
Student Affairs Committee
May, 2001

Student Affairs Committee Final Report
Submitted by Gene McCutchen, Committee Chair, 2000-2001

Two meetings were held involving the entire committee. At the first meeting on October 17, 2000, the charges to the committee were discussed and subsequent decisions were made on how to approach each problem. Subcommittees were established to look into those topics which were to be studied. The issues which were discussed were, mental health services on campus (a topic not concluded by the 1999-2000 committee), privacy of student records, tutoring programs for general University students, decorum and civility in the classroom, responsibilities of faculty in cases of academic dishonesty, and problems in student international travel.

The mental health services problem was concluded by a summary of the available programs which was prepared for the committee by Dr. Gary Klukken, director of the Student Counseling Center. This document was sent to Senate President Bob Glenn to be disseminated to the University Faculty.

Faye Julian, Dean of Undergraduate Affairs, recommended that a study of the problem of access to student records be tabled due to the edict from President Gilley's office on this matter.

The subcommittee on tutoring programs reported at the March 13th committee meeting that they had worked without avail to discover the source and/or office responsible for updating the tutorial services listed in Hilltopics, the student handbook. It has since been decided that Dr. Ruth Darling will take on this responsibility.

A document was prepared by Elizabeth Sutherland to address the problem of faculty responsibilities in cases of academic dishonesty. The committee recommends that this information be sent preferably to all faculty, and especially to new faculty, at the beginning of each school year.

The Center for International Education has set up new guidelines for faculty and program administrators who are involved in their Study Abroad Programs. It is suggested that the Senate Student Affairs Committee monitor the success of these new guidelines to determine if they solve the problems which have occurred in recent years.

The problem of decorum and civility in the classroom was not, as planned, studied by this committee. This is another topic which might be part of the committee's agenda for next year.

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