
September 14, 1976

October 18, 1976

November 22, 1976
December 10, 1976

January 10, 1977

January 27, 1977

February 14, 1977
March 14, 1977

April 11, 1977

June 2, 1977

June 20, 1977


September 14, 1976.

Mr. Allison announced that the Faculty Senate will now have an office in Alumni Hall with some secretarial help. This will provide the Senate with a permanent place for storage of materials and centralization of files, as well as a source of information for faculty members.

Two matters were raised concerning violations of the By-Laws' definition of Senate memberships 1) voting members must hold bona fide rank (the Vice-Chancellor for Budget and Finance does not hold academic rank) and 2) an elected member shall be ineligible for reelection for one year. In regard to the first matter, a motion was passed to recommend that the Senate suspend the By-Laws in regard to Vice-Chancellor Bohne and that the By-Laws Committee be charged to address the issue and find a permanent solution. On the second matter, Vice-Chancellor Herndon agreed that another administrative member should be elected to replace Lean Neilson, who is ineligible.

Since the Financial Exigency Committee was created by the Executive Committee as an ad hoc committee, its membership has not been filled by the Committee on Committees. The Executive Committee decided not to dissolve the committee since its work is not finished but will ask for a report and have the chairperson meet with the Executive Committee to give recommendations concerning its continuation, scope, and membership.

In an effort to formulate a policy concerning committee reports to the Executive Committee and to the Senate, the following, recommendations were made and approved:
1. All committees shall meet in October.
2. Announcements of each committee meeting shall be sent to the Senate President.
3. Minutes of each meeting shall be forwarded to the Executive Committee and to the Secretary for the official file. Minutes shall contain the time and place of the meeting and a list of those in attendance.
4. As per the By-Laws, an annual report shall be made to the Senate every year.
5. An official file shall be established in the Senate office for each committee containing all minutes, reports, and important correspondence.
The Executive Committee discussed a number of items that will be directed to the By-Laws Committee for considerations 1) the ten-day rule of the Senate, 2) listing the Director of Libraries as an ex-officio member of the Library Advisory Committee, 3) staggered terms or regular 1-year terms for the members of the Educational Facilities Committee and election of its chairperson by the Senate as is the case for other committees, 4) an earlier report to the Senate by the Committee on Committees with an earlier and specific date for committee members and Senate officers to take over their duties, 5) consideration of the total Senate calendar with the possibility of making elections occur earlier in the spring, 6) change the time for the summer Senate meeting.

Jonathan Utley reported on his subcommittee's examination of the Faculty Handbook provisions for termination of tenured faculty. It was suggested by the subcommittee that a Senate body draw up guidelines for the composition of the hearing tribunal (size, rank, etc.) and that these guidelines be submitted to the Senate for approval. The group to formulate these guidelines will be selected at the October meeting of the Executive Committee.

A discussion ensued concerning the handling, of the Faculty Handbook revision. A motion was passed to the effect that all parts of the handbook be reviewed by one or more persons selected by the Executive Committee. In most cases, the review should be by standing committees of the Senate.

The Executive Committee unanimously requested that the Senate resolve that the new Art and Architecture Building be named in honor of Kermit "Buck" Ewing.


October 18, 1976.

A memorandum on Student Appeals from Chancellor Reese regarding Title IX complaint procedure, "relief from discrimination based on race, religion, natural origin, age, handicap and veteran status," and a revision of the appeal route for penalty grades was reviewed by the Executive Committee. Both the Faculty Affairs and the Student Affairs Committees have been requested to review the Memorandum and accompanying draft materials and to report their reactions and recommendations to the Executive Committee. Since broader questions of faculty fairness in grading and procedures for student appeals may be addressed, a report from the Executive Committee will be submitted to the Senate for deliberation and action.

The Committee engaged in a prolonged discussion of proper procedures for faculty involvement in tenure and promotion decisions including: the role and scope of the Tenure Advisory Committee, the meaning of the statement "consultation with faculty" in the Faculty Handbook, and the need for more explicit guidelines. The Executive Committee charged the Faculty Affairs Committee to develop model guidelines delineating the process for faculty consultation in tenure and promotion decisions. With the approval of the administration, we hope that explicit guidelines will be included in the new Faculty Handbook. In addition, the Faculty Affairs Committee was asked to examine the need for a Faculty Grievance Committee.

The Budget Committee was requested to indicate faculty concern with the dissatisfaction among and continuing loss of secretaries in the University. As this issue is directly related to the effectiveness of the faculty, the Executive Committee asked the Senate President to write to the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance, and the Director of Personnel to acknowledge our support in their efforts to improve the salary schedule for secretaries.

Some faculty members expressed concern over the use of uniformed national guard troops in traffic control after UT football games. The Executive Committee sought clarification and were informed that the national guard troops work directly with the Knoxville Police Department on city streets and are not in direct liaison with the UT Security Department. The Executive Committee agreed that the use of guard troops in this manner was appropriate.


November 22, 1976.

Ralph Norman addressed the Committee on the subject of revision of the Handbook of the Faculty. The revised chapters will be available to the Executive Committee early in January and then will be considered by various Faculty Senate Committees. Four chapters of the present Handbook (Appointment, Promotion, Freedom, Tenure) have been combined to form two chapters in the revised Handbook: Chapter 3, Appointment, Promotion and Tenure and Chapter 4, Freedom, Rights and Responsibilities.

Mr. Allison appointed a subcommittee, consisting of Mac Simpson, David Chambers, Charles Cleland, and Carl Pierce, to study the relationship of the University By-Laws to the System Self-Study. They will meet on November 30 and will report to the Executive Committee in February.

Clinton Allison reported on the first meeting of the Joint Senates Council held in Nashville on November 5. In attendance at this meeting were presidents of the Faculty Senates of the various University of Tennessee campuses as well as several committee chairpersons, (Frank Leuthold, Kenneth Walker, and Garrett Briggs from UTK). The Executive Committee recommended consideration of various Council proposals by the following committees:
A. Tenure and Promotion -- Faculty Affairs Committee.
B. Disclosure of Salaries (not approved by Council).
C. Notification of Proposed Salaries -- proposal to Faculty Senate:
The administration of each campus will notify individual faculty members of the salaries that will be recommended to the Board of Trustees as soon as the salary recommendations have been prepared at the Chancellor's level. The faculty would be clearly advised that these recommendations are subject to approval, disapproval, or revision by the Board of Trustees.
D. Commonality of Tenure Policies (no proposal).
E. Commonality of Grievance Procedure (no proposal).
F. MBO Process (no proposal).
G. Ombudsman for Each Campus (no proposal).
H. Summer Employment -- Fringe Benefits Committee.
I. Insurance and Retirement Plans -- Fringe Benefits Committee.
J. Problems Encountered Upon Death, Retirement, Leave, or Termination -- Fringe Benefits Committee.
K. Legislative Relations (no action needed at UTK).
L. Official Recognition.
Other items of business included comments on the Affirmative Action Report by Sandra Bell and discussion of the televised series "Conversations in Research" being aired on Channel 2. The Executive Committee will express its concern to the Research Council as to the poor technical and programming quality of these programs.

There was some discussion of possible actions to be taken when Senators are delinquent in attendance at Senate, council, or committee meetings. Absences from the Faculty Senate will be listed in the minutes of each meeting. Mr. Allison will ask the By-Laws Committee to consider the following statement: Any member of the Senate who misses half or more of the Senate meetings in one year may be asked to give explanation for cause not to be asked to resign.


January 10, 1977.

Walter Herndon advised the Executive Committee of a pressing need for Senate action. The Graduate Council report, which includes recommendation of a master's program in nursing, requires Senate endorsement before the January 19 meeting of the Board of Trustees. Since the regular Senate meeting has been moved to January 24, such endorsement would not be possible. The Executive Committee agreed to call a special meeting of the Faculty Senate on January 17 at 4:00 p.m.

The report of the By-Laws Committee was considered; Mr. Allison will convey recommended changes to that committee.

Ralph Norman presented Chapters 3 and 4 of the revised Faculty Handbook to the Executive Committee. Two separate groups, the Faculty Affairs Committee and a subcommittee of the Executive Committee, will examine these chapters and report to the Executive Committee with explicit recommendations. The subcommittee shall consist of Jonathan Utley, chairperson, Sandra Bell, Stan Lusby, and Kermit Blank. The two groups will have a joint meeting at the beginning of February to review their evaluations and to share their primary concerns about the document. Mr. Norman explained that the other chapters of the Handbook will follow directly. He asked for three specific types of comments from the faculty in their review of the revisions: 1) comments in regard to style, 2) comments in regard to the logic of the document, the need for more or less specificity, and 3) faculty suggestions of new policy.


January 27, 1977.

Chancellor Reese was present at the meeting to discuss two items. The first was the advisory committee structure for the search for a Vice-Chancellor for Business and Finance. This search will be conducted from the Chancellor's office with staff assistance from Don Eastman. The Advisory Committee will consist of a representative from the Employee Relations Council, Student Coordinating Council, the Council of Deans, the administrative professional ranks, the Commission for Blacks, the Commission for Women, and two faculty members (David Chambers and Pauline Shaw). The proposed committee structure to advise the Chancellor in this search was endorsed by the Executive Committee. The second item addressed by Mr. Reese was the proposed capital giving campaign. He outlined the program and sought advise on faculty involvement in it.

other items discussed at the meeting included:
--a request for copies of the UTK Faculty Opinion Survey to be examined by the Executive Committee in regard to the Senate's mission,
--change of meeting times for the Senate and Executive Committee in February,
--statement of concern about this year's calendar, which provides inadequate time between the end of Spring quarter and commencement,
--recommendation to appoint an ad hoe committee to advise John McDow on the implementation of Senate recommendations concerning the University calendar,
--report that the Faculty Handbook review subcommittee will soon be meeting jointly with the Faculty Affairs Committee, and
--report from the meeting of the President's Counselors that early announcement of salaries may be acceptable if the proposal states that such announcement would follow final actions of the Legislature.


February 14, 1977.

A letter to Faculty and Staff concerning the UTK Capital Gifts Campaign from Chancellor Reese and Mr. Allison was unanimously endorsed by the Executive Committee.

Ms. Sammie Puett discussed the preliminary hand tabulations of the UTK Faculty Opinion Survey and solicited suggestions for statistical analysis which might be useful to the Senate.

Mr. Utley gave a preliminary report of the ad hoc committee to review the draft of the Faculty Handbook. A joint evaluation of the draft by the ad hoe committee and the Faculty Affairs Committee is requested for the March meeting of the Executive Committee.

President Boling's denial of a request for "recognition" of a Joint Senates Council was discussed. The Executive Committee failed to reach a consensus on a proper response to the President.

Mr. French reviewed a document compiled by the College of Education outlining suggestions for reducing dissatisfaction among clerical and supporting personnel.


March 14, 1977

The first order of business was the nominations for Committee on Committees membership. The following nominations were made:
Agriculture: David Ostermeier, B.G. Hicks
Architecture: Alton DeLong, Gary Sturm
Business Administration: Imogene Posey, George A. Spiva
Communications: June Adamson, Herbert Howard
Education: Donald Dessart, Bill Wallace
Engineering: H. Joe Wilkerson, John Forrester
Home Economics: Betty Beach, Ruth Heighberger
Law: Carl Pierce, Fredrich Thomforde
Liberal Arts: Michael Johnson, Tom Mathews
Library: Aubrey Mitchell, Pauline Shaw
Library and Information Science: Eugenia Mauldin, George Sinkankas
Nursing: Kenneth Kant, Kathleen Conlon
Planning: George Bowen, Ken Kenney
Social Work: Roger Nooe, Ann Wachter
Space Institute: Bill Dunnill, Terry Feagan
Written responses to the revised chapters of the Faculty Handbook, made by the Faculty Affairs Committee and the subcommittee of the Executive Committee, had been distributed prior to this meeting. The remainder of the meeting was spent as a work session in which the members of the Executive Committee considered these two sets of responses. Kenneth Walker and Jonathan Utley will work with Mr. Norman in preparing a final draft of the two chapters for Senate consideration.


April 11, 1977.

The following actions were taken:
-- Mr. Allison agreed to investigate the status of the Quarter Bank resolution.

-- The Executive Committee decided that any action taken by the Senate in regard to the revision of the Faculty Handbook should be delayed until fall. A vote at the summer meeting would not be representative; the Executive Committee suggested that a special meeting be called in the fall to discuss the Handbook.

-- The ad hoc committee on University By-Laws agreed to report to the Executive Committee before the end of the year.

The Executive Committee decided to make the following substitute motion to the motion to rescind Senate support for the advising plan:
1. The Senate reaffirms its endorsement of the original proposal (passed on November 1, 1976) on advising,
2. requests a one-year postponement of implementation of the plan,
3. requests that by the end of Fall Quarter, 1977 specific plans for implementation be worked out by each academic program and department. The plans should be submitted through the colleges to the Undergraduate Council, and then reported to the Faculty Senate,
4. and requests the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs to develop appropriate questionnaires to guide departments in developing implementation plans.
-- Pauline Shaw was nominated to serve as Secretary to the Senate in 1977-78.
Announcement of results of election of Senate officers:
President: Frank Leuthold
President-Elect: Russell French
Councillors: Garrett Briggs
Judy Kuipers
Charles Reynolds


June 2, 1977

On June 2, 1977 the Faculty Senate Executive and Budget Committees met with Chancellor Reese. Ely Fly was asked to report on changes in state retirement laws. Future new faculty members will be required to choose from either TIAA/CREF or JCRS, and they will not, as TIAA members, have assurance that their retirement benefits will equal that of those on JCRS. Present members of the faculty are not affected by this change. Jack Williams gave a report on the Family Campaign. Don Eastman reported on state legislation, summarized grievance review, and reported on the successful search for Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance (Homer Fisher has been named to that post). Chancellor Reese reported on the revised general budget, proficiency examination fees, and SACS expenditures comparison.


June 20, 1977

The Executive Committee met for its regular meeting on June 20, 1977. The following business was transacted:
1. The Faculty and Student Affairs Committees' decisions on grade appeals based on allegations of discrimination or for penalty grades were reviewed. by Allison. Their recommendations were accepted by the Executive Committee.

2. Mac Simpson presented the report of the ad hoe committee reviewing the University By-Laws. The report was accepted.

3. Chapter 1 of the Faculty Handbook was reviewed; a few minor suggestions for change were made to Vice-Chancellor Herndon.

4. The Executive Committee asked Allison to convey to President Boling their displeasure with the selection of a Vice President of the University without faculty consultation. Allison did as requested with a letter dated June 23, 1977.

5. Clinton Allison will review the year's activities at the next Senate meeting.

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