James Cooper Grace

Undergraduate Student, University of Tennessee

Five-Year BS/MS Candidate: Mechanical Engineering BS & Aerospace Engineering MS, Undergraduate Research Assistant

Statement of Purpose

I am studying for a BS in Mechanical Engineering and minoring in Aerospace Engineering. I am also part of the five-year BS/MS program, pursuing my Masters of Science in Aerospace Engineering. I am always looking for opportunities to nourish my career whether that be an internship, co-op, research, or any other professional venture. My fields of interest are growing fields like hypersonics and clean propulsion as well as computational engineering, finite element analyis, computational mechanics, structures, and computational fluid mechancis. I want to contribute to the research and development of the nation’s defense technologies by gaining experience working on defense industry projects, ensuring that the nation is always a step ahead of its adversaries. I offer a young yet knowledgeable mind. I am ready to learn and gain experience for the industry I want to work in while also being a beneficial asset to whomever I work with. I work well in a team, offer good technical skills, and I am a fast learner. I pride myself on my enthusiastic dedication and academic tenacity.