
September 18, 1987

September 21, 1987

October 19, 1987

November 16, 1987
January 11, 1988

January 15, 1988

February 1, 1988

February 22, 1988
March 21, 1988

April 18, 1988

April 25, 1988

May 16, 1988

June 27, 1988


September 18, 1987

Present: Bengston, Davidson, Frandsen (Chair), Mead, Penner, Pierce, Sharp, Silverstein, Waller, B. Wheeler, G. Wheeler

Frandsen reviewed the need for a faculty survey to gather information for the Presidential Search Committee. The form which had been prepared for that purpose was circulated and discussed. Frandsen asked that the Committee approve the distribution of the questionnaire to senators, to be filled out at the first Senate meeting.

Pierce suggested that Frandsen's memo on qualifications be appended to the questionnaire. G. Wheeler suggested that this memo be changed to include 5 or so criteria that all presidential candidates should meet. There was a great deal of discussion on how faculty could best be surveyed and how much weight such a survey is likely to have.

It was recommended that there be faculty meetings which senators from various units will chair to discuss desired qualifications, the results to be merged into one set of desired qualifications. G. Wheeler suggested sending a set of criteria to the faculty for its comments in writing. The time restraint (Oct. 15th deadline) seemed to make these methods less feasible than a questionnaire.

There appeared to be a majority feeling that Frandsen's qualifications list (July 29, 1987) be put into a questionnaire form and sent to all the faculty. Bengston suggested that importance rather than ranking be the form of the questionnaire.

Pierce moved that Frandsen be empowered to produce a suitable questionnaire. This suggestion passed unanimously.

Suggestions for revisions were presented to Frandsen with emphasis on demonstrated skills rather than attitudes.

The meeting adjourned at 2:18 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Bruce Wheeler (Secretary)
Wayne Waller (Past Secretary)


September 21, 1987; 3:15 P.M
Austin Peay 411

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Frandsen called the meeting to order at 3:15 P.M.

Members present: Bengtson, Davidson, Frandsen, Hipple, Jenkins, Jeon, Kovac, Mead, Moore, Pierce, Sharp, Silverstein, B. Wheeler and G. Wheeler.

1. There was a continued discussion of a way to gather faculty opinion on the presidential search. Frandsen distributed 2 lists, one of 9 priorities of the new president and the other of 9 qualities of the next president. Frandsen asked the committee to react to both lists. Kovac moved (seconded Moore) that 2 lists be accepted, pursuant to stylistic changes by Frandsen and William Lyons. Passed unanimously. These lists will be sent to the faculty for their reaction.

2. Agenda for October 5 Senate meeting presented and discussed. Frandsen said he would like to distribute the 2 lists (see above) for senators to fill in during the meeting (general faculty also will be polled). General agreement. Also coming to the Senate will be the revised report from the joint Senate-Provost Committee on Teaching Evaluation. The report has gone out to senators with the October 5 agenda. Was some discussion of that report. Silverstein reminded the Committee that the report does not implement any evaluation procedures in and of itself, but only sets out broad policy guidelines.

3. Frandsen then asked how the Executive Committee would like to deal with 2 reports which came to it, one on salaries and one on work loads. Silverstein suggested they be sent to senators as items of information and if the senators wanted to discuss them, they could be brought to the floor. Jenkins moved (seconded Bengtson) that these be sent out as information items to be discussed at the November Senate meeting. Hipple asked whether that implied Executive Committee approval. Jenkins said no. Mead suggested at least one place (on merit raises) where discussion could arise. Motion passed unanimously, with one abstention.

4. On presidential search, Frandsen asked whether there should be an ad hoc Senate committee on this. Pierce opposed this, saying this should rest with the Executive Committee. Kovac said that at a later stage we could change this. Silverstein pointed out that this responsibility was mandated in the Senate Bylaws.

5. Mead brought up issue of senators getting more information on candidates who will stand for president-elect of the Senate. She moved (seconded Pierce) that each candidate submit a one page vita and a maximum two-page statement of views, to be distributed to senators with the agenda for the meeting at which the vote will take place. Suggestion was made that there was not enough time to have this in place for the election this fall, so it should be planned for the regular election of the president-elect next spring. After considerable discussion, the motion was made by Kovac (seconded Pierce) that this be sent to the Nominating Committee for study, to be then brought to the Senate. Passed 13-1.

6. Frandsen asked about holding open forum for faculty regarding the Presidential Search. Jeon suggested that it be placed on the agenda of a Faculty Senate meeting and all invited.

Meeting adjourned 4:40 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate


October 19, 1987

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Frandsen called the meeting to order at 3:15 P.M.

Members present: Bengtson, Davidson, Hipple, Jenkins, Jeon, Mead, Moore, Silverstein, Van Hook, Waller and B. Wheeler.

Frandsen spoke of the busy agenda for the next Senate meeting:

1. Honor code statement is coming from the Educational Policy Committee. The statement will be mailed after the Committee's meeting this week (will be sent out separately).

2. Frandsen reported on the student leadership retreat. Some students there expressed concern that there was little interaction between the Senate and its committees and student organizations . Frandsen said he would continue Silverstein's practice of inviting certain student leaders to the Executive Committee meetings, and suggest further study of the problem by the Student Affairs Committee. Frandsen said another major student concern was advising and student opportunity for interaction with faculty beyond mandatory advising.

3. Discussion of presidential search. The search committee has established December I as a "soft" deadline. Two advertisements will run in The Chronicle of Higher Education. Frandsen said be has received approximately 20 nominations so far, which he has forwarded to Beauchamp Brogan.

On the results of the questionnaire, Frandsen reported on the approximately 600+ responses from faculty, senators and staff, and will give a full report to the Senate and to the search committee. There was some discussion of how to avoid possible misinterpretations of the data.

4. In response to Frandsen's invitations to Trustees to visit campus, be has received positive responses from both Trustees and faculty. Jenkins suggested we ask Trustees what they would like to do while on campus (visit classes, etc.) and structure visits accordingly.

5. Other pieces of business before the Senate on November 2 include election of president-elect (senators must be present at the meeting to vote), a resolution from the Fringe Benefits Committee dealing with longevity pay for continuing part-time faculty, discussion of the work load and salary reports, and a report from the Athletic Director, and the report from the Senate-Provost Committee for Teaching Improvement.

6. Short discussion of an open forum on the UT presidential selection process at the November 30 Senate meeting. The chair of the search committee may be invited to answer questions.

The meeting ended with a short discussion of TIAA alternatives by one committee member. It was reported that some universities give the faculty members the option of whether or not to participate in TIAA-CREF. The committee member suggested that this be brought to the attention of the Fringe Benefits Committee.

Meeting adjourned at 4:50 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate


16 November 1987

Called to order by Frandsen at 3:15 p.m. in Austin Peay 411.

Members present: Davidson, Frandsen, Kovac, Mead, Moore, Pierce, Sharp, Silverstein, Van Hook, Waller and Wheeler.

1. Discussion of November 30 Senate meeting
a. Report of Educational Policy Committee on new Law School curriculum will come to the Senate.

b. Bill Johnson has been invited to speak about the presidential search and has accepted. Discussion of advertising this to the total faculty, which will be done through a letter to the faculty. It also was recommended that Johnson consider inviting other members of the Search Committee to come with him. Faculty members will be reminded that the Senate Bylaws limit individual questions and statements to three minutes in length.
2. Progress of the Presidential Search
Frandsen reported that a subcommittee of the Advisory Committee was collecting material and formulating a first draft on desired qualities and priorities of the new president. The full Advisory Committee will meet on November 23 to revise and approve that document, which will be delivered to the Search Committee on November 24. The next big question is bow the screening process will take place. There was some discussion as to the role of the outside consulting firm, and the role of faculty in the interviewing process.
3. Should there be another standing committee for the Senate?
Frandsen reported that the Faculty Affairs Committee has an enormous workload, handling faculty appeals and studying various related issues. Frandsen thought that the latter function could be handled by a new committee, possibly to be named the Administrative Affairs Committee, which would deal with larger policy concerns and not with individual faculty grievances (which would remain with the Faculty Affairs Committee). Pierce added that he felt that policy studies such as workloads and faculty salaries could well be done by this new committee rather than by ad hoc committees. Silverstein said he thought this could be done by the present committee, perhaps by being enlarged. Question will. be referred to the Faculty Affairs Committee, which will respond to the Executive Committee. Van Hook and Pierce will communicate the thoughts of the Committee to the Faculty Affairs Committee.
4. Should the Senate participate in the Trustees' Bylaws review?
The question is whether there be a faculty senator to provide input to the Trustees as that group revises its Bylaws. Pierce spoke in favor of this, adding that he hoped the AAUP proposal now being formulated would also be brought to the Senate. There followed a general discussion of relations between the Senate and the AAUP. On the Bylaws, Frandsen suggested that the AAUP will be asked for copies of its report, to be discussed by the Executive Committee at its next meeting.
5. Frandsen reported he is still working on trustee visits to campus.

6. Frandsen reported that he had informed Chancellor Reese of the noise problem caused by the use of leaf blowers on the campus and received an immediate response from Vice Chancellor Fisher saying: "Use of leaf blowers in the vicinity of academic buildings after 7:50 a.m. will be confined to weekends." and indicating that a similar policy would be applied to lawn mowers during the seasons of their use. The quick and effective action taken to solve this problem will be reported to the Senate in these minutes with thanks to the Chancellor, Mr. Fisher, and Mr. John Parker, Executive Director of the Physical Plant.

7. It is likely that there will be a called meeting of the Senate on March 7, for the Educational Policy Committee.

8. Silverstein spoke to the need for an ad hoc committee to investigate the general status of emeritus professors. Frandsen will set up an ad hoc committee for that purpose.

9. Pierce suggested committee members examine Hilltopics with regard to student rights and responsibilities. He suggested revisions may be necessary. This will be discussed at the next meeting of the Executive Committee.

Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
W. Bruce Wheeler


January 11, 1988; 3:15 P.M.
411 Austin Peay

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Frandsen called the meeting to order at 3:20 P.M.

Members present: Davidson, Frandsen, Hipple, Jenkins, Kovac, Pierce, Pinckney, Sharp, Silverstein, Van Hook, Waller and G. Wheeler.

Frandsen commented on the AAUP suggestions regarding future Presidential Search procedures. Discussion followed as to which, if any, of the suggestions should be recommended for endorsement by the Senate. There appeared a consensus that the Trustee's Bylaws do need some revision. Additional discussion concerned how the representative of the faculty would be chosen. It was suggested that since this does not affect the current search, perhaps a committee including trustees and faculty be set up after the current search to discuss relevant issues. Silverstein moved that the President of the Senate contact the Board of Trustees about these concerns. (Seconded by Jenkins.) Passed with one abstention.

A discussion of the need for revision of Hilltopics followed. Pierce expressed concern that the very important issue of academic conduct is not at the forefront of items addressed and that the procedures currently set forth are questionable and convoluted. An example discussed was the penalty grade policy, both its philosophy and implementation. Further consideration of the overall matter was referred to Pierce and Pinckney for further investigation.

The draft report of the Joint Committee on the Improvement of Teaching was discussed. There was a general appreciation of the complexity of the issue of teaching improvement and evaluation and its interaction with the effort to improve research and scholarly publication. Provost Wheeler indicated that while he approved of many of the ideas in the report he would like to discuss the draft with the committee chairman to suggest some changes in recommended procedures. The consensus of the Executive Committee was that full Senate discussion of the draft should be delayed until after those negotiations are completed.

Frandsen outlined the agenda for the January 25 meeting which will be distributed.

The meeting adjourned at 5:10 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
J. Wayne Waller
Acting Secretary


Special Meeting
January 15, 1988; 4:00 P.M.
5th floor conference room; Andy Holt Tower

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Members present: All members, plus Don Eastman, John Morrow, Jack Reese and Phil Scheurer.

1. Frandsen reported on decision that day by the Presidential Search Committee to recommend Lamar Alexander as President of UT.

Advisory Committee was earlier informed that Lamar Alexander would be present at meeting of Advisory Committee to "answer questions". Advisory Committee met before that meeting, later to be joined by Search Committee chair Bill Johnson who spoke to the importance of changing the search procedure so as to name Lamar Alexander as President. Advisory Committee voted 10-3 to request Search Committee not to take a vote today. At the 1:00 P.M. meeting (Search Committee, Advisory Committee and Lamar Alexander himself), the vote at the earlier meeting was reported and Lamar Alexander was asked questions for approximately two hours. All members of the Advisory Committee spoke against shortcircuiting the process. Search Committee then unanimously voted to recommend Lamar Alexander to the full. Board of Trustees, which will meet next week. Before that, Lamar Alexander will be on campus Wednesday at 10:00 A.M. and will meet with the Senate to answer questions.

2. Frandsen's proposal to call a Faculty Senate meeting for 10:00 A.M. Tuesday exclusively to discuss process was approved.

3. There was a lengthy discussion about the process of selection and its shortcircuiting. It was suggested that a short statement be drafted for distribution at the Senate's Tuesday meeting. There was a discussion of whether Bill Johnson should be invited to the Tuesday meeting. After considerable discussion, the majority thought Johnson should not be invited. Van Hook and Kovac will draft a simple statement for the Tuesday meeting and Frandsen will obtain a short resume for Lamar Alexander.

Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate


February 1, 1988

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Members present: Bengtson, Davidson, Hipple, Kovac, Moore, Sharp, Silverstein, Van Hook, Waller, B. Wheeler, and G. Wheeler.

Called to order by Frandsen at 3:15 p.m. in Austin Peay 311C. 1. Parking
Frandsen reported a phone call from a faculty member who objected to lack of faculty and student parking when an event takes place at the Thompson-Boling Arena. Frandsen said this was likely to come up in the Senate. G. Wheeler said that he suspected that faculty discontent was fairly widespread, since faculty lots often are taken for football and basketball parking. Wheeler added that Lot 9 is now reserved for faculty parking when arena is being used.

Hipple asked about returning temporary parking lots near McClung Tower to green space. G. Wheeler said there may be efforts to keep lots by some. Homer Fisher had spoken briefly on this subject at the last Senate meeting.

Silverstein reported that he is the Senate's representative on the Parking Committee, and would invite people to give him input on parking matters. G. Wheeler said the central issue was serious inconvenience to faculty and students.
2. Control of Athletics Department
G. Wheeler asked that, with the change in the UT presidency, do we want the Athletics Department returned to control of the UTK Chancellor's Office. Silverstein reminded group that Lamar Alexander was noncommitted on this issue. Kovac said question was not who controls the Department but how that Department helps to fulfill the University's larger mission. Frandsen asked whether the Senate Athletics Committee should look into this. G. Wheeler agreed, but noted that this was an extremely sensitive issue.

There followed a general discussion of student athletes and faculty input in the athletic program.
3. Agenda for February 15 Senate Meeting
Frandsen reported that Joan Cronan would be there to speak on women's athletics and the Chancellor may present the Hesler Award at that meeting. He said the Educational Policy Committee would take up the majority of the meeting.

Silverstein thought it would be appropriate to respond to Governor McWherter's appropriation request for $5 million to begin the Science-Engineering-Computer Center Building, since the Senate earlier passed a resolution on this subject. G. Wheeler agreed, and hoped resolution would include $2 million for equipment.

This led to a general discussion of faculty salary increases for 1988-89. There is some doubt whether Governor McWherter's 2% cap on all state employee's salaries over $27,000 applies to faculty. G. Wheeler said that if this is the case, part of the student fee increase would add an average of 2% to faculty salaries, although Wheeler did say he had hoped to spend those increases elsewhere (until he beard about the McWherter budget).
4. Draft of Letter to Trustees
Frandsen distributed draft of letter to accompany resolution of the Senate on the presidential search process.
5. Other Business
G. Wheeler said Senate eventually would receive material on a proposal for a Ph.D. in Nursing. Wheeler was concerned about where funds would come from. He said he would like to see a Senate discussion on the wisdom of starting new Ph.D. programs at this time.

Sharp said that refusing to go forward with this program would be exceedingly unfortunate, and in the long run would hurt the larger community. G. Wheeler agreed, saying he is aware of a need for Ph.D.'s in Nursing. Sharp said the Dean of Nursing has planned meticulously on this.
Meeting adjourned at 4:27 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary of the Faculty Senate


February 22, 1988
411 Austin Peay Building

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Members present: Bengtson, Davidson, Hipple, Jenkins, Kovac, Mead, Moore, Norman, Sharp, Silverstein, Van Hook, Waller and G. Wheeler.

Called to order by Frandsen at 3:15 P.M.

1. Trustee visit plan--Earlier Frandsen had distributed a draft of the plan for consideration and comments. general discussion of the draft ensued. G. Wheeler suggested that such visits be well planned so that Board members see as much as possible of what faculty members do. A committee to do arrangements was suggested, and met with general approval. Frandsen said he would move to set up such a committee.

2. Bill Poppen Committee, to investigate alleged, unfair grades given to students. Frandsen reported committee has begun its work, and will send a memorandum to the faculty. The committee was formed this past fall arid has, received its charge.

Presidential Transition Issues Committee (chair Mayhew) has been appointed "to formulate the issues, that should be sent from the faculty to the new President-Elect". A report will be sent to Alexander. The Presidential Transition Issues Committee will report to the Senate's Executive Committee and from there to Alexander. Questions arose as to what issues or concerns were the responsibility of the UT President and which were not. There was also a question regarding the Committee's timetable. There was a general consensus that a member of the Executive Committee be added to this Committee.

4. Resolution which the Library Committee would like introduced and passed at the next Senate meeting endorsing the Library Development Drive was introduced. Some alterations were offered.

5. Nominations to the Committee on Committees was brought up. The Committee, to be chaired by President-Elect Van Hook, will be composed of two candidates from each unit, except Liberal Arts which will have six nominees. This Committee will appoint all the Senate committees for 1988-89. Frandsen reported that nominations will be presented to the Executive Committee at its next meeting.

6. Van Hook reported that the Senate Bylaws Committee has only some very minor suggestions for amendments, which will he introduced in time. Mead raised the question of requiring candidates for Senate President-Elect to mate short written statements prior to voting. After a brief discussion, Kovac suggested that this be brought to the Senate as new business.

7. Silverstein reported that, as head of an ad hoc committee on emeritus status, he has communicated with 75 other colleges and universities and has begun to receive responses. His committee will report soon.

8. University-wide faculty handbook for all campuses (report F. Norman, who distributed partial draft on 2/5/88). Norman began by saying that policies unique to the UTK campus would be printed or paper of another color. The basic material would serve as a core handbook for all UT campuses. Silverstein noted that most of the material presented in draft is very similar to our own present handbook. There was a question as to whether a system-wide handbook was necessary. G. Wheeler said impetus for system-wide faculty handbook was Vice President John Prados, who has favored this idea for some time. Norman said the contents of the draft of the system-wide handbook contains no changes of policy. Van Hook noted that, after the preface, the word "faculty" does not appear until page 15. Car system governance section be shortened? Silverstein said that a system-wide faculty handbook would be difficult to amend. Kovac was concerned that the differences between descriptive and prescriptive portions were not clearly marked.

Norman said this project is at a very early stage, offered for discussion and general sense of whether to go ahead with the project. He said a Senate vote at this time would be quite premature.

Hipple said the major question was whether a system-wide handbook was needed or wanted. Norman said Prados had confronted different practices on different UT campuses and, as a result, felt a system-wide handbook was desirable. Jenkins wanted to know what UTK faculty had to gain by this. He said he could anticipate some losses.

Van Hook said he thought such a handbook might be used to expand system control of faculty governance and, giver other things going on, thought the timing poor. Kovac added that we were not sufficiently familiar with other campuses' handbooks.

Mead said she would be reluctant to vote on anything which would strengthen the system approach to UT governance. After more discussion, Silverstein moved that we asked Prados to provide us with a rationale for a system-wide handbook, together with anticipated advantages and disadvantages. (Seconded by Hipple.) Passed unanimously, with one abstention.

Meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate


March 21, 1988
411 Austin Peay Building

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Members present: Hipple, Jeon, Kovac, Mead, Moore, Pierce, Sharp, Silverstein, Van Hook, Waller and G. Wheeler.

1. Frandsen presented the ballot for the 1968 Committee on Committees. Vote will take place at the next Senate meeting. After one change, ballot was approved.

2. Frandsen presented the resolutions in support of the Library Development Drive. No discussion.

3. Or. system-wide Faculty Handbook project, Frandsen reported that he wrote to John Prados, conveying the Committee's doubts about the project. Prados replied that he would be glad to meet with the Committee concerning this issue. G. Wheeler reported that a faculty member from UTK should be involved in this. Van Hook reminded Committee of Kovac's earlier comment, that the Faculty Handbook contained both information and contractual provisions, and it was not clear which was which. Prados might clarify this. Meeting no objection, Frandsen said he would invite Prados.

4. Pierce reported on issue of creating a new committee to ease the workload of the Faculty Affairs Committee. Pierce noted that the Committee has evolved into an appeals committee, and many Committee members appear to see that function as the Committee's sole or principal one. Pierce and Van Hook saw the Committee's role as a larger one, dealing with policy formulation, investigation at the behest of the Chancellor, as well as hearing faculty appeals of administrative decisions.

G. Wheeler spoke in favor of an ad hoc University-wide committee dealing with policies with regard to appointment, promotion and tenure. Such a committee, Wheeler said, was voted down by the Senate a few years ago. Pierce said he opposed numerous ad hoc committees, preferring that present committees do this work. B. Wheeler raised the perception of the Committee as a faculty appeals committee, not a committee that made policy or investigated cases at the request of the Provost or the Chancellor.

Pierce showed Committee of a draft of a letter from the Executive Committee to the Faculty Affairs Committee, instructing the latter to study the desirability of broadening the Committee's role. General assent.

5. There was then a discussion of the formation of a joint Provost-Senate ad hoc committee on the implementation of policy regarding outside consulting by faculty. Pierce moved (seconded Silverstein) that Frandsen and G. Wheeler appoint such a committee. A general discussion followed. Motion approved 10-1.

6. Silverstein reported on the issue of having a Faculty and Staff Ombudsperson. Earlier Silverstein had written to the Chancellor, urging the half-time or quarter-time appointment of such a person. The Chancellor replied that he preferred that faculty go either to the Chancellor or the Provost, or to the Faculty Affairs Committee. Silverstein said he thought this should be studied. G. Wheeler said several routes for faculty already are in existence (Faculty Affairs Committee, Affirmative Action Office, the present Ombudsperson's Office, to name but a few).

Pierce spoke in favor of the idea, saying problems could be mediated at the lowest possible level.

7. Report of the Task Force on Race Relations. The summary of recommendations was distributed. Frandsen called the Committee's attention to recommendations dealing with faculty and curricular matters (#10, 16, 20 and possibly others). Frandsen said he had been trying to get the Professional Development Committee interested in these issues long before the Task Force's report was issued.

The Provost said there is a real problem with regard to the behavior of some faculty. He said the vast majority of incidents were unconscious errors, which raising faculty sensitivity could eliminate. Pierce suggested that every senator be given a copy of the Task Force report, and recommend that all senators read it. Frandsen agreed.

G. Wheeler reported that he and the Chancellor are going to set up a committee to investigate recommendation #18.

A suggestion was made that UTK's Affirmative Action Officer be invited to the Senate, to discuss possible faculty actions. No opposition. Frandsen said he will continue to work with the Professional Development Committee to focus on this problem.

8. G. Wheeler reported progress on search for Dean of the Library. An offer should be made next week.

9. Frandsen reported that Betty Bengtson has resigned to take another position. Consensus was her place on the Executive Committee could remain vacant for the remainder of the academic year.

Meeting adjourned at 5:17 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate


April 18, 1988; 3:15 P.M.
311B Austin Peay Building

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

The meeting was called to order by Frandsen in 311 Austin Peay Building at 3:20 P.M.

Members present: Davidson, Hipple, Jeon, Kovac, Mead, Moore, Pierce, Sharp, Silverstein, Van Hook, Waller, B. Wheeler and G. Wheeler.

1. Frandsen spoke of the need for more Executive Committee meetings this spring. Called meetings for April 25, May 16 and possibly for May 9. He added that there definitely would be a Senate meeting on May 23.

2. Marianne Woodside and Monique Anderson were invited to report on the implementation of the academic review policy. The policy is intended to replace the current probation policy by providing intensive advising and counseling services for students who are academically at risk (below 2.0 for a semester or below 2.0 overall grade-point-average). This could apply to approximately 5,000-6,000 students.
1. Several questions arose, most of which had to do with timing problems and with removing students from individual colleges. Anderson said turnaround time was a problem and was being worked on.

2. Moore was concerned about the bureaucracy of the several (3) layers of appeal.

3. Mead spoke to how elaborate and time consuming this process will be, what with other pressures on faculty. She asked whether there was data from other universities to show such a process actually worked in "rescuing" students. G. Wheeler said this will be more humane, in that it will prevent students from floundering around, doing poorly, and not graduating because these students would find other options elsewhere.

4. Pierce strongly recommended beginning with phased implementation on a class-by-class basis. He also recommended that a strong statement on rewards for faculty doing advising be added to the implementation report. G. Wheeler agreed with both recommendations, as did Kovac.

5. Frandsen expressed concern for students who may be dropped from one college and unable to gain admission to another due to enrollment pressure or other circumstances. Present plans seem to indicate they would be dropped from the University.

6. Van Hook asked about the problem (as identified in the report) of minority students. G. Wheeler said there would be no separate policy, but as administered at the committee level there could be extra efforts to assist minorities.

7. Kovac spoke to the need for better summer advising, to which Woodside and Anderson agreed.

Frandsen asked if this should go to the Senate floor and, if so, when. Frandsen said this would be for information, not for vote. B. Wheeler asked whether the Senate could vote on the policy implementation, and the general consensus was no.
3. Frandsen gave a status report on the Blue Cross/Blue Shield question. At the President's Council meeting of April 5, the problem was discussed with President Boling and his staff.

Frandsen, Auxier, Fribourg, and Silverstein attended a meeting of the Tennessee Higher Faculty Assembly on April 11th where at a later meeting, the State's Director of Insurance spoke. He said there was a two-year contract with Blue Cross and there had been an overwhelming protest from all levels of state employees. He said "they know in Nashville that you're angry" and indicated that the problem is being studied by the State Insurance Committee. On April 11, the Fringe Benefits Committee met and passed a resolution to send a protest letter, which was drafted later to be sent to the Commissioner of Finance. Frandsen also sent a separate letter to the Governor (no response as yet). The Tennessee Higher Education Assembly also has drafted a protest. In sum, reported Frandsen, there has been much noise but no progress.

Van Hook added that he thought the central administration should be more forceful in presenting the faculty's case on this matter, but is not inclined to do so. Kovac suggested writing legislators. Frandsen said the State Insurance Committee is planning to meet on Monday, April 25. Silverstein suggested that the Senate's Legislative Committee meet with the Knox County Legislative delegation.

4. Frandsen reported on status of revision of Trustees' Bylaws with regard to selection of a President of the University. Frandsen wrote a memorandum to the Trustees' Bylaws Committee and presented it to that group on April 16. He reported that the committee was receptive but noncommittal. A point of debate arose over whether the Board could nominate unscreened candidates from the floor. The committee will keep Frandsen informed of its progress.

5. Frandsen reported that trustee visits are underway. Trustees have expressed interest and visits are being set up.

6. Frandsen introduced a proposed resolution on annual evaluations of deans and department heads. The central point of the proposed resolution has to do with faculty anonymity on these evaluations. G. Wheeler said he would not read anonymous evaluations. The central question, he said, was confidentiality which he could assure without accepting anonymous evaluations. Silverstein pointed out, however, that protection was also needed against punishment meted out (in terms of salary) by deans who didn't like what a faculty member wrote about his/her department head. G. Wheeler said he did not detect such a problem. Frandsen asked if there were some possible middle ground which could be found to resolve the problem and Wheeler said an elected faculty committee might be used to gather the evaluations, summarize them and forward them to the dean or provost. Executive Committee recommended sending to Faculty Affairs Committee.

Meeting adjourned at 5:10 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate


April 25, 1988
317 University Center

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Members present: Davidson, Hipple, Mead, Sharp, Silverstein, Van Hook and Waller.

The meeting was called to order by Frandsen at 3:20 p.m.
1. Ann Mayhew presented the report of the Senate Committee on Presidential Transition Issues.

There was a serious discussion of the content of the report and its implications. Some minor changes in the report were suggested and accepted by Mayhew for the Committee.

Frandsen asked the committee to vote on whether the document was acceptable with the changes that had been made. The vote was in the affirmative.

There was a consensus that the report could be released to the press after it had been delivered to Mr. Alexander and he gave his consent to wider distribution.

The committee agreed that Frandsen would write a cover letter and send the document as soon as possible.

2. Frandsen announced that the regular meeting of the Executive Committee which is scheduled for May 9th be postponed until May 16th so that Dr. John Prados would be able to attend.
Frandsen also reported that he would invite Ms. Camille Hazuer to speak to the Executive Committee as soon as possible to help the committee look for productive ways to respond to items 10 and 20 of the Report of the Task Force on Race Relations.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate


May 16, 1988; 3:15 P.M.
217 University Center

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Meeting called to order by Frandsen at 3:00 p.m.

Members present: Jenkins, Kovac, Mead, Moore, Pierce, Sharp, Silverstein, Van Hook, Waller and B. Wheeler.

Frandsen announced that the next Senate meeting (May 23) will be extremely full, including a report on Blue Cross, committee reports (Budget, Development & Alumni Relations, Educational Policy, Athletic), report by Research Council, and some proposals by Silverstein.

1. Unified System Faculty Handbook
Vice President John Prados was invited to speak on the issue of a unified faculty handbook. He said the motivation for doing this is that every time a revision of one of the campus handbooks is proposed, this must go to the Board of Trustees. Moreover, since legal offices and others must be involved in the process, this takes a good deal of time and energy. Prados' hope is for a common section of information and policies for all campuses which would not change for some time. Then each campus can supplement the core section with material apropos to its own campus. Prados said he would like to get the process back on track by 1) getting a member of the Faculty Senate to sit on a University-wide committee to work on the next draft stage of the core section, 2) getting a Senate committee to review the present staff, 3) getting revisions made, 4) getting Senate approval on all campuses, and 5) getting Board of Trustees approval.

The Executive Committee members expressed several reservations about this project, having to do with the distinctive nature of each of the campuses in the system. There was also concern over which portions of the present draft are descriptive and which are prescriptive, but there was more discussion about the concept of having a common core section of the handbook then there was about its content. There was some concern about how to amend a core section if there were one. After Dr. Prados left the discussion continued, most of it critical of a core section of a systems faculty handbook. Frandsen recommended that a subcommittee of the Executive Committee be appointed to examine the draft document and react to it. General agreement. There followed a discussion of the subcommittee's timetable, with the general agreement that the subcommittee would not be asked to respond before next fall.
2. Report of Task Force on Race Relations
Ms. Camille Hazuer, Director of the Office of Affirmative Action, was invited to meet with us concerning certain problems raised by the Task Force's report. In particular, she was asked how the Faculty Senate might try to provide information to the faculty about the improvement of interpersonal relations between teachers and students of different races.

Ms. Hazuer's main point was that many faculty members have not had the opportunity to gain insights into many minority students' attitudes, learning patterns, etc. She advocated faculty discussions to gain information about these insights which could empower them as teachers to deal more directly and productively with associated classroom problems.

She said that her office will be preparing some videotapes designed to illustrate the nature of the problem in classroom settings. These might be useful for raising faculty concerns and initiating dialogues about these problems. In response to a question, she said that the time commitment needed could be two or three hours a week for several weeks to accomplish a reasonable level of results with a faculty group. Van Hook said that few faculty members will be able to commit that much time to this process. She said she recommended getting 100 faculty members involved per year.

Kovac suggested that faculty needed to be made aware of different learning styles so as to teach all students better; these activities may tie in with that need.

Frandsen said the least that could be done in the fall was to schedule some lectures on the problem. Hazuer said she knew some good people who could be brought in for that purpose. She also said she would be willing to consult with the Senate at anytime on these matters.

There was agreement that the Senate should sponsor some lectures on the problem (funds to be requested from the Chancellor).

In response to a question, Hazuer said she suspected the problem applies to all minorities (Asian students, handicapped, etc.) or more generally to any people who appear "different" for some reason or other. There was a consensus that the faculty at UTK could use more information about the problems of interpersonal communications between people of different racial, social, or cultural backgrounds.

The Professional Development Committee will be asked to seek, with Ms. Hazuer's assistance, appropriate methods to provide such information to the faculty.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate


June 27, 1988
217 University Center

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Members present: Davidson, Frandsen, Hood, Mead, Pierce, Sharp, Silverstein, Van Hook, Waller, B. Wheeler and G. Wheeler.

Letter to President Boling
Frandsen distributed a letter he had written to President Boling to thank Boling for his service to the University and to wish him the best in his new position. There was some discussion of the creation of University Professorships for administrators stepping back to the faculty. It was unanimously agreed that the letter be included as part of these minutes.
Report of Board of Trustees Meeting
Frandsen said he told Board it was critical to codify the search procedure for high-level administrators. He also mentioned the health insurance problems to the Board and asked for a vote by the Trustees in support of the faculty's position. The Board of Trustees, after debate, unanimously passed a resolution sympathizing with the faculty on this issue.
Survivor's Benefits (report Silverstein)
Silverstein brought a resolution to the committee that the spouse and dependent children of a UTK employee who dies continue to receive benefits similar to those listed in the Retirement Benefits Directory. This resolution has passed the Benefits committee. Executive Committee unanimously endorsed the resolution, which will come to the next Senate meeting.
Medigap Insurance (Silverstein)
Silverstein brought resolution from Benefits Committee commending Governor McWherter, the General Assembly and the State Insurance Committee for legislation which will help provide retirees with protection against catastrophic illness. Executive Committee endorsed resolution unanimously. It will come to the Senate at its next meeting.
Emeritus Status (Silverstein)
Silverstein brought the first draft of an emeritus status policy from an ad hoc committee appointed by the President of the Senate. After a lengthy discussion, Frandsen suggested that another draft be done, in consultation with the Faculty Affairs Committee.
Review of On-Going Issues
Frandsen reviewed the issues presently before the Senate, including Blue Cross, student rights in Hilltopics, policy on outside consulting, teaching evaluation, teaching improvement, grade appeals, search procedures for administrators, and Board of Trustees' visits to campus. There also was a brief discussion of making faculty members voting members of committees of Board of Trustees.
Meeting of Executive Committee with President Alexander
There will be a meeting of the Committee with President Alexander on Friday, July 1, from 2:45 to 3:15 in the Andy Holt Tower 8th floor Board Room. Frandsen said a major topic will be the search procedure for the new Chancellor, and that we should focus on that. Pierce also wanted conversation to include the search for a new Vice President for Academic Affairs. There followed a general discussion of search procedure. It was generally agreed that the procedures for the two searches should be similar to those used in the search for the Provost. G. Wheeler said he thought Alexander would want to engage a consulting firm to help with the Chancellor's search.
Meeting adjourned at 5:01 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

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