Organismal Variation Analysis Lab
PI – Dr. Benjamin M. Auerbach

This laboratory, located at 519 Hesler Biology, is designed to allow morphological researchers to capture metric data from organismal morphology using portable, precise equipment. Equipment may be used on specimens available at the university or may be borrowed for data collection from institutional collections outside UT.

Equipment housed in the laboratory includes:
  • G2X Immersion, Inc. microscribe
  • Artec Space Spider 3D light scanner
  • portable field osteometric boards
  • standard and digital calipers
  • computer workstations for use in data acquisition and analysis, including two high-end graphics computers
Both Dr. Auerbach and graduate students have ongoing projects utilitzing the resources of the OVAL. Read more about Dr. Auerbach’s ongoing research on the Research Page. Students use the laboratory for training, for small projects, and in conducting studies as part of their masters and doctoral research.

Access is granted by permission of Dr. Auerbach. Research space is limited, but researchers are welcome!

Site design by B.M. Auerbach. Last updated: July 2024