Senate Reports, Minutes, and Publications 2008-2009
Senate documents from other academic years are available in the archives.
All documents on this page are in pdf format.
Agendas of Faculty Senate Meetings
Agendas of Executive Committee Meetings
Minutes, Senate Meetings
Minutes, Executive Committee Meetings
Senate Newsletters
Faculty Senate President Dr. John Nolt's Final Report
Committee Reports
Budget & Planning Committee Report
Budget & Planning Committee Resolution
Faculty Affairs Committee--Updated
Faculty Senate Effectiveness Task Force
John Nolt, President of the Faculty Senate, has appointed a Task Force on Faculty Senate Effectiveness to examine how the Senate can play a more effective role in faculty life and shared governance.
Minutes, Budget and Planning Committee
Minutes, Faculty Affairs Committee
Program Review, Reallocation and Reduction Task Force
Proposed Resolutions of the Faculty Affairs Committee Regarding Annual Review and Retention Review
Proposed Resolution Regarding Annual Review and Retention Review
Statewide Reorganization of Higher Education
Higher Education Organizational Models
Presentation by Athletic Director Mike Hamilton
Faculty Senate Presentation given on October 20, 2008.
Graduate and Undergraduate Councils
Minutes, Graduate Council
Minutes, Undergraduate Council
Contact Information
Sharonne Winston
Administrative Assistant to the Faculty Senate
812 Volunteer Blvd
Knoxville, TN 37996-4226