
Articles published in refereed journals:
- Mahshid Ahmadi, Liam Collins, Kate Higgins, Dohyung Kim, Eric Lukosi, Sergei V. Kalinin,
Spatially resolved carrier dynamics at MAPbBr3 single crystal-electrode interface, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2019, 11, 14, 41551. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b16287
- L Bäni et al.,
A study of the radiation tolerance of poly-crystalline and single crystalline CVD diamond to 800 MeV and 24 GeV protons, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52 (46), 465103.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2019.125213
- L. Stand, M. Zhuravleva, J. Johnson, M. Koschan, M. Loyd, Y. Wu, E. Lukosi, C. L. Melcher,
Crystal Growth and Characterization of High Performance KSr2BrxI5-x:Eu Scintillators, Journal of Crystal Growth 526 (2019) 125213.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2019.125213
- Eric Lukosi, Mikah Rust, Luis Stand, Charles L. Melcher,
Optimization of Data Acquisition Parameters for Single Gamma Line Sensing: KSr2I5(Eu) and NaI(Tl) Compared, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 938 (2019) 36–40.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2019.05.085
- Mahshid Ahmadi, Eric S. Muckley, Ilia N. Ivanov, Matthias Lorenz, Xin Li, Olga Ovchinnikov, Eric Lukosi, Jeremy T. Tisdale, Ethan Blount, Ivan Kravchenko, Sergei V. Kalinin, Bin Hu, Liam Collins,
Environmental Gating and Galvanic Effects in Single Crystals of Organometallic Halide Perovskites, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2019 (11) 16, 14722-14733.
DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b21112
- H. Kagan et al.,
Diamond detector technology, status, and perspectives, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 924 (2019) 297–30.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2018.06.009
- Artem Musiienko, Pavel Moravec, Roman Grill, Petr Praus, Igor Vasylchenko, Jakub Pekarek, Jeremy Tisdale, Katka Ridzoonova, Eduard Belas, Lucie Abelova, Bin Hu, Eric Lukosi, Mahshid Ahmadi,
Deep Levels, Charge Transport and Mixed Conductivity in Organometallic Halide Perovskites, Energy and Environmental Science 2019, 12, 1413-1425.
DOI: 10.1039/C9EE00311H
- Eric Lukosi, Travis Smith, Jeremy Tisdale, Daniel Hamm, Cody Seal, Bin Hu, Mahshid Ahmadi,
Methylammonium lead tribromide semiconductors: Ionizing radiation detection and electronic properties, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 927 (2019) 401–406.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2019.02.059
- Jeremy Tisdale, Travis Smith, John Robert Salasin, Mahshid Ahmadi, Nathan Johnson, Anton Ievlev, Michael Koehler, Claudia Rawn, Eric Lukosi, Bin Hu,
Precursor Purity Effects on Solution-Based Growth of MAPbBr3 Single Crystals towards Efficient Radiation Sensing, CrystEngComm (2018).
DOI: 10.1039/C8CE01498A
- Eric Lukosi, Drew Onken, Daniel Hamm, Chance Brown, Anton V. Ievlev, Arnold Burger, Jeff Preston, Richard Williams, Ashley Stowe,
Intrinsic Lithium Indium Diselenide: Scintillation Properties and Defect States, Journal of Luminescence 205 (2019) 346-350.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2018.09.023
- N. Venturi et al.,
Results on the Radiation Tolerance of Diamond Detectors, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 924 (2019) 241-244.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2018.08.038
- Ahmed Alghamdi, Lawrence Heilbronn, Luis A. Castellanos, Eric Lukosi,
∆E/∆E Measurements of Energetic Ions Using CVD Diamond Detectors, Journal of Spectroscopy (2018) 1074734.
DOI: 10.1155/2018/1074734
- Jeremy Tisdale, Eric Muckley, Mahshid Ahmadi, Travis Smith, Cody Seal, Eric Lukosi, Ilia Ivanov, Bin Hu,
Dynamic Impact of Electrode Materials on Interface of Single Crystalline Methylammonium Lead Bromide Perovskite, Advanced Materials Interfaces 2018, 1800476.
DOI: 10.1002/admi.201800476
- Daniel Hamm, Mikah Rust, Elan Herrera, Liviu Matei, Vladimir Buliga, Michael Groza, Arnold Burger, Ashley Stowe, Jeff Preston, Eric Lukosi,
Semiconducting lithium indium diselenide: Charge-carrier properties and the impacts of high flux thermal neutron irradiation, Applied Physics Letters 112, 242104 (2018).
DOI: 10.1063/1.5028269
- Thomas Wulz, William Gerding, Nickolay Lavrik, Daryl Briggs, Bernadeta Srijanto, Kevin Lester, Dale Hensley, Stefan Spanier, Eric Lukosi,
Realization of deep 3D metal electrodes in diamond radiation detectors, Applied Physics Letters 112, 222101 (2018).
DOI: 10.1063/1.5039734
- (Invited; Feature Article) Elan Herrera, Daniel Hamm, Ashley Stowe, Jeffery Preston, Brenden Wiggins, Arnold Burger, Eric Lukosi, Neutron Imaging with Timepix Coupled Lithium Indium Diselenide, Journal of Imaging, 4(1) 10. DOI: 10.3390/jimaging4010010
- Charles Weaver, Robert Schott, Mark Prelas, Denis Wisniewski, Jason Rothenberger, Eric Lukosi, Kyuhak Oh, Radiation Resistant PIDECα Cell Using Photon Intermediate Direct Energy Conversion and a Po-210 Source, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 132 (2018) 110-115. DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2017.11.026
- L. Stand, M. Zhuravleva, J. Johnson, M. Koschan, Y. Wu, S. Donnal, K. Vaigneu, E. Lukosi, C. L. Melcher, Exploring Growth Conditions and Eu2+ Concentration Effects for KSr2I5:Eu Scintillator Crystals II: Ø 25 mm Crystals, Journal of Crystal Growth 483 (2018) 301-307. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2017.11.010
- L. Stand, M. Zhuravleva, J. Johnson, M. Koschan, E. Lukosi, C.L. Melcher, New high performing scintillators: RbSr22Br5:Eu and RbSr2I5:Eu, Optical Materials 73 (2017) 408-414. DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2017.08.013
- Eric Lukosi, Elan Herrera, Daniel Hamm, Arnold Burger, Ashley Stowe, Neutron imaging with lithium indium diselenide: surface properties, spatial resolution, and computed tomography, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A 872 (2017) 181-186. DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2017.08.028
- Eric Lukosi, Microfluidic Alpha Spectrometry of UOX PWR UNF in a Molten Salt, Nuclear Science and Engineering 188 (3) 2017. DOI: 10.1080/00295639.2017.1367248
- Thomas Wulz, Brian K. Canfield, Lloyd M. Davis, Stefan Spanier, Eric Lukosi, Pulsed femtosecond-laser machining and deep reactive ion etching of diamond, Diamond and Related Materials 74 (2017) 108-113. DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2017.02.018
- Elan H. Herrera, Eric D. Lukosi, Daniel S. Hamm, Brenden Wiggins, Rob W. Milburn, Arnold Burger, Hassina Bilheux, Louis Santodonato, Ondrej Chvala, and Ashley C. Stowe, Pixelated 6LiInSe2 Detector for Thermal Neutron Imaging, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 833 (2016) 142-146. DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2016.07.035
- M. Rust, C. Melcher, E. Lukosi, Intrinsic Radioactivity of KSr2I5:Eu2+, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 833 (2016) 33-37. DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2016.07.006
- Eric Lukosi, Elan Herrera, Daniel Hamm, Ashley C. Stowe, Brenden Wiggins, Kyung-Min. Lee, Pavel Trtik, Dayakar Penumadu, Stephen Young, Louis Santodonato, Hassina Bilheux, Liviu Matei, Arnold Burger, Lithium Indium Diselenide: A New Scintillator for Neutron Radiography, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 830 (2016) 140-149. DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2016.05.063
- Xiaodong Zhang, Michael Moore, Kyung-Min Lee, Eric Lukosi, Jason P. Hayward, Study of cerium diffusion in undoped lithium-6 enriched glass with Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 378 (2016) 8-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2016.04.036
- Eric Lukosi, Ondrej Chvala, Ashley Stowe, Detector response functions of semiconducting lithium indium diselenide, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 822 (2016) 9-14. DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2016.03.080
- Brenden Wiggins, Michael Groza, Eugene Tupitsyn, Eric Lukosi, Keivan Stassun, Arnold Burger, Ashley Stowe, Scintillation properties of semiconducting 6LiInSe2 crystal to ionizing radiation, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 801 (2015) 73-77. DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2015.08.035
- Yuntao Wu, Eric D. Lukosi, Mariya Zhuravleva, Adam C. Lindsey, and Charles L. Melcher, A novel LiCl-BaCl2:Eu2+ eutectic scintillator for thermal neutron detection, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 797 (2015) 319-323. DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2015.06.064
- Jennifer Littell, Eric Lukosi, Jason Hayward, Robert Milburn, Coded Moderator Approach For Fast Neutron Source Detection and Localization at Standoff, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 784 (2015) 364-369. DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2014.11.118
- Eric Lukosi, Mark Prelas, Diamond sensor arrays for neutron detection: Preamplifier signal dependence on sensor array configuration, Radiation Measurements 73 (2015) 18-25. DOI: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2014.12.007
- Mark. A. Prelas, Charles J. Weaver, Matthew Watermann, Eric Lukosi, Robert Schott, and Denis Wisniewski, A Review of Nuclear Batteries, Progress in Nuclear Energy 75 (2014) 117-148. DOI: 10.1016/j.pnucene.2014.04.007
- Thomas B. Rezentes Jr, Mark A. Prelas, Eric Lukosi, Matthew L. Watermann, Jack Crawford, and Richard H. Olsher, Computer Based Investigative Techniques-A Comparison of Dose Using the MCNP code for OSL Dosimeters, Nuclear Technology 187 (1) 96-102 (2014). DOI: 10.13182/NT11-105
- Kyuhak Oh, Mark A. Prelas, Jason B. Rothenberger, Eric D. Lukosi, Jeho Jeong, Daniel Montenegro, Robert J. Schott, Charles L. Weaver, and Denis A. Wisniewski, Theoretical Maximum Efficiencies of Optimized Slab and Spherical Betavoltaic Systems Utilizing Sulfur-35, Strontium-90, and Yttrium-90, Nuclear Technology 179 (2) 234-242 (2012). DOI: 10.13182/NT12-A14095
- Kyuhak Oh, Mark A. Prelas, Eric D. Lukosi, Jason B. Rothenberger, Robert J. Schott, Charles L. Weaver, Daniel Montenegro, and Denis A. Wisniewski, The Theoretical Maximum Efficiency for a Linearly Graded Alphavoltaic Nuclear Battery, Technology 179 (2) 243-249 (2012). DOI: 10.13182/NT12-A14096
- Eric Lukosi, Mark Prelas, and John Palsmeier, Monte Carlo Simulations of Multiplexed Electronic Grade CVD Diamond for Neutron Detection, Radiation Measurements 47 (6) 417-425 (2012); doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2012.04.001.
Conference proceedings:
- (Invited) Eric Lukosi, Jeremy Tisdale, Travis Smith, Ryan Tan, Bogdan Dryzhakov, Andrew Shayotovich, Andrew Naylor, Kate Higgins, Jessica Charest, Bin Hu, Mahshid Ahmadi, Engineering Hybrid Perovskite Materials for Spectroscopic Sensing of Ionizing Radiation, NanoGe Fall Meeting, #RadDet19: Radiation Detection Semiconductors Materials, Physics, and Devices, Berlin, Germany, November 3-8, 2019. DOI: 10.29363/nanoge.ngfm.2019.244
- Ryan Tan, Bogdan Dryzhakov, Andrew Shayotovich, Andrew Naylor, Kate Higgins, Jessica Charest, Bin Hu, Mahshid Ahmadi, Eric Lukosi, mproved Radiation Sensing with Methylammonium Lead Bromide Perovskite Semiconductors, 2019 IEEE NSS/MIC, Manchester, UK, Oct. 30th, 2019. DOI:
- S. U. Egarievwe, E. D. Lukosi, R. B. James, U. N. Roy, J. J. Derby, Advances in CdMnTe Nuclear Radiation Detectors Development, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Sydney, Australia, 16 November 2018. DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824694
- S. U. Egarievwe, E. D. Lukosi, I. O. Okwechime, A. Hossain, R. B. James, Effects of Tellurium Oxide on Surface Current and Performance of CdZnTe Nuclear Radiation Detectors, NSS/MIC, 2017 IEEE, Atlanta, GA, October 26, 2017. DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2017.8532704
- L. Bäni on behalf of the RD42 collaboration, Diamond detectors for high energy physics experiments, 11th International Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors, The Open University, U.K., September 7, 2017. Journal of Instrumentation 13 (2018). DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/13/01/C01029
- P.C.F. Di Stefano, N. Brewer, A. Fijałkowska, Z. Gai, K.C. Goetz, R. Grzywacz, D. Hamm, P. Lechner, Y. Liu, E. Lukosi, M. Mancuso, C. Melcher, J. Ninkovic, F. Petricca, B.C. Rasco, C. Rouleau, K.P. Rykaczewski, P. Squillari, L. Stand, D. Stracener, M. Stukel, M. Wolińska-Cichocka, I. Yavin, The KDK (potassium decay) experiment, TAUP 2017 – XV International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, Sudbury, ON, Canada, 7/25/2017; arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.04004 (2017). arXiv preprint: arXiv:1711.04004
- A. Alexopoulos et al. (127 members of the RD42 collaboration), Diamond detector technology: status and perspectives, 25th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Italy, September 28, 2016, Proceedings of Science (2017) 027. Find Paper Here
- N. Venturi on behalf of the RD42 collaboration, Diamond Pixel Detectors and 3D Diamond Devices, International Workshop on Semiconductor Pixel Detectors for Particles and Imaging (Pixel 2016); Journal of Instrumentation 11 (2016) C12062. DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/11/12/C12062
- Brian K. Canfield, Tom Wulz, Eric Lukosi, Stefan Spanier, and Lloyd M. Davis, Femtosecond Laser Machining of Micron-Diameter Graphitized Columns in Diamond, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (2016) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper STh4K.2. DOI: 10.1364/CLEO_SI.2016.STh4K.2
- Stephen Egarievwe, Eric Lukosi, Oghaghare Okobiah, Anwar Hossain, Uptal Roy, Aaron Adams, Rubi Gul, Ralph James, Surface Passivation of Contacts in CdZnTe X-Rays and Gamma-Rays Detectors, NSS/MIC, 2016 IEEE, Strasbourg, FA, November 2, 2016. doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2016.8069954
- Stephen Egarievwe, Ralph James, Utpal Roy, Aleksey Bolotnikov, Eric Lukosi, Giuseppe Camarda, Ge Yang, Anwar Hossain, Advances in CdZnTe and CdMnTe Semiconductors for Detection of Radiological and Nuclear Threats, NSS/MIC, 2016 IEEE, Strasbourg, FA, November 1, 2016. doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2016.8069939
- D. S. Hamm, E. D. Lukosi, M. R. Rust, E. H. Herrera, A. C. Stowe, B. W. Wiggins, A. Burger, Characterization of Lithium Indium Diselenide, NSS/MIC, 2015 IEEE, San Diego, CA, Nov. 6th, 2015; doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2015.7582284.
- Ashley C. Stowe, Brenden Wiggins, Pijush Bhattacharya, Eugene Tupitsyn, Michael Groza, Liviu Matei, Keivan Stassun, Elan Herrera, Eric Lukosi, Arnold Burger, Improving neutron detection in semiconducting 6LiInSe2, Proc. SPIE 9213, Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XVI, 92130B (September 5, 2014); doi: 10.1117/12.2062139.
- Eric Lukosi, Elan Herrera, Dylan Richardson, Jennifer Littell, Robert Milburn, Ashley C. Stowe, Arnold Burger, Investigation of a Lithium Indium Diselenide detector for neutron transmission imaging, Proceedings of the SPIE 9213, Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XVI, 92130B (September 5, 2014) doi: 10.1117/12.2063039.
- Eric Lukosi, Charles Rowan, Robert Milburn, Neutron Moderation for Imaging SNM, NSS/MIC, 2013 IEEE, Seoul, Korea, October 30, 2013; doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2013.6829619.
- Eric Lukosi, Jennifer Littell, Hannah Hale, Robert Milburn, First Design of a Diamond-Based Neutron Spectrometer for Cross Section Measurements, NSS/MIC, 2013 IEEE, Seoul, Korea, October 30, 2013; doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2013.6829810.
- Brenden Wiggins, Eugene Tupitsyn, Pijush Bhattacharya, Emanual Rowe, Eric Lukosi, Ondrej Chvala, Arnold Burger, Ashley Stowe, Investigation of non-Uniformity and Inclusions in LiInSe2 utilizing Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), Proc. SPIE 8852, Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XV, 88520M (September 26, 2013); doi: 10.1117/12.2024125.
Conference presentations:
- H. Davis, A. Goluoglu, L. Stand, C. Goetz, C. Melcher, E. Lukosi, Potassium-40 Background Suppression in KSr2I5:Eu2+, 2019 IEEE NSS/MIC, Manchester, UK, Oct. 30th, 2019 (Poster).
- Matthew Stukel, N. Brewer, P. Di Stefano, A. Fijalkowska, Z. Gai, K. C. Goetz, R. Grzywacz, D. Hamm, P. Lechner, Y. Liu, E. Lukosi, J. Ninkovic, M. Mancuso, C. Melcher, J. Ninkovic, F. Petricca, B. C. Rasco, C. Rouleau, K. P. Rykaczewski, P. Squillari, L. Stand, D. Stracener, M. Wolińska-Cichocka, I. Yavin,KDK: Measuring the Direct to Ground State Electron Capture of Potassium-40 for Backgrounds in Dark Matter Searches, XVI International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, Toyama, Japan, 09/09/2019 (Oral).
- E. D. Lukosi, N. Johnson, Y. Chen, C. Goetz, C. Melcher, Background Suppression in Europium-Containing Scintillators, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Sydney, Australia, 14 November 2018 (Poster).
- A. Musiienko, R. Grill, J. Pekarek, J. Tisdale, B. Hu, E. D. Lukosi, M. Ahmadi, Polarization, Mixed Conductivity, and Deep Levels in Organometallic Halide Perovskites, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Sydney, Australia, 14 November 2018 (Oral).
- E. D. Lukosi, T. Smith, D. Hamm, A. Shayotovich, N. Johnson, J. Tisdale, C. Seal, B. Hu, M. Ahmadi, Radiation Sensing with Methylammonium Lead Bromide Perovskite Semiconductors, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Sydney, Australia, 14 November 2018 (Oral).
- (Invited) L. M. Stand, M. Zhuravleva, M. Koschan, D. Rutstrom, C. Delzer, E. Lukosi, Jason Hayward, N. Cherepy, S. Payne, C. L. Melcher, Crystal growth and characterization of selected high-performance scintillators for national security applications, SPIE, Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XX, San Diego, CA, 20 Aug 2018 (Oral).
- Stand L, Zhuravleva M, Johnson J, Loyd M, Wu Y, Koschan M, Goetz C, Chen Y, Johnson N, Lukosi E, KSr1.3Ba0.7I5(Eu): a new ultra-high light yield scintillator with 2.2% energy resolution, 2018 Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (SORMA XVII), 6/13/2018 (Oral).
- Jeremy Tisdale, Travis Smith, Nathaniel Johnson, Mahshid Ahmadi, Eric Lukosi, Bin Hu, Low-cost, high quality growth and characterization of MAPbBr3 perovskite single crystals, 2018 Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (SORMA XVII), 6/12/2018 (Poster).
- Travis Smith, Jeremy Tisdale, Cody Seal, Mahshid Ahmadi, Daniel Hamm, Eric Lukosi, Methylammonium lead bromide: a low-cost organometallic semiconductor for radiation detection, 2018 Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (SORMA XVII), 6/12/2018 (Poster).
- Eric Lukosi, Nathaniel Johnson, Yanheng Chen, Callie Goetz, Chuck Melcher, 40K Background Suppression in KSr2I5:Eu2+ Scintillators, 2018 Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (SORMA XVII), 6/14/2018 (Poster).
- Nathaniel Johnson, Callie Goetz, Yanheng Chen, Luis Stand, Chuck Melcher, Eric Lukosi, Temperature Response and Radiation Damage Effects on KSr2I5:Eu2+, 2018 Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (SORMA XVII), 6/12/2018 (Poster).
- Mahshid Ahmadi, Liam Collins, Eric Muckley, Ilia Ivanov, Sergei V. Kalinin, Bin Hu and Eric Lukosi, Environmental Effects on Ionic and Electronic Conductivity in Single Crystals of Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskites, MRS Symposium ES01, Boston, MA, November 26, 2017 (Poster).
- L. M. Stand, M. Zhuravleva, J. Johnson, M. Koschan, E.D. Lukosi, C. L. Melcher, Scintillation properties of KSr2I5 activated with Na+, In+, Yb2+, and Ce3+, NSS/MIC, 2017 IEEE, Atlanta, GA, October 25, 2017 (Poster).
- M. Ahmadi, D. Hamm, C. Seal, J. Tisdale, B. Hu, E. D. Lukosi, Charged defects in organometallic halide perovskite single crystals, NSS/MIC, 2017 IEEE, Atlanta, GA, October 25, 2017 (Oral).
- E. D. Lukosi, T. Wulz, 3D Diamond Detectors with Metal Electrodes, NSS/MIC, 2017 IEEE, Atlanta, GA, October 25, 2017 (Oral).
- S. U. Egarievwe, R. B. James, E. D. Lukosi, G. S. Camarda, U. N. Roy, A. Hossain, A. B. Bolotnikov, Characterization of CdZnTe and CdMnTe X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors Using Synchrotron Light Source, NSS/MIC, 2017 IEEE, Atlanta, GA, October 24, 2017 (Oral).
- T. Smith, C. Seal, J. Tisdale, M Ahmadi, D. Hamm, B. Hu, E. D. Lukosi, Electronic Properties of CH3NH3PbBr3, NSS/MIC, 2017 IEEE, Atlanta, GA, October 24, 2017 (Poster).
- D. Hamm, E. Herrera, H. Bilheeaux, J. Preston, A. Burger, A. Stowe, E. D. Lukosi, Recent Advancements in Neutron Imaging with Lithium Indium Diselenide, NSS/MIC, 2017 IEEE, Atlanta, GA, October 24, 2017 (Poster).
- L. M. Stand, M. Zhuravleva, J. Johnson, M. Loyd, M. Koschan, E.D. Lukosi, C. L. Melcher, Advancements in KSR2I5:Eu2+ scintillators, NSS/MIC, 2017 IEEE, Atlanta, GA, October 24, 2017 (Oral).
- A. Alghamdi, E. D. Lukosi, Neutron Scatter Camera Using Two Arrays of Diamond Detectors, NSS/MIC, 2017 IEEE, Atlanta, GA, October 24, 2017 (Poster).
- E. D. Lukosi, C. Melcher, Improving the Radioisotope Detection Performance of KSr2I5:Eu2+ Scintillators, NSS/MIC, 2017 IEEE, Atlanta, GA, October 23, 2017 (Poster).
- E. D. Lukosi, Instrumentation Development to Measure a Rare Decay of 40K, NSS/MIC, 2017 IEEE, Atlanta, GA, October 23, 2017 (Poster).
- N. Brewer, P. Di Stefano, A. Fijalkowska, Z. Gai, R. Grzywacz, D. Hamm, P. Lechner, Y. Liu, E. Lukosi, J. Ninkovic, F. Petricca, C. Rasco, C. Rouleau, K. Rykaczewski, P. Squillari, D. Stracener, M. Stukel, M. Wolińska-Cichocka, I. Yavin, The KDK (40K decay) project: Measuring a rare decay of 40K with implications for dark-matter claims, XV International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, Sudbury, ON, Canada, 7/25/2017 (Oral).
- N. Brewer, P. Di Stefano, A. Fijalkowska, Z. Gai, R. Grzywacz, D. Hamm, P. Lechner, Y. Liu, E. Lukosi, J. Ninkovic, F. Petricca, C. Rasco, C. Rouleau, K. Rykaczewski, P. Squillari, D. Stracener, M. Stukel, M. Wolińska-Cichocka, I. Yavin, The KDK (40K decay) project: Measuring a rare decay of 40K with implications for dark-matter claims, 2017 Canadian Association of Physicists Congress, Kingston, ON, 6/01/2017 (Oral).
- A. Alghamdi, E. Lukosi, Diamond-Based Neutron Scatter Camera, NSS/MIC, 2016 IEEE, Strasbourg, FA, November 2, 2016 (Poster).
- E. Lukosi, T. Wulz, B. Canfield, L. Davis, S. Spanier, Current Progress on 3D Diamond Detector Development at UTK, NSS/MIC, 2016 IEEE, Strasbourg, FA, November 1, 2016 (Poster).
- E. Lukosi, C. Haseler, Cylindrical Coded Moderator for Neutron Detection and Localization at Standoff, NSS/MIC, 2016 IEEE, Strasbourg, FA, October 31, 2016v(Poster).
- E. Lukosi, C. Melcher, M. Rust, Detection Capabilities of KSr2I5:Eu2+, NSS/MIC, 2016 IEEE, Strasbourg, FA, October 31, 2016 (Poster).
- Stephen Egarievwe, Rubi Gul, Eric Lukosi, Ezekiel Agbalagba, Anwar Hossain, Utpal Roy, Ralph James, Chemical Etching and Chemomechanical Polishing of CdZnTe X-Rays and Gamma-Rays Detectors, The U.S. Workshop on the physics and chemistry of II-VI materials, Baltimore, MD, Oct. 20th, 2016 (Poster).
- L. Stand, M Zhuravleva, J. Johnson, M. Loyd, S. Donnald, K. Vaigneur, E. Lukosi, C. L. Melcher, Large Crystal Growth of High Performing KSr2I5:Eu, SORMA West, Berkeley, CA, May 25, 2016 (Oral).
- E. Lukosi, M. Rust, C. Melcher, Detection and Isotope Identification Capabilities of KSr2I5:Eu, SORMA West, Berkeley, CA, May 24, 2016 (Oral).
- M. D. Richardson, K. M. Lee, E. Lukosi, Boron Carbide Thin Films for Thermal Neutron Detection, SORMA West, Berkeley, CA, May 24, 2016 (Poster).
- Y. Wu, E. D. Lukosi, M. Zhuravleva, A. C. Lindsey, C. L. Melcher, A Novel LiCl-BaCl2:Eu2+ Eutectic Scintillator for Thermal Neutron Detection, NSS/MIC, 2015 IEEE, San Diego, CA, Nov. 4th, 2015 (Poster).
- E. Lukosi, O. Chvala, A. Stowe, Response Function of 6LiInSe2, NSS/MIC, 2015 IEEE, San Diego, CA, Nov. 4th, 2015 (Poster).
- M. Rust, E. Lukosi, K.-M. Lee, L. Stand, M. Zhuravleva, C. Melcher, Detection Capabilities of KSr2I5:Eu for Unregulated Radiological Materials, NSS/MIC, 2015 IEEE, San Diego, CA, Nov. 2th, 2015 (Poster).
- M. D. Richardson, E. Lukosi, T. Wulz, Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition of Boron Carbide Thin Films, NSS/MIC, 2015 IEEE, San Diego, CA, Nov. 4th, 2015 (Poster).
- E. H. Herrera, D. S. Hamm, E. D. Lukosi, A. C. Stowe, B. Wiggins, A. Burger, H. Bilheux, L. Santodonato, Neutron Imaging with LiInSe2: A Semiconducting 16-Channel Imager, NSS/MIC, 2015 IEEE, San Diego, CA, Nov. 5th, 2015 (Oral).
- (Invited) Mariya Zhuravleva, Luis Stand, Eric D. Lukosi, Charles L. Melcher, Potassium-based halide scintillators with high-energy resolution, Proc. SPIE 9213, Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XVII, 9593. August 11, 2015 (Oral).
- M. Rust, E. Lukosi, K.-M. Lee, M. Zhuravleva, C. Melcher, L. Stand, Internal Spectra for KSr2I5:Eu for Various Detector Sizes and Geometries, 13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and their Applications, June 10, 2015, San Francisco, CA (Poster).
- E. Lukosi, E. Herrera, D. Hamm, A. Stowe, B. Wiggins, K.-M. Lee, P. Trtik, D. Penumadu, S. Young, L. Santodonato, H. Bilheux, L. Matei, A. Burger, 6LiInSe2 Scintillators for Neutron Radiography, 13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and their Applications, June 9, 2015, San Francisco, CA (Oral).
- E. Lukosi, M. Rust, E. Herrera, A. Stowe, B. Wiggins, A. Burger, Electrical Properties of Lithium Indium Diselenide, NSS/MIC 2014, Seattle, WA, Nov. 12, 2014 (Poster).
- E. H. Herrera, E. D. Lukosi, A. Stowe, A. Burger, Design of High-Spatial Resolution Neutron Imager Using Single Crystal LiInSe2, NSS/MIC 2014, Seattle, WA, Nov. 11, 2014 (Poster).
- T. Wulz, E. Lukosi, M. D. Richardson, G. Riley, S. Spanier, Progress in 3D Diamond Detector Development, NSS/MIC 2014, Seattle, WA, Nov. 11, 2014 (Poster).
- A. C. Stowe, E. Lukosi, E. Herrera, D. Richardson, J. Littell, A. Burger, Investigation of a Novel 6LiInSe2 Detector for Neutron Transmission Imaging, 10th World Conference on Neutron Radiography, Grindelwald, Switzerland, Oct. 5-10, 2014 (Poster).
- Elan Herrera, Eric Lukosi, Ashley C. Stowe, Robert Milburn, Dylan Richardson, Brenden Wiggins, Arnold Burger, Characterization Techniques for LiInSe2 Semiconducting Neutron Detector, 18th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protections, Shielding, and Dosimetry Division of ANS, September 14, 2014, Knoxville, TN (Poster).
- Thomas Wulz, Eric Lukosi, Investigations into Semiconducting Boron Carbide for Neutron Radiography and Tomography Applications, SORMA XV, Ann Arbor, MI, June 11, 2014 (Oral).
- Eric Lukosi, Charles Rowan, Robert Milburn, Jennifer Littell, Directional Moderation for Neutron Imaging, ANS Winter Meeting, Nov. 10-14, 2013, Washington DC (Poster).
- Eric Lukosi, Jennifer Littell, Hannah Hale, Spectroscopic Capability of a Proton Radiator-Coupled Diamond-Based Neutron Spectrometer, ANS Winter Meeting, Nov 10-14, 2013, Washington DC (Poster).
- Charles Weaver, Mark Prelas, Joongmoo Shim, Haruetai Kasiwattanawut, Eric Lukosi, Shubra Ganglopadhyay, Cherian Joseph Mathai, Progress in Diamond Sensor Development for Use in LENR Experiments, 18th Annual ICCF Meeting, July 21-27, 2013, Columbia, MO USA (Oral).
- Weaver, C., Prelas, M., Kasiwattanawut, H., Shim, J., Watermann, M., Matha, C.J., Gangopadhyay, S., Lukosi, E. Progress in development of diamond-based radiation sensor for use in LENR experiments, 18th Annual ICCF Meeting, July 21-27, 2013, Columbia, MO USA, 305-313 (Oral).
- Mark Prelas and Eric Lukosi, Neutron Emission from Cryogenically Cooled Metals Under Thermal Shock, 17th Annual ICCF Meeting, August 12-17, 2012, Dajeon, South Korea (Oral).
Workshops and other contributions:
- L. Stand, M. Zhuravleva, J. Johnson, M. Loyd, S. Donnald, K. Vaigneur, E. Lukosi, C. L. Melcher, Rapid Crystal Growth of KSr2I5:Eu2+, 9th Annual ARI Program Review, Atlanta, GA, July 12-14, 2016.
- Chuck Melcher, Eric Lukosi, Luis Stand, Kyung-Min Lee, Mikah Rust, Thomas Wulz, Jesse Johnson, Developing Low Cost Scintillators with Excellent Energy Resolution, 9th Annual ARI Program Review, Atlanta, GA, July 12-14, 2016.
- Thomas G. Wulz, Daniel Hamm, Elan Herrera, Chuck Melcher, Eric Lukosi, Spatial Uniformity of KSr2I5:Eu Scintillation, 9th Annual ARI Program Review, Atlanta, GA, July 12-14, 2016.
- Participant, Nano-Power Systems Meeting, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, April 21-22, 2016.
- Eric Lukosi, Thomas Wulz, Stefan Spanier, Grant Riley, Diamond Efforts at the University of Tennessee, RD42 collaboration Meeting, Florence, Italy, Feb. 26-27 2015.
- Charles L. Melcher, Luis Stand, Eric Lukosi, Mikah R. Rust, Kyung-Min Lee, Developing Low Cost Scintillators with Excellent Energy Resolution, 8th Annual ARI Program Review, University of Texas-Dallas, July 7-9, 2015.
- Mikah Rust, Eric Lukosi, Kyung-Min Lee, Luis Stand, Mariya Zhuravleva, Charles Melcher, Internal Spectra for KSr2I5:Eu for Various Detector Sizes and Geometries, 8th Annual ARI Program Review, University of Texas-Dallas, July 7-9, 2015.
- (Invited) Daniel Hamm, E. Lukosi, M. Rust, E. Herrera, A. Stowe, B. Wiggins, A. Burger, Characterization of Lithium Indium Diselenide, 3rd Mini-Workshop on Astro-Materials, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, Dec. 4-5, 2015.
- (Invited) Eric Lukosi, Elan Herrera, Daniel Hamm, Mikah Rust, Ashley C. Stowe, Robert Milburn, Brenden Wiggins, Arnold Burger, 6LiInSe2 Neutron Detector Arrays: Design, Fabrication, and Testing, Second Mini-Workshop on Astro-Materials, December 1, 2014, Nashville, TN.
- STOWE, Ashley; LUKOSI, Eric; HERRERA Elan; RICHARDSON, Dylan; WIGGINS, Brenden; BURGER, Arnold, Investigation of a Novel 6LiInSe2 Detector for Neutron Transmission Imaging, International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors iWoRID 2014, June 23, 2014, Trieste, Italy.
- Eric Lukosi, Elan Herrera, Ashley Stowe, Brenden Wiggins, Arnold Burger, Lithium Indium Diselenide Sensor for Neutron Transmission Imaging, PSND 2014 Workshop, Forschungszentrum Jϋlich, Germany, June 3, 2014.
- (Invited) Eric Lukosi and Mark Prelas, Weaponization and Delivery Systems that Terrorists Use for Chemical and Biological Agents; Bioterrorism, NATO Advanced Research Workshop (COE-DAT 12, Nov. 2-3, 2011), Ankara, Turkey.
- Eric Lukosi, and Mark Prelas, Neutron and Gamma Ray Spectroscopic Detection System, Missouri Technology Expo 2010, Oct. 7th 2010, University of Missouri.
- (Invited) E.D. Lukosi, M.A. Prelas, S.K. Loyalka, R.M. Meyer, and J.P. Gaudier, Neutron Sources Pertaining to Active Interrogation Techniques, 11th US-Japan Workshop on Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion, 12-13 Oct. 2009, Madison Wisconsin.
Contributions to edited volumes:
- Eric Lukosi and Mark Prelas, Weaponization and Delivery Systems that Terrorists Use for Chemical and Biological Agents; Bioterrorism, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series E: Human and Societal Dynamics, Vol 115, p. 29-62 (2014); doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-317-9-29.
- Ashley Stowe, Arnold Burger, and Eric Lukosi, Thermal Neutron Detector and Gamma-Ray Spectrometer, U.S. Patent, Application number 14871162, 10/1/2015
- Eric Lukosi and Mark Prelas, Multiplexing Diamond-Based Neutron Spectrometers, U.S. Provisional Patent, UM Disclosure No. 12UMC044prov-2, 4/6/2012
- Eric Lukosi and Mark Prelas, Innovation in lowering the lower limit of neutron detection in diamond spectroscopic detectors, U.S. Provisional Patent, UM Disclosure No. 12UMC044, 01/27/2012.
Technical reports:
- Mark Grohman, Greg Bogart, Dora Derzon, Mark Derzon, Anton Filatov, Eric Lukosi, Shawn Martin, Ted Parson, and Ronald Renzi, Advanced Fast Neutron Detector with Natural Helium-4 at High Pressure, Sandia National Laboratories, October 2010, SAND 2010-7800.
- E. D. Lukosi and M. A. Grohman, Photonuclear Activation of Pure Isotopic Mediums, Sandia National Laboratories, August 2010, SAND 2010-5340.