
September 19, 1983

October 19, 1983

November 14, 1983
December 5, 1983

January 30, 1984

February 27, 1984
March 26, 1984

April 16, 1984

May 14, 1984

June 25, 1984


19 September 1983, 3:15 P.M. Law School Faculty Lounge

LeRoy Graf, Presiding.

Members Present: Clint Allison, Ralph Dimmick, Jane Dunlap, Arthur Echternacht, Nancy Goslee, LeRoy Graf, Jeanette Jennings, Eldredge Kennedy, Nancy Lay, Jackie McInnis, Ralph Norman, David Qualls, Bernie Silverstein, Fred Venditti, Ann Wachter, Ken Walker.

Members absent: James Hilty, Andy Hoover, Marian Moffett, Randy Padawer, Eric Robinson.

Guest: Lee Humphreys

LeRoy Graf made the following announcements:
1. Chancellor and Nancy Reese are hosting two receptions honoring new faculty on Monday and Tuesday, September 19 and 20 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at their home. Members of the Executive Committee have been invited to assist in hosting the receptions.

2. Chancellor Reese has invited the Executive Committee to a breakfast meeting. Dates suggested for the meeting were September 26 or 28 at 7:30 a.m. LeRoy Graf will notify members of the committee when arrangements have been finalized. (Date finally set for September 29 at 8:00 a.m.)

3. A ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the new on-line circulation system of the UTK libraries will be held on Thursday, September 29 from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. in the Main Library. Members of the Executive Committee have been invited to participate in the festivities.

4. The orientation meeting for new Senators will be Monday, September 26 at 3:15 p.m. in the Shiloh Room of the University Center.

5. The October meeting of the Executive Committee will be Wednesday, October 19. The Senate sponsored Open Meeting has been scheduled for Monday, October 17, the original Executive Committee meeting date. Both meetings will be at the usual time of 3:15 p.m.

6. LeRoy Graf may be reached most conveniently at the Andrew Johnson Project extension 2449. Pat Anthony, secretary to the project, will relay messages.

7. Sherry McBrayer, the one-half time clerical secretary to the Faculty Senate, may be reached at 6768. Her office is located at 414 Student Services Building.

8. The Faculty Senate office is located at 1819 Andy Holt Ave. in the building with the Learning Research Center. Senators are encouraged to hold committee meetings there. Arrangements should be made through Sherry McBrayer.
Ken Walker reported that the committee had met once this quarter and the second meeting is scheduled for October 13.

Plans for the committee include: 1) inviting the Governor and the Speaker of the House to visit the campus. Although dates have not been confirmed, Alexander and McWherter have responded that they will attempt to schedule a visit to UTK sometime during the fall; 2) sponsoring the Open Faculty Meeting of the Senate on October 17. This is intended to be the kick-off campaign to encourage legislative support for funding for higher education; 3) mailing letters of legislative interest to the entire faculty. The first such letter has been sent from Walker and included an alumni brochure which detailed the funding needs of the University and requested alumni support in contacting legislators; 4) sponsoring faculty visitations to Nashville during the legislative session beginning in January; and 5) meeting with the Knox County Legislative Delegation. Bernie Silverstein is making arrangements for a luncheon meeting.

Walker also indicated that students are becoming more involved in attempting to secure funding for higher education. The Student Ambassadors are being organized for this purpose. The intent is to identify a student in each of the 90 legislative districts in Tennessee who will be responsible for contacting individual legislators.

There are many sub-committees of the Legislative Committee which are necessary to implement the work of the committee. Anyone interested in serving on one of these sub-committees should contact Ken Walker or Fred Venditti, chairpersons of the Legislative Committee.
Lee Humphreys reported that the committee studying the semester/quarter issue would have a recommendation for the Senate sometime this quarter. After some discussion, it was agreed that the committee should submit the recommendation for Senate debate at the November 28 meeting.
LeRoy Graf reported that the Planning and Budgeting Coordinating Committee, chaired by Homer Fisher, had been studying a draft document dealing with implementation of the new UTK mission statement. Although this document will eventually be submitted to the Senate for approval, Graf indicated that he felt Senate representation on the committee should be formalized and that explicit faculty consultation should be incorporated into the procedures for deciding such vital issues as support, development, retention, and reduction of programs.

Following a discussion of Graf's concerns, Bernie Silverstein moved that LeRoy Graf attempt to formalize Senate representation on the Planning and Budgeting Coordinating Committee so that the past-president, president, and president-elect of the Faculty Senate were appointed members of the committee.

The motion passed unanimously.

The Executive Committee also encouraged Graf to ask that faculty consultation be assured in all matters pertaining to programs.
In a memorandum dated August 30, 1983 Chancellor Reese informed the Executive Committee that Phil Scheurer had been promoted to Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. There was some discussion regarding whether this was a new position and, if so, whether affirmative action had been circumvented in the appointment. The group generally agreed with the Chancellor's explanation that it was not a new position, but a new title for Scheurer and, therefore, that the affirmative action policy had not been violated.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:05 P.M.

Nancy Lay, Secretary
Faculty Senate


19 October 1983, 3:15 P.M. Law School Faculty Lounge LeRoy Graf, Presiding

Members Present: Clint Allison, Ralph Dimmick, Arthur Echternacht, Nancy Goslee, LeRoy Graf, James Hilty, Eldredge Kennedy, Nancy Lay, Jackie McInnis, Marian Moffett, Ralph Norman, Bernie Silverstein, Fred Venditti, Ann Wachter.

Members Absent: Jane Dunlap, Andy Hoover, Jeanette Jennings, Randy Padawer, David Qualls, Eric Robinson, Ken Walker.

Guest: Lee Humphreys.

Arthur Echternacht, a member of the Committee on Dissertation Standards appointed by Evans Roth, reported that the work of the committee had been completed and that recommendations from the committee had been submitted to Bud Minkel. Senate action will not be required on this matter unless or until it is considered by the Graduate Council.
Lee Humphreys, chair, distributed a resolution from the Educational Policy Committee concerning the semester/quarter study. The resolution, along with appropriate background information, will be distributed to all Senators at the 31 October meeting. Discussion and vote on the issue is scheduled for the Senate meeting of 28 November 1983.
LeRoy Graf indicated that reactions to the open faculty meeting held on 17 October had been generally favorable. There were two suggestions made at the meeting which Graf felt should be pursued: 1) individual departments, using departmental mailing lists, should write to alumni and ask them to enlist the support of their legislators in funding for higher education; and 2) Newspaper editors in Tennessee, particularly those locally, should be approached about writing articles dealing with the funding needs of higher education.

Bernie Silverstein mentioned that one point made at the open meeting needed clarification. That had to do with the absence of President Boling. Chancellor Reese and President Boling, as Silverstein pointed out, had not been invited. Consequently inferences should not be made about their absence.
LeRoy Graf reported that Deborah Tate, state membership chairperson for Tennesseans for Better Schools, had written to Graf requesting him to distribute petitions for UTK faculty to sign in support of the Better Schools Program.

After some discussion, the Executive Committee agreed that the Senate should not formally endorse the Better Schools Program or take responsibility for circulating the petitions. Individual faculty who may wish to help in the distribution of the petitions, may secure them from Graf.

The Executive Committee instructed Graf to inform Tate in writing of this decision and to send her a copy of the Senate resolution concerning improvement of Education in Tennessee which was passed at the April 1982 meeting of the Senate.
The Executive Committee agreed that it would be appropriate to have the second annual Hesler award presented at the 28 November Senate meeting. The university-wide award recognizes outstanding scholarship and service to the institution. It is presented by the Scarabbean Society. At the conclusion of the meeting, the Senate is invited to a reception in the University Center honoring the recipient of the award.
Ralph Norman requested that LeRoy Graf appoint one member from the Executive Committee and one member from the Senate Faculty Affairs Committee to serve as members of an advisory committee for the national faculty exchange program. This program, of which UTK is a charter member, fosters exchange of faculty members among colleges and universities within the United States.
After a lengthy discussion regarding prayer at football games, Bernie Silverstein moved that LeRoy Graf appoint an ad hoc committee to study the issue of prayer at public university functions and that the committee should make recommendations on this controversial issue to the Executive Committee.

The motion passed.

Ralph Norman suggested that a member of the law faculty should be a member of the committee.
The Chancellor is considering the publication of a bi-weekly newspaper. This would not be in competition with the Daily Beacon, but would replace most other campus publications.

The Executive Committee agreed that if the paper becomes reality, it may be advantageous for the Senate Newsletters and Senate Highlights to be included in the publication.
LeRoy Graf was instructed by the Executive Committee to prepare a letter which succinctly states the Senate's position in regard to the importance of legislative support for funding for higher education. This statement should be presented for Senate action at the 28 November meeting. Subsequent to the meeting, it should be distributed to the press and members of the state legislature.
As instructed by the Senate, the Executive Committee minutes of the 19 September meeting were corrected as follows: Nancy Goslee suggested the statement be revised to read: The group generally agreed that the Chancellor was not asking us specifically to approve the appointment so we took no action, There was less agreement on the question of the relation to affirmative action policy.

The correction had to do with the appointment of Phil Scheurer to the position of associate vice chancellor for student affairs. The original account of the Executive Committee discussion of this may be found on page 3 of the Executive Committee minutes of 19 September.
As stipulated in the settlement of the arena lawsuit, the Faculty Senate is to be kept informed about all aspects of arena funding. Jonathan Utley, local AAUP chapter president, had expressed concern in a letter to Ralph Dimmick, chair of the Senate Athletics Committee, that this was not being done. In response to Utley's concern, Dimmick indicated that Homer Fisher had sent him the preliminary report of Don Jewell, the consultant hired to ascertain operating costs and projected revenues. This was the report discussed in the local press. A second report from Jewell is expected in the near future.

Since Dimmick is going to be out of town, LeRoy Graf is scheduling a meeting with the Athletics Committee, Joe Johnson and Homer Fisher to discuss the Jewell report(s). The meeting is expected to be held in early November. Dimmick was instructed to inform Utley of these arrangements.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 P.M.

Nancy Lay, Secretary
Faculty Senate


14 November 1983, 3:15 P.M. Law School Faculty Lounge

LeRoy Graf, Presiding

Members present: Clint Allison, Ralph Dimmick, Arthur Echternacht, Nancy Goslee, LeRoy Graf, James Hilty, Andy Hoover, Jeanette Jennings, Eldredge Kennedy, Nancy Lay, Jackie McInnis, Marian Moffett, Ralph Norman, Randy Padawer, David Qualls, Bernie Silverstein, Fred Venditti, Ken Walker.

Members absent: Jane Dunlap, Eric Robinson, Ann Wachter.

Guest: Don Eastman

1. LeRoy Graf has appointed the following people to serve as members of the Ad Hoc Committee on Public Prayer: Clint Allison, chairperson; Nancy Lay, Stan Lusby, and Bernie Silverstein. Fred LeClercq will serve as the legal consultant.

2. Graf welcomed Andy Hoover, President of the Student Government Association, and Randy Padawer, Chairperson of the Academic Council, to the Executive Committee. These students who are ex officio members, have not been attending Executive Committee meetings because they have not been receiving notification.
The Executive Committee directed LeRoy Graf, on behalf of the Senate, to write a letter of condolence to the family of Alfred Guthe. Guthe, a member of the Senate and former director of McClung Museum, died recently of cancer.

The Senate also agreed by consensus that the death of any faculty member should be acknowledged by the Senate president and that appropriate letters should be sent to families of the deceased.
Ken Walker mentioned that he was disappointed in the small number of Senators who attended the meeting which was held between UTK and UT system administrators on November 7 from 10:00 A.M. to 12 Noon in the Shiloh Room. Walker pointed out that the purpose of the meeting was for President Boling to meet with the Chancellor's staff and members of the Faculty Senate to discuss issues of mutual interest.

Several members of the Executive Committee indicated that the poor attendance of Senators was due to lack of communication over exactly who was invited to the meeting. It was suggested that attendance in the future would be improved if the meeting were scheduled at the regular Senate meeting time (3:15 P.M. on Monday) and if Senators were given ample notice.
The Faculty Counselors to the President will meet next week in Memphis. LeRoy Graf asked members of the Executive Committee for suggested items to be discussed at the meeting. The following were given:
1. Sound out the Counselors from other campuses on the question of a blue ribbon review, along the lines of the recent UT Campus study, of System-Campus relations, after a decade plus of experience with the UT Statewide System.

2. Encourage the Athletic Department to establish a policy whereby a percentage of bonus revenues (television income, etc.) would be donated to academic programs such as the library.

3. Increase fringe benefits for faculty by implementing: a) scholarships and/or tuition waivers for faculty children; b) free parking for faculty; and c) day care centers.
Ken Walker reported that 99 Student Ambassadors, one from each legislative district in Tennessee, have been chosen. The ambassadors have attended training sessions dealing with university funding and the state tax system. A final training session is planned which will offer suggestions for ways to contact legislators. in addition to the training sessions, a banquet will be held prior to the quarter break. At the banquet, specific instructions will given about how to lobby in their home districts during the Christmas break.

Randy Padawer, chair of the Academic Council, expressed gratitude to the faculty and the Chancellor's staff for their work with the Student Ambassadors.

Fred Venditti reported that all faculty have been sent a map identifying the legislative districts in Tennessee. Faculty are urged to notify Ken Walker, on the form included on the map, of legislative contacts they have in each district.
The semester-quarter issue will be considered at the 28 November Senate meeting. Due to the fact that the Senate may vote to have a secret ballot taken on this matter, the secretary was instructed to have such ballots available. LeRoy Graf was reminded to have a committee appointed to count the vote and to communicate the rules of debate to members of the Senate.

Randy Padawer mentioned that a student forum would be held prior to the Senate meeting and that students would also be voting on the issue. He requested that Senators take into account the results of the student vote when they considered whether or not to implement the semester system.
Last spring the Senate voted to change the bylaws so that the chairpersons of the Undergraduate and Graduate Councils would be faculty members. The process for the change should have begun at the last Senate meeting. Unfortunately this was not done. Due to this oversight, the Executive Committee instructed Fred Venditti, chair of the Committee on Committees, to schedule a meeting for 2:30 P.M. on Monday, 28 November. Prior to this time, Venditti is to solicit suggested nominees for the positions from the Educational Policy Committee. The intent is to have a slate of candidates available at the 28 November Senate meeting so an election may be held at that time.
LeRoy Graf informed the Executive Committee that the decision about relocating the library during the construction period had not been made. the administration is receiving information from a select committee of faculty, library staff and administrators on this complex issue. Suggestions from all faculty are encouraged.
The Executive Committee Meeting scheduled for 5 December is tentative. Graf will inform the committee members if the meeting will be held.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:03 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Lay, Secretary
Faculty Senate


5 December 1983, 3:15 P.M. Law School Faculty Lounge

LeRoy Graf, presiding

Members present: Clint Allison, Arthur Echternacht, Nancy Goslee, LeRoy Graf, James Hilty, Jeanette Jennings, Nancy Lay, Ralph Norman, David Qualls, Bernie Silverstein, Fred Venditti, Ken Walker.

Members absent: Ralph Dimmick, Jane Dunlap, Andy Hoover, Eldredge Kennedy, Jackie McInnis, Marian Moffett, Randy Padawer, Eric Robinson, Ann Wachter.

Visitors: Walter Herndon, C. W. Minkel

LeRoy Graf called the meeting to order at 3:17 P.M.

1. On behalf of the Faculty Senate, LeRoy Graf has recently made the following committee appointments: a) the Patents and Copyright Committee--Alex Van Hook and Richard Wirtz; and b) Traffic and Parking Authority--Dolly Hough.

2. Architects will present the plans for the expansion of the Undergraduate Library to Governor Alexander on December 7, 1983 at 1:10 P.M. in rooms 102-103 of the UGL. The Executive and Library Committees of the Faculty Senate have been invited to attend.
The Faculty Senate has been requested to submit names of faculty to serve on the Chancellor's committee to study the semester/quarter calendar. A minimum of four faculty, suggested by the Executive Committee, will be selected. Several names were suggested. LeRoy Graf will select from the list and submit these to the Chancellor.
As was presented at the last Senate meeting, the Board of Trustees has not been given an opportunity to approve recent Senate bylaws changes which stipulate that the Undergraduate and Graduate Councils be chaired by faculty members. Because of this, the procedure for the change, which was to have begun this fall, has not been started. The delay in approval has allowed the Executive Committee and members of the Acting Provost's staff to examine more fully the wisdom of such a change.

Acting Provost Walter Herndon addressed the Executive Committee on this point and suggested that it would not be in the best interest of the university to have faculty serve as chairpersons of the Councils. Among the reasons given by Herndon were the following: 1) it would result in two additional administrators, since faculty serving in these positions would need release time from teaching. The administrators who chair the Councils are tenured faculty; 2) it would weaken the link between faculty and the chief academic officer on campus by taking away important aspects of that administrative office; and 3) it would be demeaning to the Vice Provosts to have the title of Executive Secretaries of the respective Councils.

Ralph Norman and C. W. Minkel, Vice Provosts for Academic Affairs, concurred with Herndon's remarks.

In the discussion, Ken Walker moved that the Educational Policy Committee study the entire process by which curricular decisions are made at UTK and that the results of the study be reported to the full Senate no later than Fall Quarter 1984. Action regarding chairpersons of the Undergraduate and Graduate Councils should be postponed until the study is completed.

The motion passed unanimously.

Ken Walker explained that the intent of the motion was that the study should be a broad one and should include, among other things, the following: 1) the relationship of the Educational Policy Committee to the Councils; 2) the composition of the Councils in terms of election of faculty and appointment of administrators; and 3) the recommendations of the task force which dealt specifically with the Councils.

The Executive Committee agreed with Walker that the study should be inclusive and instructed LeRoy Graf to so charge the Educational Policy Committee. Graf was also asked to request that progress reports be given at the final Senate meeting of each quarter.
LeRoy Graf reported on the recent counselors' meeting with President Boling which was held in Memphis. He mentioned that Fred Venditti, at the Friday night session, had been responsible for organizing those present into small groups for the purpose of exploring effective lobbying techniques. Venditti's approach was well received.

During the Saturday morning meeting with President Boling, it was suggested by the counselors from UTK that a task force, similar to the one at UTK, be appointed to study the UT system. Counselors from other campuses did not comment on this; the President's response was that such a study was not needed at this time.

Due to the lack of time, the item on the agenda dealing with tuition waivers for faculty children, was not discussed. Bernie Silverstein suggested that LeRoy Graf ask the Fringe Benefits Committee to pursue this matter informally with appropriate administrators.

Graf agreed to implement Silverstein's suggestion.
The Commission for Women continues to be concerned about the interaction among physicians and students at the Student Health Service, Nancy Goslee requested that LeRoy Graf ask the Senate Student Affairs Committee to look into the matter.

Graf agreed to Goslee's request.
Earlier this quarter, Chancellor Reese mentioned the possibility of publishing a bi-weekly campus newspaper which would incorporate all of the separate publications now on the UTK campus. The Executive Committee of the Senate was amenable to the concept of the paper and agreed to use it for Senate publications. However, Graf reported that some campus organizations were not as eager to relinquish their individual publications for one which would accommodate all facets of the university. He suggested that reluctant groups might be persuaded to join in using the campus newspaper if assurances of free expression are forthcoming in whatever guidelines may be developed.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Lay, Secretary
Faculty Senate


30 January 1984, 3:15 P.M. Law School Faculty Lounge

LeRoy Graf, presiding

Members present: Clint Allison, Ralph Dimmick, Jane Dunlap, Arthur Echternacht, Nancy Goslee, LeRoy Graf, James Hilty, Eldredge Kennedy, Nancy Lay, Jackie McInnis, Ralph Norman, David Qualls, Bernie Silverstein, Fred Venditti, Ken Walker.

Members absent: Andy Hoover, Jeanette Jennings, Marian Moffett, Randy Padawer, Eric Robinson, Ann Wachter.

Visitors: Jack Reese, Hugh Welch.

LeRoy Graf called the meeting to order at 3: 20 P.M.

Jack Reese informed the Executive Committee that he and his staff are preparing a document for presentation to the Board of Trustees at their meeting on 17 February 1984. The purpose of the document is to explain actions the University plans to take in order to implement the new mission statement. Admission standards will be foremost among the actions highlighted in the document.

Reese explained that the full text of the report will be reprinted in the first edition of the new campus newspaper. This will be published in late February.

The Executive Committee requested that the Chancellor address the Senate at the 13 February meeting to inform them of admission standards which will ultimately require Senate ratification. The Chancellor agreed to this request.

As another information item, Reese reported that a Chancellor's staff retreat had been held on 13 January 1984 at Hopecote. Among the topics discussed were: a) enrollment projections and recruiting strategies; b) graduate enrollment; c) number of degree programs and the possibility of consolidation of programs. This topic will be pursued with appropriate colleges and departments; d) identification of new program proposals. The Provost's office will study this matter; e) long range plans in terms of facilities; f) relocation of the library; g) preliminary discussion about the increase in student fees; and h) application of new minimum standards for athletes which will be discussed with the Athletics Committee.
LeRoy Graf reported that Marian Moffett, chair of the committee, is ill and will not be in school this quarter. Bruce Wheeler has agreed to serve as chairperson until she returns. Moffett is at Park West Hospital and welcomes visitors.

In other matters related to student affairs, Graf reported that a female physician is now on the staff at the Student Health Service. In regard to Student Health Services, Graf mentioned that the Student Affairs Committee is studying the possibility of recommending that nurse practitioners be hired. Nurse practitioners would decrease salary costs and, since many of them are women, could alleviate sexist problems which are of particular concern to women students.
LeRoy Graf reported that Kermit Blank, chair, had asked to be relieved of his duties because he has had a hip replacement and is not on campus this quarter. After some discussion, the Executive Committee requested that Graf urge Blank to remain as chairperson. The committee could meet at Blank's house if that would be agreeable with the chairperson. Graf will pursue this with Blank.
Linda Weaver, editor of the campus bi-weekly newspaper, has set 13 February as the deadline for news for the first edition. Highlights of Senate meetings will be carried in the paper.

Ralph Dimmick indicated that the paper will publish a column from the Senate Athletics Committee once a quarter. The column, to be written by the chairperson of the committee, will be a question and answer format and will stress the relationship between faculty and the athletic department. Questions should be sent to Dimmick.
LeRoy Graf reported that he had written a letter to Ralph Dimmick and Bob Woodruff expressing concern about the possibility of a playoff to determine a football national champion. Woodruff has responded that the University is completely against such a championship playoff.

Ralph Dimmick, chair of the Athletics Committee, indicated that he had met with Joe Johnson and Homer Fisher to discuss the arena funding controversy. They assured Dimmick that a written summary detailing the refinancing of the project will be distributed to all faculty as soon as the details are final.
Lois Guthe, wife of Alfred Guthe, has written to LeRoy Graf to express her appreciation for condolences expressed by Graf on behalf of the Senate.
The Scarabbean Society expressed appreciation to Graf for the Senate's participation in the Scarabbean-sponsored Hesler Award presentation.
LeRoy Graf has written to presidents of faculty organizations at Board of Regents institutions as well as UT system schools to inform them of actions taken at UTK in support of higher education. Graf asks leaders on other campuses to take similar action.
The Bylaws Committee, chaired by Fred Venditti, has been asked to consider the following changes and present them to the Senate for appropriate action: a) change in the name of the Fringe Benefits Committee; and b) name changes, such as Provost instead of Vice Chancellor, to reflect new administrative structure.
Hugh Welch, a member of the Research Council, presented the written report of the Council. In preparation for the Senate meeting of 13 February, Ken Walker moved that the entire report be distributed to all Senators.

The motion passed.
LeRoy Graf presented a resolution concerning the Alternative Period. Walker moved that the resolution be presented at the 13 February Senate meeting.

The motion passed.
The Executive Committee agreed by consensus to request that the administration develop a snow day policy. Graf will make such a request.
Ken Walker reported that the Student Ambassadors would be traveling to Nashville tomorrow and would meet with the Governor and Lt. Governor. In addition, they will contact individual legislators to urge support of higher education.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 P.M.

Nancy Lay, Secretary
Faculty Senate


27 February 1984, 3:15 P.M. Law School Faculty Lounge

LeRoy Graf, Presiding.

Members Present: Ralph Dimmick, Nancy Goslee, LeRoy Graf, Andy Hoover, Eldredge Kennedy, Nancy Lay, Marian Moffett, Randy Padawer, Bernie Silverstein, Fred Venditti, George Wheeler.

Members Absent: Clint Allison, Jane Dunlap, Arthur Echternacht, James Hilty, Jeanette Jennings, Jackie McInnis, David Qualls, Eric Robinson, Ann Wachter, Ken Walker.

Guests: Henry Fribourg, Doug Wickham.

The meeting was called to order at 3:20 P.M. by LeRoy Graf.

LeRoy Graf made the following announcements:
1. The Faculty Senate, Student Government Association, the Staff Employee Association and Chancellor Reese are hosting a reception for the Knox County Delegation on Thursday, March 1, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the Hermitage Room of the University Center. The reception is being given to express appreciation to the delegation for their support of the Educational Improvement Act of 1984. All faculty and staff are invited to attend.

Fred Venditti suggested that members of the Senate should also send individual letters to the delegation expressing appreciation. The Executive Committee agreed that this should be done and instructed the secretary to include names and addresses of legislators with the minutes for today's meeting.

2. The Committee on Public Prayer will report at the next Executive Committee meeting.

3. The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be Monday, March 26, the first day of classes for spring quarter. The Chancellor will be present, along with the Senate Budget Committee, to discuss budgeting for FY 84-85.

4. The Employees Benefit Statement Committee and Edward J. Boling communicated to the Senate, by letter, their appreciation for the resolution concerning the personal benefits statement. The resolution commending the committee and Boling was approved at the 13 February Senate meeting.

5. LeRoy Graf has written to Henry Frandsen, chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee, requesting that the committee consider drafting a formal policy, to be recommended to the University administration, concerning the conferring of Emeritus status upon retired faculty.
The Senate will be requested to act on admission standards dealing with admission scores and GPA's at the 12 March meeting. Senate action on high school course requirements for UTK admission will be delayed until either the April or May Senate meeting. Purpose of the delay is to allow time to explore the full implications of the proposal.
LeRoy Graf read a letter from Dava Shoffner and Madge Donnellan, Senators from the School of Nursing, who requested Senate support in securing the employment of nurse practitioners at the Student Health Clinic. The Executive Committee had discussed this at its last meeting and had referred the matter to the Student Affairs Committee.

After some discussion, it was agreed that this was the appropriate committee to pursue the topic. Marian Moffett, chair of the committee, who has been ill, but was present at today's Executive Committee meeting, agreed that the Student Affairs Committee, along with Howard Aldmon and representatives from the Health Services Committee of the Student Senate, would study the situation and make recommendations to the Senate.
LeRoy Graf reported that he had written to Beauchamp Brogan to inquire whether the legal position of the University in respect to not giving written reasons to faculty who are denied tenure has been modified. Brogan's letter in response to the inquiry, indicated that the position of the legal counsel of the University continues to be that faculty not be given written reasons when they are denied tenure.

Following a lengthy discussion, the Executive Committee agreed that a committee should be appointed to review and disseminate university-wide tenure and promotion policies and procedures. Consideration of the policies and procedures would include discussion of the written reasons question. Members of the committee will probably be Graf, Henry Frandsen, four members of the Faculty Affairs Committee, Provost Wheeler, and at least two deans and/or department heads.
Although Chancellor Reese clarified the UTK snow policy in the Campus Newsletter of 13 February, the Executive Committee is still concerned about the ambiguity of the policy. Because of this, the Executive Committee recommends that the Chancellor establish a student-faculty-administrator committee to draft a snow policy which will serve as a more definitive inclement weather guideline for all members of the University community. Graf will relate this request to the Chancellor.
Doug Wickham led a discussion dealing with part-time faculty, As a result of the discussion, the Executive Committee recommended that the central administration be reminded of the part-time policy statement which was approved by the Senate and is currently in the Faculty Handbook. Graf and Wickham will attend to this matter.
The Executive Committee endorsed a request from Henry Fribourg, chair, that the Senate President and chairs of the Legislative and Fringe Benefits Committee attempt to schedule a meeting with Governor Alexander. Purpose of the meeting is to secure the governor's support in rescinding action of the State Insurance Committee; recent action by the committee drastically reducing coverage for mental illness, drug abuse and alcoholism, in effect removing protection against catastrophic illness in these areas.
Bernie Silverstein suggested that the Senate approve a resolution expressing appreciation to the Governor and members of the legislature for their support of education reform in Tennessee. Silverstein agreed to contact chairs of the Legislative Committee of the Senate to write such a resolution which will be presented for Senate approval at the 12 March meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Lay, Secretary
Faculty Senate


26 March 1984, 3:15 P.M. Law School Faculty Lounge

LeRoy Graf, Presiding

Members Present: Clint Allison, Ralph Dimmick, Nancy Goslee, LeRoy Graf, James Hilty, Jeanette Jennings, Eldredge Kennedy, Nancy Lay, Jackie McInnis, Marian Moffett, Bernie Silverstein, Fred Venditti, Ken Walker.

Members Absent: Jane Dunlap, Arthur Echternacht, Andy Hoover, Randy Padawer, Eric Robinson, George Wheeler.

Budget Committee Members Present: Wayne Claycombe, chair, Dale Doak, Gill Evans, William Goolsby, Kwang Jeon, Anne Mayhew, Jay Stauss (for Nancy Belck), Judy Webster.

Guests: George Everett, Homer Fisher, Jack Reese.

LeRoy Graf called the meeting to order at 3:15 P.M.

The following announcements were made by LeRoy Graf.
1. A memorial service for David Qualls, a Senator and member of the Executive Committee, will be held today at 4:45 P.M. in room G-2 of Stokely Management Center.

2. The open forum on Patent and Copyright Policies has been postponed. It had been tentatively scheduled for early April.

3. The letter sent to the Governor and the State Insurance Commissioner has been kindly acknowledged. However, no action has been taken in restoring lost coverage for nervous and mental disorders. Fribourg, Graf, Walker and Venditti signed the letter.
Graf distributed the ballot for the Committee on Committees which had been prepared by Graf and Venditti. Ken Walker moved acceptance of the ballot. The motion passed.

The full Senate will vote on the ballot at the 2 April meeting.
The Executive Committee agreed to a request from Graf that he recommend to the Senate that the called Senate meeting date be changed from 28 May to 21 May.
Jack Reese informed the group that budget hearings were still in process, but he had asked Homer Fisher to share preliminary budget information with the Executive and Budget Committees of the Senate. The Senate, through these committees, will be kept apprised of the 1985 budget as it develops.

Fisher indicated that the significant increase in state appropriations will not address all the fiscal needs of UTK. To stress this point, he outlined expenditures in the following categories: 1) fringe benefits; 2) salary increases; 3) new faculty and GTA positions; 4) significant increase in library funding; 5) significant increase in equipment and operating budgets; 6) longevity pay; 7) fee waivers for students; 8) library moving costs; 9) continuing equipment commitments primarily for computer science and engineering; and 10) allocations for expected shortfalls due to reduced enrollment.

In terms of salary, Reese mentioned that there was pressure from the legislature to provide across-the-board raises for persons below certain salary levels. However, as with other salary figures, these are still tentative since the General Assembly has not set, as yet, definite salary guidelines.

In response to a question regarding tuition waivers for faculty children, Reese responded that there was sentiment at the staff level to provide discounts, but not full waivers, for the spouse and children of all university employees; this would include faculty and staff. More information on this matter will be forthcoming. Ely Fly is in the process of determining the cost.

Bernie Silverstein suggested that more attention be given to summer school since that budget had remained static for a number of years. Fisher replied that this was a good suggestion, but the problem was that this budget depends on summer school enrollment. The Provost's Office is concerned with this issue.

Other suggestions regarding the budget dealt primarily with salaries. Some of these were: 1) provide more information regarding the differential of salaries among colleges; 2) attempt to explain, as was explained to the group today, all the issues involved in salary allocations; 3) explain variations in salary so that people will understand that UTK salary increases should not be compared with some public average. An explanation of the variations should enhance morale and alleviate suspicions about salary allocations.

Reese and Fisher agreed with the suggestions, and Fisher stated that college salary comparisons would be published next year. He also stated that an attempt had been made to qualify the percentage of each person's salary increase, but that this was a difficult concept to explain.
Homer Fisher distributed a memorandum from Wayne Brown, Executive Director of THEC, regarding THEC staff recommendations on the Centers of Excellence. The memorandum dated 20 March 1984 detailed the priority order and funding level of the proposed centers. The UTK Science Alliance was the number one priority. Although THEC delayed approval of the Centers until 20 April 1984, the Chancellor indicated that the proposal would be approved as recommended by the THEC staff.
George Everett, chair of the Library Committee, stated that the library was in serious trouble due to lack of funding over the past few years. Fisher agreed with this assessment and responded that the library fiscal problems could not be solved quickly. However, the administration is aware of the seriousness of the situation and is taking appropriate measures to ease the problem. More specific information about library funding will be forthcoming.
Chancellor Reese invited members of the Executive Committee to submit nominations in writing in the next three weeks to either Reese or Graf for a person to serve as the faculty representative to the Executive Committee of the Athletics Board. Alan Lasater, presently in the position, is leaving the university. Chancellor Reese will recommend a successor to President Boling.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 P.M. so that people could attend the memorial service for Dave Qualls.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Lay, Secretary
Faculty Senate


16 April 1984, 3:15 P.M. Law School Faculty Lounge

LeRoy Graf, Presiding.

Members present: Clint Allison, Ralph Dimmick, Jane Dunlap, Nancy Goslee, LeRoy Graf, James Hilty, Jeanette Jennings, Eldredge Kennedy, Nancy Lay, Marian Moffett, Bernie Silverstein, Fred Venditti, Ann Wachter, Ken Walker, George Wheeler.

Members absent: Arthur Echternacht, Andy Hoover, Jackie McInnis, Randy Padawer, Eric Roginson.

Budget Committee Members Present: Wayne Claycombe, chair, Nancy Belck, Lee Duffus, William Goolsby, Kwang Jeon, Anne Mayhew, Judy Webster.

LeRoy Graf called the meeting to order at 3:15 P.M.

1. The Senate resolutions regarding education funding have been acknowledged by Senator Douglas Henry, a member of the state legislature, and Randy Padawer, representing the Student Ambassadors. Graf mentioned that, due to an oversight, the Senate had not recognized appropriate university administrators for their efforts to secure funding for higher education. After discussion of the matter, Graf was instructed to write appropriate letters, on behalf of the Executive Committee.

2. The continuing part-time faculty issue continues to be pursued. Doug Wickham has written to Provost Wheeler detailing concerns. Wheeler, as a follow-up to the letter, has requested deans to examine continuing part-time status and to explain to Wheeler reasons for lack of appointments to the position.

3. Senators continue to remind Graf about the lack of funding for summer school. After a brief discussion, it was agreed that Graf should ask two campus committees (The Planning and Budget Coordinating Committee and the Semester Feasibility Study Committee) to consider summer school funding in their deliberations.

4. A joint Senate-Administrator Committee on Professional Ethics and Responsibilities has been established. Bill Cole, a member of the Senate Research Council, is chairperson. Other Senate members of the committee are Eldredge Kennedy and Hugh Welch, both members of the Research Council; and Lynn Cagle, Anne Mayhew, and Archie Mathews of the Senate Faculty Affairs Committee. Administrative members are Bud Minkel and one other to be appointed by the Provost.

5. Bylaws changes will be distributed with materials for the Senate meeting of 30 April. Action on the proposed changes will be taken at the 21 May meeting.
George Wheeler provided an update on the 1984-85 budget. He indicated that salary increases would receive the highest priority in terms of allocation of funds. Due to the great salary needs, other budgets such as equipment and operating, faculty research grants, and the library cannot be funded to the degree which is desirable. The University administration is concerned about these areas and continues to seek means of securing additional funding.

In conclusion, Wheeler mentioned that budget hearings were completed and that tentative budget allocations would be released to the deans in early May. However, no final action can be taken until the legislature approves the appropriations bill. This should probably be in mid-May.

There was a general discussion, following Wheeler's remarks, which dealt with funding priorities. The group expressed particular concerns about library needs and the countervailing consideration of salaries. It was pointed out during the discussion that additional funds could become available during the 84-85 fiscal year if enrollment is larger than expected and if research overhead recovery is greater than anticipated.

In response to a question regarding salaries, the Provost indicated that, at this point, the legislature has not mandated a minimum salary increase for all state employees, and the University has set no such minimum.
Clint Allison reported that the Public Prayer Committee continues to deliberate. No action is required at this time.
Wayne Claycombe, chair, reported on the results of a survey which had been designed by the Budget Committee to identify basic guidelines used by the various academic units to allocate salary increases. The full report is included with materials for the Senate meeting of 30 April. Following a discussion of the report, the Executive Committee instructed Claycombe to have it published in Context as a Senate Newsletter in order for all faculty to have an opportunity to read and respond to it. If faculty response warrants, the Budget Committee may recommend that the Provost's office develop salary allocation guidelines based on the survey results. Provost Wheeler indicated he would be amenable to such a recommendation.

On another item regarding salaries, Claycombe stated that faculty salary information is available in Harold Whitehead's office, 403C Andy Holt Tower. Faculty desiring such information may receive access to the book containing it by presenting proper identification to the staff in Whitehead's office.
Ken Walker invited members of the Executive Committee to a buffet dinner at his home on 19 May. Hosts for the occasion are Graf, Walker, and Venditti.
Bernie Silverstein moved that the Executive Committee recommend to the Senate that all Senate Presidents be presented with an appropriate plaque in recognition of their service to the Senate. Funds for the plaques should come from the Senate account.

Ralph Dimmick was the second for the motion. It passed unanimously.
Nancy Goslee raised the question as to when the Senate would consider the second part of the UTK entrance requirements which is to be presented by the Undergraduate Council. Graf responded that this could possibly be considered at the 21 May Senate meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Lay, Secretary
Faculty Senate


14 May 1984, 3:15 P.M. Law School Faculty Lounge

LeRoy Graf, Presiding.

Members present: Clint Allison, Ralph Dimmick, Nancy Goslee, LeRoy Graf, James Hilty, Nancy Lay, Jackie McInnis, Marian Moffett, Bernie Silverstein, Ann Wachter, Ken Walker, George Wheeler.

Members absent: Jane Dunlap, Arthur Echternacht, Andy Hoover, Jeanette Jennings, Eldredge Kennedy, Randy Padawer, Eric Robinson, Fred Venditti.

Guests: Howard Aldmon, Homer Fisher, Anne Hopkins, Jack Reese.

LeRoy Graf called the meeting to order at 3:25 P.M.

Jack Reese sought advice from the Executive Committee on two important issues with which he is currently dealing: 1) freshman admission requirements; and 2) the semester/quarter feasibility study. In regard to the first topic, the Chancellor indicated that he would consider suggestions made by members of the Executive Committee and that either he or his designate would address the Senate at the 21 May meeting on freshman admission requirements. On the second topic, it was agreed that the Chancellor would consult with the Senate Executive Committee when he receives the report from the Semester Feasibility Study Committee. The report is due by the end of this quarter.
Homer Fisher and George Wheeler presented an update on the budget. Although some fine tuning still remains, the budget process is virtually complete. The Executive Committee will be sent a summary of the information as soon as final approval has been made. The Chancellor will also present the information in Context. In addition to these efforts to keep the university community informed about budgetary allocations, Fisher and Wheeler agreed to present the information to the Senate at the 21 May meeting.
Bernie Silverstein agreed to be responsible for purchasing recognition plaques for all past Faculty Senate presidents.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Lay, Secretary
Faculty Senate


25 June 1984, 3:15 P.M. Law School Faculty Lounge

LeRoy Graf, Presiding.

Members present: Clint Allison, Ralph Dimmick, Jane Dunlap, Arthur Echternacht, Nancy Goslee, LeRoy Graf, James Hilty, Eldredge Kennedy, Nancy Lay, Marian Moffett, Bernie Silverstein.

Members absent: Andy Hoover, Jeanette Jennings, Jackie McInnis, Randy Padawer, Eric Robinson, Fred Venditti, Ann Wachter, Ken Walker, George Wheeler.

LeRoy Graf called the meeting to order at 3:20 p.m.

LeRoy Graf announced that since Chancellor Reese was unable to attend today's meeting, he had asked Graf to extend appreciation to the Executive Committee and to the full Senate for support during the past academic year particularly in the following endeavors: 1) helping to secure increased funding for education by encouraging legislators to support the better schools program and to vote for a tax increase; 2) helping to secure funds for the addition to the Undergraduate Library; 3) approving the first stage of the new UTK admission requirements; and 4) working with the Research Corporation as new patent and copyright policies are being developed.

Graf also mentioned that Chancellor Reese was pleased with the Board of Trustees favorable reaction to the second stage of the new UTK admission requirements which deal with specific high school courses required for admission to the university. Reese presented the requirements as an information item at the June Board meeting. Action was not taken at that time since the Faculty Senate has not approved this aspect of the admissions standards.
At the Senate meeting of 21 May, the issue of administrators serving as voting members of the Senate was raised, Graf, at the Senate meeting, indicated a committee would be appointed to study the matter. After some discussion at today's Executive Committee meeting, Bernie Silverstein moved that the Bylaws Committee study the situation, report their deliberations to the Executive Committee and the Executive Committee, as warranted, make recommendations to the full Senate. Deliberations of the Bylaws Committee should be reported, if possible, to the Executive Committee by the second meeting of fall quarter.

The motion passed.

It was also suggested that the chairperson of the Bylaws Committee contact Faculty Senates at other institutions to determine how this matter is treated at other schools.
LeRoy Graf mentioned that faculty did not have access to materials distributed to Trustees for Board meetings, and that, although students had voting privileges on the Board, faculty did not. The Executive Committee, after some discussion, instructed the Senate President to explore the possibility of faculty representation on the Board of Trustees.
LeRoy Graf suggested that the Research Council should become involved in the selection of the Board of Directors of the Research Corporation to insure effective faculty representation. Ed Kennedy, a member of the Research Council, indicated that the Council was concerned with this matter as well as with the patent and copyright policies currently being established.
Ralph Dimmick, chairperson, reported that an updated faculty/staff athletics information booklet would be published in the fall. On another matter, Dimmick stated that he had contacted, by letter, Alan Beals, the athletic academic counselor, and offered to help in the controversy surrounding Beals' resignation. One suggestion from Dimmick is that the Office of Institutional Research conduct a study, similar to one completed in 1981, which will assess athlete's academic performance at UTK and suggest recommendations for improvement. Dimmick will confer with Beals before initiating such a study.
As directed by the Senate at the 30 April meeting, the Executive Committee instructed the Senate Presidents to appoint a committee to study procedures for salary increases. The committee should have varied college representation and should have members from the Executive, Budget and Faculty Affairs Committees of the Senate.
Bernie Silverstein moved the following: The Executive Committee should recommend to the Senate an appropriate resolution encouraging the speedy completion of the study by the administration dealing with tuition discounts for spouses and children of faculty and staff of the UT system schools so that an appropriate discount policy could be adopted by the summer or fall of 1985.

The motion passed.

Silverstein agreed to work on the resolution.
LeRoy Graf expressed concern about a policy approved by the Undergraduate Council dealing with honors categories (Undergraduate Council minutes 24 May 1984, p. 6080 under no. six). Graf indicated that he did not agree with the concept that a student could graduate with honors from UTK if only 45 hours of coursework had been completed at this institution. Other members of the Executive Committee agreed and suggested that Graf bring this to the attention of the full Senate at the 9 July meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Lay, Secretary
Faculty Senate

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