair
Reba Best
Michael Betz
Mitzi Davis
Andy Edmondson
Greer Fox
Fred Grimm
Ben Granger
Hugh Howard
John Jared
Marilyn Karrenbrock
Miriam Levering
Tamara Miller
Barbara Moore
Ada Olins
Ted Paludan
Sharon Patton
Marla Peterson
Stanley Rabun
Richard Strange
Robert Woodruff
Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Bruce Wheeler


April 15, 1991

Anne Mayhew, Presiding

Members present: Penske, Yarbrough, Haughton, Graber, Miller, McConnell, Quinn, Wheeler, Everett, Silverstein, Reed, Hood, Trahern, Dean of Students Jerry Askew (guest).

The meeting was called to order by Mayhew at 3:35 p.m. in Room 202 of the University Center.

1. Student Activities Fee (report Quinn and Askew). Quinn began by reporting that actual name of the fee is University Programs and Services Fee. It is basically divided into three parts: 1) debt service on capital improvements used by students (aquatic center, etc.); 2) student health services; and 3) student programs. After the first two portions are taken out, the remainder is divided among various student programs (cultural, intramural athletics, etc.) by Dean Askew, ultimately to be approved by the Chancellor. Askew added that initial requests from student groups go to boards, composed of students, faculty, and alumni appointed by Askew. Women's athletics is administered somewhat differently. The women's athletics budget is approximately $1.2 million, and the program does not generate a profit. In response to a question, Askew reported that students programs part of the fee has not increased in the past three years. The fee is divided as follows:
Cultural Affairs
Student Government
General Expenses
Women's Athletics
Mayhew said it would be good to have Askew come to a future Senate meeting. Silverstein agreed, adding that it would be good if he could have some figures in writing for distribution. There followed an extensive discussion of the status, funding, etc. of men's and women's athletics. At the end of the discussion, Haughton suggested that how the Programs and Services Fee is spent should be explained more fully in the catalog.

2. Schedule change. Mayhew requested that Executive Committee scheduled for June 17 be moved to June 24. There were no objections.

3. Budget News (report Mayhew). Mayhew reported that she had heard there would be a further 3% cut in the budget (the cut already is 8.4%). That could mean an 11.4% cut, a decrease which Quinn called "disastrous". Trahern said it is possible that the worst-case scenario would not be enough. In response to a question about the possibility of an additional impoundment this year, Quinn said the university would have to furlough people.

4. Tennessee Higher Education Faculty Assembly Representation. This University would select two representatives to THEFA, to be chosen by the Executive Committee. Hood moved (2nd Reed) that this be adopted. Silverstein said we may have more than two representatives. A recommended change for the Bylaws passed without dissent and will be forwarded to the Bylaws Committee.

5. Salary Structure Proposal (report Mayhew). Mayhew reported receiving a letter from Professor Kurka in Art that suggested establishing salary floors for the faculty by rank. The Faculty Affairs Committee also has discussed this item. Mayhew reminded committee that a 1986 survey had been done concerning how salaries actually were determined. Quinn said he was not in favor of the Kurka proposal, on the grounds that the figures recommended often were higher than the averages in-rank for peer institutions, and that fields could vary widely as to what a particular salary floor should be. After more discussion, Silverstein moved that a joint Senate-Chancellor Committee be formed to investigate salaries, salary compression, etc., and to make recommendations that we might use in the future (Hood seconded). Mayhew hoped vote or motion would be delayed until committee re-read the 1986 report. Trahern recommended that, for context, a subcommittee of the Budget Committee perform that function. After more discussion, Trahern withdrew that recommendation. Vote 4-4, broken by Mayhew in the negative. Mayhew said she would interpret vote as delay. 1986 report will be distributed and issue raised again at June meeting.

6. Quinn announced Presidential Search Committee will be on campus for an open forum on Tuesday, April 30, from 2 to 4 p.m. (location will be announced). Forum is open to all (faculty, students, etc.).

Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Bruce Wheeler


June 24, 1991

Anne Mayhew, Presiding

Members present: Reed, Fenske, Peterson. Quinn, Cleland, Patton, Graber, McConnel, Silverstein, Wheeler.

1. Mayhew called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. She then turned the meeting over to President-Elect Reed. Wheeler and Kovac were re-elected as Senate Secretary and Parliamentarian for 1991-92.

2. Reed then reported on the Governor's visit to the campus. He noted that Wheeler had taken notes on the visit, which will be distributed to the Senate.

3. Simultaneously, the UT presidential search was going on, and some members of the Executive Committee spoke with all three candidates. Reed then distributed a written response to those discussions that he wrote on behalf of the members of the Executive Committee. In sum, there was no clear consensus between two of the candidates (Johnson and Jones). That response has been delivered to the search committee, which will make its recommendation on June 27.

4. Reed then reported on changes in the chairs of two Senate committees. Carruth will replace Heflin as chair of the Educational Policy Committee and Symonds will replace Gompf as chair of the Professional Development Committee.

5. Response to the Senate resolution congratulating the Lady Vols basketball team (that other student accomplishments should be similarly honored) prompted Reed to suggest the Executive Committee could be a clearing house for such resolutions. As an example, Reed submitted a proposed resolution honoring students and faculty on the College of Engineering's alternative fuel design team. Silverstein volunteered to draft a resolution honoring the men's track team. General approval, to go then to the Senate.

6. Mayhew reported that supporting comments have come from Auburn, Vanderbilt, and Kentucky concerning the Senate resolutions that no games in the upcoming football playoff be scheduled during final examinations.

7. Mayhew reported on an initiative from the Senate at UT-Chattanooga regarding the transferability and cashability of TIAA-CREF retirement funds. She will report this concern to the Senate at its next meeting to see if there is any interest in pursuing this. (Our Senate's Fringe Benefits Committee has passed a resolution in favor of transferability but not cashability.)

8. Mayhew reported on a letter she had received from the University of Kansas which raised the issue of ROTC prohibitions against gay and lesbian students being admitted to ROTC. No action taken.

9. On the possibility of forming a faculty committee to study salary structures. Mayhew has asked Keith Stanga to chair a small committee to study salary compression (paying special attention in to possible age discrimination), to report to the Senate at a fall meeting. Mayhew then suggested another committee which would study the larger issues of the salary structure, but wondered what specific questions regarding salary. Silverstein responded that such a committee could uncover trend, inequities, where changes were needed, etc. Silverstein added that if such a study was done, then if funds became available to infuse money into salaries, we would have the information to make informed recommendations. Other salary-related issues were discussed. Silverstein said this could be done in the Senate's budget committee. Mayhew suggested that people submit to her specific questions they would like addressed by such a group, probably a subcommittee of the budget committee.

10. Chancellor Quinn brought up several issues, including the present situation with the legislature and the budget (his feeling is that any tax reform now will not be reflected in 1991-92 funds, but later); how the budget cut will be handled (nonreplacements, approx. 100 layoffs, approx. 85 GTAs not renewed, library acquisitions budget reduced $400,000 travel reductions, elimination of equipment expenditures, library hours reduced, etc.). A report from Joe Johnson noted that Tennessee ranked 10th among 15 southern and border states in per capita expenditures on higher education (in mid-1980's Tennessee was 6th). Quinn reported that a committee had been formed to investigate Campus Chest policies and procedures.

Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Bruce Wheeler

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