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1. The status of the Faculty Handbook was discussed. Frank Leuthold indicated that he had discussed this with Ralph Norman. He stated to Ralph Norman that the entire draft of the handbook, after revision by senate committees, should be in the hands of senators at least 30 days before a vote by the Senate. He also stated that he had revised Chapter II on faculty governance to conform with the bylaws of the Senate and returned this chapter to Ralph Norman.Reported by
2. Frank Leuthold indicated that he had asked Mary Richards (Chr.) of the Budget Committee to review salaries at Regent's Institutions and UTK. Data reported in The Chronicle of Higher Education indicate that faculty at some of the Regent's Universities received much higher percentage raises between 1975-76 and 1976-77 than the raises received by the UTK faculty.
3. On August 4, Pauline Bayne, David Ostermeier and Frank Leuthold met with Chancellor Jack Reese, Walter Herndon, Ralph Norman, Evans Roth, Betsey Creekmore on policies regarding part-time faculty. The issues of tenure and fringe benefits were discussed. Also, the changed official position of not writing a letter of reason(s) for not granting tenure was discussed.
4. Ken Walker (Chr.) of the Faculty Affairs Committee has been asked to further explore the issue of tenure for part-time faculty. It was indicated that the State of Tennessee will no longer allow part-time faculty to receive fringe benefits such as social security, retirement, and insurance. The fairness of this decision was questioned by the Executive Committee.
5. Frank Leuthold indicated that he had asked Ralph Norman to send a statement to all faculty concerning the "quarter bank plan." The administration has accepted the plan, but not enough publicity has been distributed to the faculty on the particulars of the plan.
6. The Senate resolution on "advising" passed last spring stated that each academic unit should come up with a plan by the end of Fall Quarter. The administration has been asked to remind each college and academic unit that the Senate needs to know the procedures developed by the start of Winter Quarter.
7. Frank Leuthold stated that he presented several names to Chancellor Reese for positions as President's Counselors and for positions on committees of the Board of Trustees. It was suggested by the Executive Committee that the President's Counselors be asked to give a full report to the Senate of the activities of the Counselors.
8. The Executive Committee decided that regular meetings will be scheduled 2 weeks prior to Senate meetings. Additional meetings will be called as needed. The next Executive Committee meeting will be September 19, 1977 at 3:15 p.m.
9. There was a discussion of how Senate information is circulated to faculty. There was general agreement that the faculty often do not receive enough information on how the Senate operates. The Improved Communications Subcommittee of the Fringe Benefits Committee will be asked to consider this problem.
1. The need to start Senate meetings on time and to get important issues covered early in the meetings resulted in a motion to begin Senate meetings at 3:00 p.m. rather than 3:15 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Special notice of this change is to appear on the next agenda for the Senate's October meeting.Reported by Pauline Bayne,
2. Frank Leuthold announced the Chancellor's address to the faculty which will occur at a general faculty meeting on October 4, 3:30 p.m. in the Shiloh Room. Frank Leuthold will address the faculty as well.
3. The Committee on Committees must make new appointments for the three senators who have left the University (Schmidt, Lohmann, Gesell).
4. The Student Affairs Committee has been assigned the task of investigating programs of credit for work experience such as one offered at UT Chattanooga.
5. The following appointments have been made by President Boling:6. Changes in medical insurance, life insurance, and retirement benefits were discussed at a September 15 meeting of Ely Fly, Neal Wormsley, David Ostermeier, Frank Leuthold, and Harvey Carruth. Contracts for medical and life insurance will be bid separately by the State of Tennessee this fall.
Presidential Councilors: John Morrow and Judy Kuipers Trustee committees: Faculty-Staff Affairs, David Ostermeier
Student Affairs, Felicia Felder
Public Affairs, Luther Keller
Medical, Kathleen Conlon
Alumni, Garrett Briggs
Athletics, Helen Watson
7. Mary Richards and the Budget Committee have been asked to collect data on changes in salary in the Regents system and UT system for the past several years. Wayne Brown, Executive Director of THEC, has been asked to provide this information. At this point, there was a discussion about making salary information available in the Faculty Senate Office.
8. Ralph Norman reported on some new insurance information:a. New faculty or those returning from leave at the beginning of summer quarter are to be considered as regular employees rather than temporary employees for insurance purposes.9. Gordon Sherman presented the resolution on classified research which was endorsed by the Research Council at its summer meeting. The Senate will be asked to endorse the resolution on October 3.
b. For leaves of absence beyond six months, no change in the 30-day waiting period for insurance coverage has been made. Neal Wormsley has asked Provident to make this change.
10. Ralph Norman reported on the current status of the Faculty Handbook draft. After editing by the Chancellor's staff, the draft was presented to the Deans and Directors. A subcommittee of Deans is preparing some suggested changes. Norman indicated that the Senate will not have a complete draft until November 1. The Executive Committee stated that they will need time to review it, and all senators must have the completed draft 30 days before any vote will be taken.
11. Ralph Norman discussed plans for surveying departments in academic units on their plans for implementing advising. All details of the implementation are to be worked out during fall quarter. Ralph Norman is scheduled to report the results of the plan to the Senate on January 16.
12. Mac Simpson proposed three items as goals for the "Executive Committee:a. Request that faculty members of the Board of Trustee Committees and Presidential Councilors give reports to the Executive Committee.13. The inactivity of the Public Service Council was discussed. This Council has not met in the past academic year yet the Senate By-Laws call for quarterly meetings.
b. That there be joint meetings between deans and the Executive Committee.
c. That there be more follow-up on large issues that have come before the Senate. For instance, greater coordination between student groups and the Faculty Senate should be sought on such issues as teaching and learning.
1. For the benefit of new members of the committee, Mac Simpson gave the report of the subcommittee on University By-Laws. Details of this report are given in the report of the June meeting. Frank Leuthold will contact the Secretary of the Board of Trustees to obtains copies of the University By-Laws for all senators. Appropriate pages of the System Self-Study and the Faculty Handbook for the U.T. Center for Health Sciences will also be made available. The subcommittee recommended that these items be distributed to senators and that no push be made at this time to get the University By-Laws revised in regard to the role of the Chancellor.
2. At the request of Warren Neel, Dean of the College of Business, members of the Executive Committee (Leuthold, French, Forrester) met with him to discuss procedures involved in a search for an associate dean. Frank Leuthold indicated that an appropriate search would include both internal and external candidates. Russ French recommended that the process take in the spirit of affirmative action and that it encourage the input of appropriate faculty. Charles Reynolds introduced a resolution to commend Dean Neel for his consultations with the Senate Executive Committee, the Commission for Blacks, and the Commission for Women concerning the process for choosing an associate dean. The resolution was passed by the committee.
3. Frank Leuthold reported on a letter from Hardy Liston indicating the Public Service Council will begin meeting. Student members of the committee will be selected by the appropriate student groups.
4. The Research Council has established a committee composed of Jim Spencer, chairperson, Mac Simpson, Charles Reynolds, Bob Woodruff, and Jack Humphreys, to ascertain the feeling and response to the classified research proposal on a departmental or college basis. The committee will work during the fall and winter to determine what kind of policy would be acceptable to faculty.
The council has set a working rule for this year concerning the presence of a quorum: any item going to the Senate must be approved with a quorum present.
5. The Presidential Councilors met in Nashville on October 10. Those present included Frank Leuthold, John Morrow, Forrest Lacey, and Ken Kenney; Judy Kuipers was unable to be present. The agenda was set by members and a good exchange occurred. In accordance with earlier discussion, Presidential Councilors will report to the Executive Committee after their winter meeting. A suggestion was made that the President-Elect fill in for any Presidential Councilor who is unable to attend a meeting. This policy would contribute to continuity of our contact with the President.
Frank Leuthold also met with Presidents of other faculty senates across the state. They hope to have a Nashville meeting to include representatives from all senates. Members of the committee suggested that careful thought be given to some specific goals and purposes that might be accomplished by this group, perhaps legislative issues to be supported, etc.
6. There was discussion on the issue of release of faculty salary information. The Faculty Affairs Committee was asked by the Executive Committee to carefully consider the issue and to bring recommendations to the Executive Committee including the form and format of such disclosure, if it is to occur.
1. Homer Fisher reported on grounds and building maintenance and the inspection system. He asked that any problem areas be reported to Clarence Lefley or to him.
2. Frank Leuthold encouraged members of the Executive Committee to attend meetings of other Senate committees when possible. It was decided that schedule information concerning committee meetings should be sent routinely to the President, the President-Elect, and the Secretary. Members of the Senate or of the faculty at large could then obtain schedule information from the Secretary.
3. Frank Leuthold made a ruling concerning the status of Garrett Briggs as a senator since he has been appointed acting associate dean for the College of Liberal Arts. The By-Laws of the Senate state that administrative members of the Senate are to be deans and directors; faculty senators must have full time faculty appointments rather than administrative appointments. The President ruled that there is no conflict with the By-Laws and Garrett Briggs may remain on the Senate because of his interim appointment as an administrator. The Parliamentarian, Carl Pierce, concurred and suggested that the By-Laws Committee take a look at the vacancy section for possible revision.
4. Presidential Councilors will report at the second Senate meeting of Winter Quarter.
5. The Executive Committee voted to reaffirm an earlier Senate recommendation that Senators report to their college faculty on activities of the Faculty Senate. Some colleges have these reports at college meetings while others circulate a summary of issues discussed at Senate meetings. At this point there was some discussion of communication needs among the faculty. Garrett Briggs suggested a faculty newsletter. David Ostermeier commented that this need was currently under investigation by the Fringe Benefits Committee.
6. Judy Kuipers suggested that Nancy Min report regularly to the Executive Committee on the latest concerns of students, and Frank Leuthold asked her to give such reports in the future.
Sherrie Smith reported that the "Creative Explosion Exposition" sponsored by the Academic Council for February 1-3 will have fifteen to twenty research exhibits and that ten symposia have been arranged.
7. Tom Ungs reported for the Athletics Committee. He asked whether it would be appropriate for the Faculty Senate Athletics Committee to join with Trustees' Athletics Board in the publication of a factual information booklet concerning UT athletics. The Executive Committee charged the Athletics Committee to work with the Trustees' Athletics Board in a joint effort to disseminate the information of concern to faculty in whatever means possible. Tom Ungs stated that the Athletics Committee will formulate the questions and concerns of the faculty in specific terms and relate those questions and concerns to the Athletics Board.
8. Charles Reynolds reported for the Student Affairs Committee. This committee has been investigating non-institutional learning programs. The Student Affairs Committee recommended that the topic of noninstitutional learning be studied by the Testing and Grading Committee of the Undergraduate Council with particular interest in the CLEP program and its further use on this campus. The Executive Committee concurred with this recommendation. Charles Reynolds will bring the information he has to the Undergraduate Council.
1. Frank Leuthold reported that he has sent letters to deans and directors asking for the opportunity to have Senators report to their faculty as per the request of the Executive Committee. He offered to meet with each unit or College during the winter quarter to share information about the Faculty Senate activities.
2. Walter Herndon gave status reports on the Faculty Handbook and the advising report. The Handbook has the highest priority in Ralph Norman's office, and the intention is to finish it this academic year. He reported some evidence of the mandatory advising system working in those colleges which are trying it. The College of Liberal Arts has requested that the advising be spread over three quarters. He feels certain that the mechanics of the process will not be allowed to get in the way of achieving the quality faculty-student contact desired.
3. Frank Leuthold reported that information has not come officially to the university regarding the winning bids for medical and life insurance although Blue Cross has obtained the bid for the medical insurance while Provident has retained the life insurance coverage. The policies are to be implemented on January 1, 1978. The time lag in informing employees may cause some problems, but Vice President Emerson Fly can take no action until there is official notification.
4. The Legislative Committee has scheduled a meeting on December 13 with Chancellor Reese and his staff to identify priority items for both faculty and administration. These priorities will be conveyed to the Knox County legislators at an up-coming breakfast meeting. Garrett Briggs had suggested that similar work might be carried out by Faculty Senate groups of other UT campuses with our Legislative Committee making the supporting statistics and information available to them. Frank Leuthold reported a favorable response to this suggestion from Nashville and some concurrence from the Chattanooga and Memphis campuses. He had not yet been in contact with the people at Martin.
In relation to legislative work, Russell French reported on information gained from the Chancellor's Financial Planning Task Force. A state income tax is usually thought to provide better funding for higher education than the present tax system. The task force projects that with the same proportion of tax dollars coming from an income tax, in 1984 we could fund a steady state budget, but even a 5% annual increase in the UT budget would be $3 million short. UT will certainly have need for alternative sources of funding even if an income tax is established.
5. The Chancellor's letter in response to the October 3 address of Senate President Frank Leuthold showed progress being made in many areas of concern. Kenneth Walker asked for announcement of the quarter-bank option for faculty which was one of the topics discussed in the report and letter.
6. Kenneth Walker reported for the Faculty Affairs Committee on the matter of release of information on faculty salaries. The committee recommends that the Executive Committee ask for salary information in terms of ranges, medians, and means by rank in each college. The information should be released annually with an indication of the date of the figures. Mr. Walker added that the report should include notes of explanation and conventions used in compiling the data. The Executive Committee amended the motion to include years in rank as soon as that information is available but not to delay the release of present information in the terms specified above. The Executive Committee approved the motion.
1. Nancy Ann Min reported on student government activities. The legislative package of bills they are supporting includes full funding and passage of the higher education budget, the Bill Noland bill to equalize female salaries, bringing them into line with male salaries at the assistant and associate professor levels, and at least preplanning money for an addition to the Claxton Education Building. The Student Coordinating Council has reviewed the judicial boards and made recommendations concerning changes in their composition and for a student defender to be funded by student organizations. She asked that the Student Affairs Committee of the Senate also investigate the matter and consider the recommendations. Charles Reynolds, chairperson, agreed that the Student Affairs Committee would act upon the request.
2. Neil Worley, representing the Academic Council, described the events, symposiums and exhibits, of the Creative Explosion, a research exhibition, to be held on February 1-3. He distributed brochures with a schedule of events, made some corrections, and expressed appreciation for the help of the departments and faculty in planning this program.
3. Gordan Sherman reported for the Research Council. Recently the Council has considered several issues:a) Reviewed the chapter on research from the new Faculty Handbook.4. Frank Leuthold reminded the Executive Committee members of the breakfast and meeting with the Knox County Legislative Delegation on Saturday, February 4.
b) Received a report from a subcommittee studying research centers, their role and relation to various departments. This report will be considered by the Executive Committee at its next meeting.
c) A policy on extra-service pay and consulting. The report of this committee and the formula developed will be studied by the Faculty Affairs Committee.
d) The committee on classified research is meeting, has helped to plan the panel discussion on this topic for the Creative Explosion, and will start to gather faculty in-put soon.
e) The Research Council considers the work of the Statistics Committee for the Undergraduate Council to be important work and supports all efforts toward evaluation rather than stopping with a survey of course offerings.
f) The committee to make recommendations for the Chancellor's research scholar awards has been formed with Sarah Blanshei as its chairperson. Recommendations to this committee are due on February 17.
Discussion followed concerning the need for access to statistical expertise on this campus. It was noted that many large land-grant universities have statistical laboratories to serve this need. The Research Council and other groups need to consider how to make local expertise available on a practical basis.
5. Copies of the new Faculty Handbook should be available to the Executive Committee for review within 7 to 10 days. The Committee agreed to hold extended debate on the entire Handbook with primary responsibility assignments to be made for each member. Many of these chapters have been reviewed by various Senate committees last fall (1976). Ralph Norman has agreed to provide a cover page which will indicate major changes since the first reviews occurred.
6. The Executive Committee decided to ask Forrest Lacey to chair the report of the Presidential Councilors and to limit the presentation to twenty minutes plus time for questioning.
7. Charles Reynolds brought a request to the Executive Committee. Many faculty members are asking for a conclusion to the alternatives period question which was seemingly endorsed by the Senate but never acted upon. Frank Leuthold asked Lida Barrett and Russell French to review the matter so that it may be brought before the Senate for a clear decision. They will attempt to define the alternatives period as it had previously been defined and to indicate what the ramifications would be if it were adopted. The Senate will receive their report and be asked to vote at the first meeting of Spring Quarter.
8. Russell French introduced a resolution on instructional improvement program for the Faculty Senate. The Executive Committee endorsed a preliminary investigation by Mr. French.
1. The Faculty Senate counselors meeting with President Boling is scheduled for April 3, the time to be announced.Russell French was asked to comment on the report of Lida Barrett and French concerning "the question of whether there should be an alternatives period added to our current quarter plan calendar." A discussion of the exact action needed from the Senate resulted. It was pointed out that "The sole request of the Executive Committee is for a vote to clarify the previous acts relative to an alternatives period. It is not the intention of the Senate Executive Committee to raise again the question of the Quarter versus Semester, or an early-start calendar." French was asked to contact Bob Cochran to be sure a two-hour period could be scheduled for all classes in a four day period following one free day or study day. This would follow class days and leave an entire quarter, including alternatives period, approximately the current length. The alternative is to leave the quarter system just as it is. Discussion concerning the use of the two hour period followed. The Executive Committee concluded it must not be considered available for dismissal.
2. Leuthold met with the Knox County legislative delegation and made a presentation on March 11. However, the delegation was concerned primarily with the remapping issue.
3. The agenda for the April 10 Faculty Senate meeting will include the report from the Nominations Committee, a report from the Advising Committee, an affirmative action report, and the election of the Committee on Committees.
Mr. Simpson reviewed the editorial and substantive changes recommended by his committee. A recommendation was-made by Lida Barrett that Deans should not be able to veto curriculum changes recommended by the faculty of the college. Her recommendation will be submitted to the committee in writing. The Executive Committee accepted the work of the review committee, and the revised draft will be forwarded to Ralph Norman immediately.II. Faculty Senate. Frank Leuthold.
Mr. Leuthold presented a revised draft which brings the chapter into conformance with the By-Laws of the Senate. The review committee's recommended changes were accepted by the Executive Committee.IV. Freedom, Rights, and Responsibilities. Mary Richards.
The review committee reported that editorial changes were not sufficient in this chapter; substantive changes are required. The committee will conduct further discussions and meet with Ralph Norman. A further draft, either from Ralph Norman or from the review committee, will be forthcoming. The report of the committee, asking for substantive changes in the areas of a faculty grievance procedure, the right of faculty members to counsel at any hearing, and a statement of the right to academic due process for probationary faculty was approved by the Executive Committee.The Executive Committee agreed to meet on Sunday, April 9 at the home of Frank Leuthold to continue reviewing the chapters.
The purpose of this chapter is to let faculty members know what happens in the areas of development and fund-raising and how they fit into these activities. The chapter was negative sounding in some places and has been rewritten to reflect an encouraging tone and to emphasize the importance of working closely with the Development Office. There were a few word changes and two sections were added on deferred gifts / estate planning and gift clubs. This final report was approved by the Executive Committee.XIII. Campus Parking, Buildings and Keys. John Forrester.
The committee added some items of information to the section on parking. This was a final report and was approved by the Executive Committee.X. The Libraries and other Auxiliary Services. Pauline Bayne.
The chapter was substantially rewritten in order to up-date the factual information and to expand some sections (requesting books for the Libraries, the University Center and its services, etc.). The Executive Committee recommended revision of the section on book- ordering policies in the Bookstore. Such things as deadlines, responsibility for notifying faculty of an inadequate supply or out-of-print status of the book, and policy on "recommended" books should be included. The committee's report was approved and forwarded to Ralph Norman. Revisions of the bookstore section will be reviewed by the committee.IX. Compensated Outside Services. Garrett Briggs.
The committee felt that clarification was needed to understand that 1) the chapter is directed to grants and contracts in service to the University, and 2). exactly who is subject to the guidelines on consulting fees and the amount of time a person can work. Some changes were made in the ordering of materials. This was an interim report. Final approval will be given after the Executive Committee members have a chance to read the suggested changes in the chapter.XI. Student Relations. Charles Reynolds.
The committee had no questions about the substance of the chapter (service to the handicapped, international students, and references to Hill Topics), but did question the image presented when so little coverage was given to students. The committee suggested, for image and convenience, that the relevant chapters of Hill Topics be quoted as they were in the 1972 Handbook. The Executive Committee suggested 1) that the Teaching-Learning Guidelines (both faculty and student responsibilities) be included in this chapter rather than Chapter IV, and 2) that the title of this chapter be changed to "Faculty-Student Relations" and the title of Chapter IV be changed to reflect its content. The motion for these changes was accepted by the Executive Committee. The committee will make a final report later this month.V. Leaves of Absence, Development, Grants, Vacation & Holidays. Lida Barrett.
The committee pointed out several items to be considered by the Administration: 1) Should leaves of absence be included in Chapter III because of the penalty given there for not returning? This item needs definition or clarification. 2) Consider payment by the University of its share of retirement contributions for faculty on leave. 3) Does payment of quarter-banked time in the case of death or leaving the University need to be specified? 4) The sick leave policy stated only applies to 9-month faculty. Add the 12-month policy. 5) Consider paternity leave. The report of this committee was approved. The concerns of 12-month faculty and the differences between 12-month and 9-month policies will be communicated to the administration. Of particular concern were the extended leave arrangements which can be worked out for 9-month faculty which are not available to 12-month faculty.VIII. Official Travel. Imogene Posey.
The committee questioned the value of including so many specific details which frequently change. The Executive Committee approved a motion to include a note of referral to the appropriate policy manual rather than including all the specific details. The committee's report contains corrections to the details of the chapter should they all be retained.Members present: Lida Barrett, Pauline Bayne, Garrett Briggs, John Forrester, Frank Leuthold, Ralph Norman, Carl Pierce, Imogene Posey, Kyle Reed, Charles Reynolds, Mary Richards, Mac Simpson.
The members of the review committee feel that the chapter reflects a faculty point of view, but much of the chapter needs further attention. 1) The section on tenure needs to be reworked. There are concerns with the procedures for non-renewal of contracts for non-tenured faculty members and with the appeals procedure for termination of tenured faculty (tribunal should consist of faculty only since it is advisory to the administration). 2) There is a need for restatement of many sections for the sake of clarity. 3) Some omissions occur, particularly definitions of terms or expectations. The committee will prepare a page-by-page alternative chapter for review by Ralph Norman. The Executive Committee made several suggestions for changes: the handbook should clearly state what it is--a point of information for faculty, a part of the employment contract, etc.; the quality of advising and university service might be included in the criteria for each rank; the normal time period for each rank should be added. This interim report was accepted by the Executive Committee. Further suggestions should be sent to the review committee.XI. Student Relations. Charles Reynolds.
Charles Reynolds asked for a ruling on the proper place for including the Teaching/Learning Guidelines. At the last Executive Meeting the committee decided to include them in Chapter XI rather than Chapter IV. The Senate directive was that the guidelines "should be included as an appendix to the Faculty Handbook." The Executive Committee agreed that the guidelines be appended to the document as a whole, not to any one chapter, and that references be made to the appendix wherever appropriate.VII. Research. Judy Kuipers.
Most of the suggested changes were editorial in nature. The substantive concerns included: 1) the need for inclusion of the concept of interdisciplinary research, 23 the section entitled "Potential Experimental Hazards" should be changed to "Special Review Requirements" and a descriptive paragraph for each of the varieties of research needing review should be included. Members of the Executive Committee noted the particular need for an expanded discussion of the Committee for Review of Human Subject Research. The report of the committee was approved.VI. Benefits. David Ostermeier.
Ralph Norman has asked Homer Fisher to review and update this chapter. Not much can be done until the committee has received an up-dated draft. The committee suggests that the section on fee waivers might be shortened, that insufficient information for new faculty is given in the areas of long-term disability insurance, etc., that professional development opportunities might be mentioned with references to other sections of the handbook, that liability insurance needs to be included.Members present: Pauline Bayne, Garrett Briggs, John Forrester, Russell French, Judy Kuipers, Frank Leuthold, Ralph Norman, David Ostermeier, Carl Pierce, Charles Reynolds, Mac Simpson.
--A special meeting of the Faculty Senate will be called for Monday, June 5, in order to vote on proposed changes in the By- Laws and to consider the Faculty Handbook if it is ready at that time.2. Recommended changes in the By-Laws. Luther Keller.
--The regular Executive Committee meeting in May will be held on May 22 rather than May 29.
--The Executive and Legislative Committees will be meeting with Chancellor Reese at 10:00 on April 25 to review pending legislation.
--On April 26, Russell French, Milton Klein, Mary Richards, and Frank Leuthold will be meeting with Chancellor Reese and others from the administration to discuss the grievance procedure issue in proposed chapter 4 of the Faculty Handbook.
--The Graduate Student Council has requested a review of Library policies in regard to faculty loan periods and the fact that faculty only have to physically return books once per year. The matter has been brought before the Faculty Senate Library Committee.
--Frank Leuthold has received letters from Vice President Johnson and Chancellor Reese concerning renewed effort to solve the problems in the Walters Life Science Building.
Luther Keller reviewed the changes proposed by the By-Laws Committee. Items 4a and 4b increase the representation of the College of Liberal Arts on the Committee on Committees. The Executive Committee recommended that the increased representation be specified so that a member is, chosen from each division of the college (humanities, natural sciences, social sciences). This motion passed the Executive Committee and will be taken back to the By-Laws Committee for their reaction.3. The Executive Committee nominated Pauline Bayne to serve as Secretary to the Faculty Senate in 1978-79. This nomination must be confirmed by a vote of the Senate at its May 8 meeting.
The Senate election on April 10 resulted in a tie for the representative from Liberal Arts. The Executive Committee recommends that both nominees be asked to sit on the Committee on Committees and that one other representative be named. This action is taken in light of the fact that the By-Laws Committee is currently recommending three representatives from Liberal Arts to serve on the Committee on Committees. If this action is not satisfactory, the tie will be broken by lot.7. Project for Institutional Renewal Through Improvement in Teaching. Mac Simpson reported on a conference attended by Russell French, Charles Cleland, Paul Carson, and himself. The team brought back many suggestions for the improvement of teaching and learning, not by establishing new agencies on campus but through the revitalization of existing agencies. This team will be meeting soon with appropriate administrative officers to share their information.
Faculty members elected to serve on the Committee on Committees:Agriculture--David Ostermeier
Architecture--William Martella
Biomedical Sciences--Frank Hamilton
Business Administration--Imogene Posey
Communications--June Adamson
Education--Donald Dessart
Engineering--John Forrester
Home Economics--Frances Andrews
Law--Toxey Sewell
Liberal Arts--Suzanne Kurth & Carl Wagner
Libraries--Pauline Bayne
Library and Information Science--Gary Purcell
Nursing--Mary Lou Jolly
Planning--Ken Kenny
Social Work--Ann Wachter
Space Institute--Frank Collins
Veterinary Medicine--Sharon Patton
Chapter III. The committee changes have not been completed yet.The Executive Committee passed a resolution that the President of the Senate be requested to draft a letter of concern to Chancellor Reese to include:
Chapter IV. The committee will meet with Chancellor Reese this week.
Chapter VI. The chapter is being redrafted by Homer Fisher, and the committee will meet with him this week.
Chapter VII. The passages questioned at the last Executive Committee meeting have been redrafted and the entire chapter resubmitted to Ralph Norman.
Chapter IX. Compensated Outside Service. Garrett Briggs. The final report from the review committee was discussed at some length. Since many issues remain unresolved, members of the Executive Committee are asked to communicate their concerns to the review committee so that a final report can be made.
Chapter XI. Faculty-Student Relations. Charles Reynolds. The final draft of the chapter contains material on faculty responsibilities in teaching and advising and quotes passages from Hilltopics on Faculty/ Student Relationship in the Classroom and Student Rights and Responsibilities. The materials on handicapped and international students which appeared in the original draft of the chapter has been moved to an appendix to the handbook as a whole as has the Guidelines for Faculty and Students on teaching and learning. This final report was accepted by the Executive Committee.
1) a report on the progress of the Executive Committee's review of the handbook chapters,
2) a tentative schedule for getting a completed draft to the Senate,
3) reiteration of the need for Senate members to have the completed draft for thirty days before voting, and
4) restatement of the fact that review by the Executive Committee does not mean approval by the Faculty Senate. Members of the Executive Committee feel that Senate approval of the Faculty Handbook is not possible before the end of spring quarter.
The final report of the review committee was accepted with the following amendments:Chapter VII. Research. Judy Kuipers.1. Paragraph 1, sentence 2, delete "should be designed to."
2. Paragraph 2, sentence 1, change to "... but guidelines are needed to insure fairness."
3. Paragraph 4, change entire paragraph to "If payment for outside services is made through the University from grants or contracts, the remuneration of a faculty member is based proportionally on the current base pay. The fee schedule does not in any way limit what a faculty member and a client establish on an individual basis."
4. Page 2, provision 1, change to "If the work is done during periods of regular employment, prior written permission of the Department Head, with regular reports to the Dean, must be obtained. It is primarily the responsibility of the Head to review faculty requests to engage in consulting activities and to maintain a record of approvals granted."
5. Page 3, provision 5, delete the last sentence.
1. Page 2, paragraph 2, a new sentence is inserted after sentence 1, "Further, there is a growing focus on interdisciplinary research." And, sentences 2 and 3 become a new paragraph.Status of the rest of the chapters:
2. Page 6, the section entitled "Potential Experimental Hazards" is replaced by a new section, "Special Research Review" which clarifies the review process by three existing committees.
The final report was approved by the Executive Committee.
1. Chapter III is being redrafted by Russell French's committee and remains to be approved by the Executive Committee.The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 8 at 8:30 a.m. in Clayton Arnold Lounge.
2. Chapter VI is being reworked by Homer Fisher. The approval of the new chapter is delegated to David Ostermeier and the Benefits Review committee. It will not come back to the Executive Committee for further discussion.
3. Chapter IV. Mary Richards is in the midst of discussion with the Chancellor's staff concerning a grievance procedure. An alternative procedure should be ready very soon.
Page 1: -The provisions of the Faculty Handbook are part of the original agreement between faculty and the University.
-The footnote becomes a new sentence 2, "In Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, faculty are appointed by the Vice President for Agriculture."Pages 4-5: Request clarification of "home" and "base" departments. Pages 5-7: -Under criteria, include minimum number of years in rank as normally expected.
-Clarify what is meant by university service.Page 9: The Executive Committee requested that French rework the paragraph on Quarter Banking since it is necessarily for research. Page 11: section C, sentence 2, change "are expected to" to "shall." Page 12: -penultimate paragraph, add to final sentence, "and in light of the on-going conferences between the Department Head and the faculty member."
-last paragraph, Move sentence to the end of the paragraph, "Committees of the Faculty Senate regularly review the priorities of budget allocations," and omit "for salaries and other items with respect to fairness and equity."Page 17: -Remove final paragraph of the section except for the last sentence. This paragraph concerning reasons for non-renewal of probationary faculty was added by the review committee. The Executive Committee approved the chapter except for this paragraph, tabling action until Chapter IV was considered. The Executive Committee then decided to delete this paragraph, although it was not a unanimous decision.
The major change is a specified grievance procedure for faculty members. The Faculty Affairs Committee is designated to hear grievances with several exclusions: allegations of unfair discrimination, dismissal before completion of a stipulated or normal term of employment, non-renewal of appointment alleged to be a violation of academic freedom.
This chapter is the result of several meetings and negotiations between the review committee and the Chancellor and his staff. In the Senate, there may be a need to reassign some of the duties of the Faculty Affairs Committee since this is a large responsibility for that committee. Nothing precludes assignment of a panel of that committee to hold any of these hearings. Nothing here demands a hearing but requires a "review" of the complaint. The committee will be limited to matters of procedure. Hopefully, this committee will be able to settle some issues in an informal manner.
The motion to accept Chapter IV carried.
1) The lack of a preface to the handbookThe Executive Committee felt it was a good idea to include a preface and encouraged the AAUP to submit its draft of a preface. With regard to the second item, it was noted that many sentences, paragraphs, and sections of the original draft of the handbook have been deleted or refined in the revised version which has been out for two weeks. It was felt that any major attempts to condense further the material in the handbook may produce a document which is overly impersonal. It was also noted that at the present time it is difficult to be any more specific on precisely how the handbook applies to faculty of the Institute of Agriculture.
2) The "wordiness" of the handbook
3) The omission from the handbook of any statement saying that a person who was not awarded tenure could ask for the reasons in writing.
4) The lack of clarity as to how the handbook applied to faculty in the Institute of Agriculture.
1. Leuthold, Forrester, and Reynolds had carefully examined pages 1-2 and concurred that there was considerable reordering and rewording but no substantive change. This reordering was approved by the committee.Chapter I, page 12.
2. Page 9, paragraph 5. The definition, "Tenure is held at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, within a department, school, college, or other academic program, was accepted by the committee on a motion by Richards/Barrett.
3. The change on page 12, first full paragraph adds two stipulations to the University's responsibility in placement of displaced tenured faculty members: "This does not require that such a faculty member be placed in a position for which he or she is not qualified or that a new position be created where no need exists." Simpson/ Reynolds moved that the new wording of the paragraph be accepted and the committee approved the motion.
4. The change on page 13, section 8b, includes the requirement of a ten-day notification to the University if the faculty member will be represented by legal counsel or other representatives. It also specifies the possibility of postponement and notification to the faculty member if the University intends to have legal counsel present. The committee felt that the new wording met all Senate specifications and approved a motion to accept (Barrett/Reed).
5. Page 14, section f, line 3. The committee offered new wording here: "The University will afford the faculty member an opportunity to obtain necessary witnesses and specific documents or other specific evidence as requested." Mac Simpson suggested that the wording given by Ralph Norman be accepted if the administration cannot accept the committee's rewording as listed above. This amendment was passed.
6. Page 15, paragraph 3, line 3. The committee approved a motion (Reynolds/Simpson) to accept the change: insert after "only" the phrase "only upon approval of the Chancellor for good cause shown" and delete "if immediate harm ... continuation of employment."
7. Page 15, paragraph 4, line 1. A compromise proposal (Simpson/Briggs) was made on the wording of this change: "In any case of suspension, the Chancellor, for good cause shown, may decide that suspension should be without pay. Before making such a decision, the Chancellor will consult with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. If dismissal is recommended, the Chancellor, subject to the approval of the Board, will fix the date of termination. If the decision is against termination, the faculty member will not ultimately suffer the loss of normal pay and other compensations."
The committee reexamined the final paragraph and made the following changes: 1) line 2, "but in the event of disagreement, the Head must explain," 2) add a sentence to the end of the paragraph, "In any event, the Head will report and explain the faculty vote to the Dean."Chapter IV, page 4, paragraph 4, line 4.
This is the same kind of ten-day notification as in chapter III and now meets with Senate specifications.Chapter VI.
1. Page 1, paragraph 4. There was agreement to delete "The majority of UT faculty members participate in this plan."Chapter IX.
2. Page 9, section E 1. Walter Herndon will determine the exact wording of this paragraph. The committee asserted that the paragraph should authorize the position, not the fee waiver and that it should be stated so that students do not have to pay taxes on the fee waiver.
The changes in this chapter are mainly refinements and revision of order so that the chapter is more acceptable than it was in its original form. A motion to accept (Barrett/ Reed) was passed by the committee. Prefatory note. Ralph Norman agreed to include a statement of notification to Departments when changes occur in the Handbook due to actions of the Board.All changes, in their final form, shall be presented to the Faculty Senate on July 10 for a vote. If accepted, this should complete faculty action on the Handbook.
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