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September 22, 1986
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March 2, 1987
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a. Reports that library staff will be reduced are erroneous. The size of the staff will grow, but not to the number it was projected previously would be needed to staff both Hodges and Hoskins.The meeting adjourned at 4:53 p.m.
b. Pope reported that the new tax law treated tuition waivers for graduate students as earned income and therefore taxable, unless the University can find a legal alternative. Several suggestions made by Pope. Silverstein promised to investigate.
c. Muldowny said that some senators had asked him to get someone to come before the Faculty Senate to report on SAMS, especially with regard to how it is being funded. Silverstein noted that the Budget Committee will be asked to look into the funding of SAMS. Jenkins recommended that a short report to the Faculty Senate by either the Chancellor or Homer Fisher would be desirable. No motion, but general agreement.
1. Will need an enclosed construction site, which will take up a significant portion of parking lot Staff 9 (180-190 parking spaces).Responding to questions, Fisher added that:
2. Will be returned to a parking lot by fall quarter 1987.
3. Must therefore find parking for faculty and staff who work in Claxton, Nursing and McClung Tower.
4. Brought to the Executive Committee the idea of using grassy between HSS classroom building and the Art-Architecture building. No trees will be taken and Athletics Department will pay for all expenses. Admitted that this was not an attractive situation, but was better than other alternatives.
5. No one would lose a parking space, but there would be some inconvenience.
6. Will not put down a permanent surface.
7. Lighting would also be provided and probably left in place.
8. Will have to be some grading.
1. University has not known about this problem for very long only about three weeks. That time has been spent working with faculty committee and parking authority to find alternative parking.Other concerns were voiced:
2. There is no more space in McClung Tower for parking, so no affected people will be able to transfer from Lot 9 to McClung Tower.
1. Lot 9 is also used for conferences, etc. at University Center. Will those also be able to be accommodated?Silverstein then redirected thinking toward how faculty and staff will be informed. Beacon and Context will be used. A memo will be sent to all affected parties. Fisher also said that he complained to systems administration about lack of input on decision. A general discussion then followed on systems people and architects making decisions without sufficient or expert input.Fisher -- yes, according to Joe Cates.2. Will this really be done by the beginning of the fall quarter?Fisher -- It must be done before the beginning of the 1987 football season.3. Why can't C8 be converted to faculty-staff parking?Fisher -- That is a commuter student parking lot. Would not want to lose any more of those.4. Will this hamper moving of the library from HHS?Fisher -- no.5. Scheurer pointed out that visibility problem has been studied and a police officer will be assigned to that curve.
1. Silverstein announced that a student forum will meet on February 2. 1987 on racism in fraternities and sororities. An open meeting, all are invited to attend.BUSINESS
1. Student Representation on Senate Standing Committees Should By-laws be changed to change student representation on committees?Meeting adjourned at 4:58 P.M.a. There was a general discussion as to whether students chairing the Student Senate, Student Academic Council, and Graduate Student Council should be non-voting members of the Senate Executive Committee (at present they are invited to attend and do not vote). No motion made, so situation stays as is.2. Suggestion to change Graduate Student Council to Graduate Student Association wherever appropriate in the By-laws (passed unanimously).
b. There was no motion to change student representation on Undergraduate Council.
c. On Graduate Council, Pope (President, GSA) argued for raising graduate student membership from 2 to 4. J. Morrow moved (2nd Lester) that this be approved and brought to Senate. Passed unanimously.
d. Research Council- Discussion but no action taken.
e. For Senate standing committees (Athletics, Educational Policy, Development and Alumni Relations, Library, Student Affairs), Lester moved to add one graduate student to each committee, taking into account wishes of the Graduate Student Association as explicated in amendments presented to Executive Committee on 2/2/87. Passed unanimously.
f. Addition of one graduate student to Library Committee (passed unanimously).
g. Student Affairs Committee -- no action taken to change composition.
Discussion of any other additions to standing committees will be held at a later time.a. Suggestion to use the name Undergraduate Academic Council in all occasions in the By-laws (passed unanimously).3. Racism at UTK in Fraternities and Sororities
b. Suggestion that the term President of the Graduate Student Association be used in the By-laws where appropriate (passed unanimously).Letter from Ken Kenny to Phil Scheurer re: racism. Scheurer would be happy to meet with Kenny. Silverstein agreed to attend the meeting. Silverstein commented about recent discussion of racism at Vanderbilt. Suggestions made to get some additional information. Provost Wheeler said solid evidence needs to be found so that problems can be dealt with -- need concrete data to substantiate charges. Silverstein asked for representation from the Senate or the Executive Committee. John Morrow agreed to attend the meeting with Phil Scheurer.4. Status Reports on Ad hoc Committeesa. Summer Term -- Has not met as yet. Provost Wheeler will appoint a new committee. Summer school to be driven by demand and enrollment. Summer school must be self-supporting; department needs to calculate 1 1/2 times the direct cost of the program (Cost, the tuition of the student). Staffing will be different in the future as well. Another issue concerned course offerings particularly during Summer of 1988. Provost Wheeler will inform the Senate and Executive Committee about future plans.5. Ad Hoc Committee on Emeritus Status for Faculty
b. Fees Committee -- Barbara Moore reported.1. Institutional Research to survey fees at other institutions.c. Salary Issues -- Betty Bengtson reported.
2. Considering user fees, payment plans, residence requirements.1. Attempting to identify problem areas in salaries.d. Workloads and Staffing -- Jeff Kovac reported.
2. Recommendations concerning salary problems this year.
3. Male versus female salary studies.
4. Clerical and non-exempt (support) staff salaries. Silverstein suggested that methods, for disseminating information to faculty need to be developed.
Richard Pope spoke about Graduate Stipends -- that they had not increased as same percentage of faculty. Provost Wheeler disagreed saying the University had tried to match graduate student stipend increases to faculty salary increases.
Provost Wheeler explained that even though 7% was salary increase goal for last year, had to cut back so that average was less than 7%. Difficult to get proper information about salaries to the university community.1. Two questions confronted -- How should workloads in departments be distributed? Committee hopes to establish a set of principles for a final plan.
2. How can one determine whether or not a program is overstaffed or understaffed? Committee has not dealt with that question as yet.
Lorayne Lester asked about the option of no research and all teaching. Would there be salary penalties? Committee not really dealing with that question. Provost Wheeler said department head and dean would determine performance of faculty who desires to teach more than research. Committee is not involved in dealing with that question, as it presumes university will insist upon some evidence of research or other intellectual activity. Wheeler also reiterated that equity in workload should be improved. Need improved methods for assessing teaching to reward faculty for teaching accomplishment.a. Provost Wheeler suggests that group of appropriate faculty members and administration members be organized. Silverstein to take action. Suggested that some recent retirees be appointed. Question of office space, secretarial staff, etc. Emerita should not be driven off. Moffett suggests perhaps a title of university professor might be created.6. Educational Policy material concerning a general education core will not be ready for February meeting of Senate, possibly in March.
7. Why Law School Curriculum Under Undergraduate Council?Moffett suggested that curriculum considered more undergraduate since they take applicants without a degree. Passing grade in Law School would not be passing in Graduate School. Richard Pope pointed out that Law School curriculum is in the Graduate Catalog.
1. Silverstein announced that letter soliciting suggested nominees for the president-elect of the Senate will be going out to the faculty this week. Two nominations will be brought to the Senate on April 6, by the Nominating Committee and ballots will go out after that.OLD/NEW BUSINESS
2. Silverstein sent letter to Cultural Affairs Committee suggesting that the committee push for a 50% discount on cultural events ticket prices.
3. TIAA long-term disability insurance is being made available to faculty and non-academic exempt personnel who do not presently have it. G. Wheeler impressed on the Committee the desirability for every faculty member to be covered.
4. Honors statement has been referred to the Undergraduate Council and Graduate Council. Silverstein anticipates that some action will be taken in the spring quarter.
5. Silverstein has requested that all faculty be provided with student telephone directories.
6. President's Counselors will meet in Memphis on March 30. Please communicate all concerns to Silverstein, Moffett or John Morrow.
7. Higher Education Council will meet on April 4 in Nashville. Ideas requested.
8. Silverstein inquired about sculpture (The Roof") on HSS lawn. It is on loan for one year and will not be here permanently.
9. Committee on summer school has not been named by Silverstein yet. Will be done soon. If a person is interested in serving, please contact Silverstein.
10. Silverstein has contacted Linda Tober of the Undergraduate Council to inquire about descriptions of grades C and D in the catalog. At present, C is described as "average" and D as "below average."
11. Bengtson reported that the Salary Issues Subcommittee will be dealing with "gender" at its next meeting.
12. G. Wheeler reported on the progress in setting up a Social Science Research Institute. Wheeler said he will establish such an Institute and support it.
13. G. Wheeler reported that the governor's budget "will not be what we had hoped for."
14. G. Wheeler reported that the promotion and tenure process is underway. Said the recommendations were improving.
15. G. Wheeler reported that a distinguished black scholar has accepted the position of department head of finance.
16. Hipple noted his objection to the change in budget hearing from having department heads present to the Provost to having heads report to their deans who then carry forward the requests.
1. Nominations for Committee on Committees were made by the Executive Committee and will be presented to the Senate on April 6 for a vote.Respectfully submitted,
2. "Expectations" Statement, Connected to "Missions" Statement for the Universitya. Moffett proposed this come before the Senate at next meeting (Seconded by Jenkins). Copies will be distributed beforehand. Passed unanimously.3. Mental Health Insurance
b. J. Morrow moved that Executive Committee endorse the concept of this statement (Seconded by Moffett). Passed unanimously.a. A bill is now before the state legislature mandating the state to carry such insurance as part of its package. The Senate's Benefits Committee is meeting to study the bill.4. Senate Representation on Administrative Committees
b. Lester moved that Benefits Committee be given the authority to reflect the committee's opinion and communicate to Nashville (Seconded by Drake). Passed unanimously.a. Silverstein reported he believed there should be such representation. Gave one example of where such membership would be beneficial. G. Wheeler reported that he was not aware of any single list of these committees. Pope reported that he has such a list, but there was some question as to its completeness.5. Faculty Involvement in Hodges Library Ceremonies and Observances
b. Drake supported Silverstein, saying such membership would enhance the flow of information. G. Wheeler says that for some committees this may not be appropriate. Added that large committees move more slowly than smaller ones.
c. Silverstein said he would get such a list. B. Wheeler argued for Senate representation so administrative decisions would not be made before the Senate was consulted.a. Silverstein announced that there was a Hodges Library Coordinating Committee and welcomed faculty input.6. Student representation on Senate Committees (International Education, Legislative, Professional Development)a. Hipple moved (Seconded by Drake) that each of these committees have one undergraduate and one graduate student representative (to be chosen from appropriate academic councils). Passed unanimously.7. Silverstein surveyed group as to necessity for a March 16 Senate meeting. There was general agreement that no meeting was necessary.
8. Next Executive Committee meeting scheduled for March 23, during spring break. General agreement that meeting will be cancelled, although a special meeting may be called if necessary on the 26th.
9. Pope reminded Executive Committee that it hasn't dealt with increased graduate student representation on the Research Council. will be brought up next time.
1. Silverstein announced that it has been a recent tradition for the President, Past President and President-Elect to host a dinner for the Executive Committee. This year the gathering will be on Sunday, May 17, at 6:00 P.M.EVALUATION OF TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS
2. Copies of the resolution urging pre-planning funds for the Science, Engineering, and Computer Building have been sent to the Governor and members of the State Legislature. Silverstein also contacted some individual Knox County legislators on the subject.
3. Committee on Committees for 1987-88 has been elected. They will meet (to appoint standing committees) after new Senators are elected.
4. Bruce Wheeler is willing to continue as Secretary of the Senate, as desired by the Executive Committee.
5. Copies of the Resolution congratulating the Lady Vols basketball team have been sent to the team, coaches and athletic directors.
1. G. Wheeler noted that this was one of a number of efforts to "take our heads out of the sand" with respect to work loads, tenure and promotion criteria, research and teaching. The Provost explained that the earlier increased emphasis on research was not meant to diminish the attention to quality teaching. Wheeler hoped the Senate would approve the report, which has within it the important concept of mandatory evaluation of teaching.COMMERCIAL VENTURE POLICY PROPOSAL
2. Kovac pointed out that assessment could be a "pretty scary thing" without a program to help faculty improve their teaching (which is being put together by another ad hoc committee) or without knowing exactly how an evaluation will be used or without knowing the details of the evaluation procedure.
3. Drake explained that two "sticking points" of an earlier report on evaluation were a) not wanting to do extensive peer evaluation and b) concern that ample consideration would be given to the faculty members being evaluated.
4. Jenkins pointed out that all other professions have performance assessments. G. Wheeler added that if we don't establish a policy, then someone else will do it for us.
5. Waller suggested that alumni evaluations be part of the recommendations. Provost agreed, but also said that student evaluations, when properly done, are very useful. Moffett said alumni surveys were not mandated in the report for two reasons: a) they were expensive, and b) they don't "pick up" newer faculty members.
6. Moore asked if evaluation instruments would be uniform. Moffett said the committee thought that they should be. Silverstein added that a college or department could add questions to the instrument. Provost said that, if passed, he believed the Learning Research Center should be given the responsibility of developing those instruments, with the help of a faculty advisory committee. Silverstein said he hoped instruments would come to the Senate for consideration. All agreed. Jenkins moved (seconded by Kovac) that Executive Committee endorse the proposal and recommend passage by the Senate.1. Lester said she thought the report should be accompanied by a report of the Teaching Improvement Committee. B. Wheeler said an interim report could be brought to the Senate in June or July.
2. J. Morrow thought that mandatory peer review would be the big sticking point, no matter how detailed the report is.
3. Jenkins (the mover) wanted it to be brought to the Senate at the next meeting. Passed unanimously.
G. Wheeler said this was designed to facilitate faculty involvement in their own ventures without hurting the University. The Provost explained that we are in the forefront nationally or) this subject. Silverstein added that the Research Council, is recommending endorsement, with minor editorial changes.BOOKSTORE CONCERN (on faculty selling "comp" books)
Kovac moved (seconded by Jenkins) endorsement. Passed unanimously.
1. Drake said her opinion was that selling a book marked "Not for Resale" was an ethical matter. Jenkins agreed. G. Wheeler also agreed, saying that the bookstore could refuse to buy or sell such books.STATUS OF HONORS STATEMENT
2. G. Wheeler suggested that before we make a recommendation that we check with Scheurer and the Bookstore. Kovac said we need to know the cost and case for enforcing such a policy.
3. Silverstein asked Drake to investigate further, to report to the Executive Committee at next meeting.
Silverstein reported that statement is before the Undergraduate and Graduate Councils. He added that the Graduate Council had some problems with the statement. The Undergraduate Council has approved it with several proposed amendments.GRADUATE STUDENT REPRESENTATION ON GRADUATE COUNCIL
Graduate Council said it will meet with the Graduate Student Association on this matter, especially with regard to some kind of representational formula.PROPOSED LETTERHEAD CHANGES
A subcommittee of the Employee Relations Committee has pointed out problems with the present letterhead format, including loss of typing space, first impression, lack of ease with computers, different margins on page one and page two, etc.FACULTY AND STAFF DISCOUNT POLICIES
Drake said we should compliment the group for their efforts. Silverstein said he would respond.
Silverstein reported on personal efforts in various places including the UT Theaters, the UT Bookstore for textbooks, and cultural attractions. Informal efforts will continue. A general discussion followed.SEMESTER MEETING SCHEDULE FOR SENATE
1. Executive Committee would meet on 1st, 5th, 9th, and 13th Monday of semester.STATEMENTS BY PRESIDENT-ELECT NOMINEES
2. Faculty Senate would meet on 3rd, 7th, 11th, and 15th Monday of semester.
Senate began to take up this issue at its last meeting but the lack of a quorum cut off consideration. Silverstein asked for the feeling of the Executive Committee. A general discussion ensued, most of which was negative.A short discussion was held concerning the position of Director of University Communications being filled without a general search. Concern was expressed about a "double standard" on searches, one for faculty and the other for administrators. Silverstein said he would inquire.
1. There will be a June 1 meeting of the Senate.MEETINGS UNDER SEMESTERS
2. There will be an extra paycheck for nine-month faculty in August 1988, to compensate faculty for extra month of work when we convert to semesters.
3. On replacement for Ellis as Director of University Communications without an external search. G. Wheeler indicated that in some circumstances it is beneficial to promote from within. Eastman and Wheeler both indicated that Affirmative Action guidelines were adhered to.
Should the 4th meeting of the Senate be regular each semester or called meeting? There was general agreement that it should be a called meeting as necessary. Was some discussion of the movement throughout southeastern states and in the Tennessee Legislature to start school after Labor Day (being pushed hard by tourist industry).STATUS OF HONOR STATEMENT
1. Undergraduate Council -- Instructor has the discretion to require students to write the word "pledged", write out and sign the entire code, sign a pre-printed code, or do nothing at all. Also, the Undergraduate Council passed a motion that faculty members who do use the code in class may refuse to grade unpledged papers.STATUS OF EVALUATION OF TEACHING PROPOSAL
2. Graduate Council -- Has passed an honor statement on which students may write "pledged" on examinations and assignments at their discretion and expects faculty to "maintain an atmosphere conducive to academic integrity". But does not mandate monitoring of exams or quizzes or discussing honor policy at beginning of term.
Kovac said there should not be 2 policies and doubted that "discordant policies" should come before the Senate. Moffett wondered whether Senate itself could find some middle ground. Will plan some floor discussion at June 1st meeting.
Moffett reported that, after Senate's action, the Committee met with some of those who objected to the report at the last Senate meeting. Moffett said she thinks a consensus report can come back to the Senate, probably in October. She stressed that a second committee will be working on implementing the broad policy guidelines of the first committee and this too must come before the Senate.SENATE COMMITTEES
Present Number | ||
1. | Budget | 10 |
2. | Faculty and Staff Benefits | 18 |
3. | Legislature | 19 |
4. | International Education | 18 |
5. | Professional Development | 8 |
1. G. Wheeler said an official announcement of the Social Science Research Institute's founding would be made soot, and there would be an internal search for a director.Meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.
2. There was some discussion of efforts now being explored to provide more release time for faculty involvement--research and scholarly activities.
3. A meeting is being set up to discuss how faculty can become more involved in facilities planning. Muldowny expressed concern about renovation and use plans for 12th floor McClung Tower and the HSS Building.
4. G. Wheeler asked if the Senate would like to inspect the "objects d' art" which are "sprouting up" across campus.
5. On renovations and usage of Hoskins Library for surge space, G. Wheeler reported that the budget cuts have set this back one year, but the plan is still set.
a. Muldowny moved (2nd Lester) that Silverstein be elected as interim V.P. Approved unanimously.2. Senate involvement in selection of President Boling's successor
a. Does Executive Committee want to make it known to the Board of Trustees and/or the Governor that there should be Senate representation on the Search Committee? It was suggested that a letter be written to the Governor to impress upon him the importance of faculty participation in the search process. A general discussion followed on the nature of such a letter.3. Temporary parking lots at Architecture & HSS
a. Silverstein told the committee that there is discussion on keeping the lots and not going back to green space. Considerable discussion on faculty and student reaction to keeping the areas for parking. The issue is complicated by the administration's promise to return the areas to green space but also the fact that many faculty and students may want to keep them for parking.4. Parking meters on Volunteer Boulevard
b. It was generally agreed that the issue should be placed on the agenda for discussion and vote at the Senate's July meeting.
B. Creekmore informed Silverstein that the city was going to put meters along Volunteer Boulevard. Silverstein has contacted city and campus administrators on this issue. Silverstein spoke against the plan. One city official said the idea was just "being floated" at this time.5. Self-insurance for fire and theft
There followed a brief discussion on the number of temporary parking spaces at the Hodges Library. No firm decisions have been made.
Discussion of University as self-insured and that individual faculty members' equipment, etc. in offices is not covered by University self-insurance.6. Posting of student grades
General agreement that this issue should be sent to Undergraduate and Graduate Councils for consideration7. There was a discussion of car bumper stickers or plates recognizing UT Faculty or Staff affiliation
No action takenMeeting adjourned at 4:45 P.M.
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