Site Index |
November 21, 1973
January 8, 1974 |
January 28, 1974
February 18, 1974 |
April 4, 1974
May 2, 1974 July 10, 1974 |
a) The question of whether an Incomplete (I) should be counted as an in computation of grade point average (Senate action of Oct. 29, 1973) was referred to the Undergraduate Council.
b) C. W. Keenan announced that, due to his acceptance of a position as Associate Dean of Liberal Arts, he would no longer be eligible to serve as Chairperson and as a member of the Senate. Luther Keller pursuant with the By-laws, assumed the role of the Chairperson of the Senate and the Executive Committee.
c) Considered question of whether By-laws should be amended to:1) change the term of the SecretaryBoth questions were referred to the Transition and By-laws Committee.
2) provide for replacement of Vice Chairperson case the office becomes vacant.
d) Vice Chancellor Herndon requested that Educational Facilities Committee be designated to work with administrative members in determining ways UTK can adjust to the energy crisis. This request was referred to Andy Edmondson, Chairperson to this committee.
e) Considered a suggestion that a joint meeting of the Executive Committee and the Board of Deans be held in the near future. Vice Chancellor Herndon agreed to discuss this matter with the Board of Deans and to arrange such a meeting if agreeable.
a) Consideration of the plans for the self-study of the UT Systems proposed by Vice President Prados. The Executive Committee had been requested by Chancellor Reese to review this proposal. A letter of reply emphasized the desirability of UTK faculty involvement in self-study committees.Some instances in which the Officers represented the Senate.
b) Consideration of the report-of the Committee on Faculty Involvement in Filling of Administrative Positions (to be considered at a later Senate meeting). This report has been transmitted to Chancellor Reese for informal review.
c) A report of recent activities of the Budget Allocation Subcommittee (report to Senate January 11, 1974).
d) A discussion by Mr. Lusby of the plans for review of proposals of the Committee to Evaluate Effects of Changes in Final Examination Week (to be considered by Senate at meeting of February 11, 1974).
Nov. 1, 1973 | Chairperson attended THEC budget hearings held on campus. |
Nov. 9 | Chairperson met with Senate Committee chairpersons to review and discuss activities of the various committees and to determine anticipated dates reports are expected. |
Nov. 19 | Senate officers and counselors attended meeting of University Council. |
Nov. 20 | Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Chairperson of Senate Committee on Development and Alumni Affairs attended breakfast meeting of Chancellor's associates. Members of MPC discussed some of the characteristics of the Fort Sanders area, its problems and plans for development. The Fort Sanders area is a major project of concern by the Chancellor's associates. Senate files were transferred from C. W. Keenan to Luther Keller. |
Nov. 21 | Senate Executive Committee was co-host with campus administrators to a luncheon with President Boling and his staff for the quarterly visit between systems and campus officers. |
Nov. 29 | Chairperson and Budget Allocation Subcommittee met with Chancellor Reese and Vice Chancellor Ebersole to discuss budget developments and priorities. |
Nov. 30 | Chairperson appeared before Legislative Hearing on Student Activities Fee to present the statement on activities fee adopted at the October 29, 1973 Senate meeting and to respond to questions of the committee. |
Jan. 3, 1974 | Chairperson and Budget Allocation Committee attended a joint meeting with Board of Deans to hear discussion by President Boling of budget prospects for next year. |
Jan. 9-10 | Chairperson attended Joint meeting of the President's Faculty and Student Counselors held on the UTC campus. Budget developments support for research and public service, academic standards, MBO, student evaluations of faculty, and student fees were among topics discussed. |
Jan. 11 | Chairperson and Budget Allocation Committee met with Chancellor and members of his staff to discuss budget priorities for next year. |
a) A suggestion by Chancellor Reese that Faculty Senate may need some mechanism to consider review and respond to proposed legislation by the Tennessee General Assembly or to suggest needed legislation. The Executive Committee recommends to the Senate the creation of a Legislative Committee which would have two major functions:1) to monitor legislative activity of the Tennessee General Assembly and to provide a means for reaction, communication, and statement of position of faculty relative to proposed legislation; andb) A progress report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Sabbatical Leave. This committee, chaired by Otis Stephens, is expected to report to the Senate at the first Spring meeting.
2) to study and recommend through appropriate channels needed legislation to better serve the needs and interest of the faculty. This committee is to be chosen by the Committee on Committees.
c) Report of the Transition and By-Laws Committee. The Executive Committee endorses the suggested changes in the By-laws to be considered at the February 25 Senate meeting.
d) Approved a request by the Graduate Student Association for a representative to attend meetings of the Executive Committee.
e) Agreed to ask C. W. Keenan to continue to serve on the Executive Committee in an advisory role. Mr. Keenan graciously agreed to do so.
f) Accepted reluctantly the resignation of George Wagoner as Secretary of the Senate. Mr. Wagoner has agreed to serve until a replacement, can be elected.
g) Requested the Chairperson to appoint a committee to nominate candidates for the Committee on Committees for the next academic year. This committee will also be charged with recommending persons for the offices of Secretary and Vice-Chairperson and as a replacement for Jack Jones on the University Council. Elections will be held at the first Spring meeting of the Senate.
January 16 | Chairperson attended the meeting of the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees held on the UTC campus. Among the items approved were:
a) Proposal for a B.A. degree with a major in Computer Science at UTK. |
January 24 | Chairperson attended the hearings of the Role and Scope Committee. |
February 4 | Chairperson, Secretary and Mr. Keenan held an informal meeting with the first year Senators to discuss how the Senate functions and how it could serve the faculty more effectively. |
a) The need for a faculty grievance procedure: The group recommends that no formal grievance procedure is needed or desirable at this time.
b) Report of subcommittee of Executive Committee to nominate candidates for Councilors and replacements for Secretary and Vice President. The Executive Committee endorses the report of this committee to be presented to the Senate on April 8.
c) Report of Committee on Faculty Involvement in Filling of Administrative Positions. Suggestions from campus and system administration are being incorporated into the report of this committee which will be presented to the Senate at the May 6 meeting.
d) Appointment of the following new committees:1. Calendar Committeee) Plans for Spring faculty meeting.
2. Legislative Committee
f) Implementation of the new wage and salary program for clerical and supporting personnel. This program involves a complete new system of job classification and grade levels and a salary schedule consistent with the responsibilities of the job. The objectives of the new program were to establish salary schedules consistent with the work performed, that were comparable to those paid in the area and that reflect individual performances. In addition, the proposal is to provide for fair and uniform administration of salaries within occupational groups. Earlier plans were to implement this program on April 1, 1974 but full implementation has now been delayed until July 1.
g) UT System self-study. Vice President Prados was unable to attend but will discuss plans for the System self-study at the next meeting of the Executive Committee.
March 11 | Officers and Councilors attended a meeting of the University Council. Items discussed included the following:
streaking;The role and function of the University Council is to be a subject of discussion at its next meeting. |
March 13 | Senate President met with Dean McDow to discuss relationship between Faculty Senate Calendar Committee and the University Calendar Committee. A subcommittee of the University Calendar Committee has been named to interact with the Senate committee. |
March 15 | Senate President met with Outstanding Teacher Award Committee for organizational meeting. This committee was appointed by the Senate President at the request of the Chancellor. The committee includes:
1) Two faculty--Joe Cook, Sharon LordRecipients of these four awards will be announced at the UT Alumni Association Banquet in June. |
March 28 | Chairpersons of Faculty Senate Standing Committees were co-host with Chancellor Reese for a luncheon to the quarterly visit of the UT state-wide administrators. The administrators had met with faculty and students in the Colleges of Engineering, Home Economics and School of Architecture during the morning. President Boling gave a brief report on actions of the State Legislature which would affect UT. |
April 4 | Senate President met with committee to consider selection of Phi Kappa Phi Lecturer and UTK Mace Bearer. |
a) UT Systems Self-Study. Vice President John Prados, Chairman of the Self-Study group, met with the-Executive Committee and discussed progress and plans for this study. A Steering Committee for the self-study has been selected, composed of Chancellors Reese, McGehee and Drinnon, Vice Presidents Johnson and Prados and Charles Smith, Executive Assistant to the President. Seven self-study committees have been proposed, each chaired by a member of the Steering Committee. The committees are as follows:Academic AffairsTentative plans are for appointments and charges to the committees to be developed in the next few days. Faculty members from each campus will be included on some committees, but not every campus will be represented on each committee. Hopefully, progress reports will be available by December 1, 1974 and circulated for reaction by various interested groups and individuals. An outside visiting committee will come to campus after completion of the final reports--possibly in Fall 1975 or Spring 1976.
Public Service
External Relations
Business and Financial Affairs
General Administrative Services
Agriculture, and
University-Wide Policy Making, Planning and Evaluation.
b) Status of the desegregation case in Nashville involving Tennessee State University and the University of Tennessee. By a recent ruling of the Court, graduate programs in Education have been transferred from UTN to Tennessee State University. The case remains under the jurisdiction of the Court.
c) Committee Report on Faculty Involvement in Filling of Administrative Positions. The Executive Committee recommends the acceptance of this report by the Senate. Both systems and campus administrators have reviewed this report and agree to its provisions.
d) Memorandum from Senator DeRidder suggesting several items for consideration by various Senate committees. Five of the items have been referred to the appropriate committees, while one item will be discussed further at a later meeting of the Executive Committee.
e) Letter from Frank Hwang, President of Graduate Student Council, proposing a plan for interaction between the Legislature (State) and the faculty. The suggestion was referred to the Legislative Committee for consideration.
f) Possible Senate meeting on July 22. Presently the only scheduled summer meeting of the Senate is on June 24. Unless a second meeting of the Senate is held, actions of the Undergraduate Council on July 2 and Graduate Council on July 11, would not be considered by the Senate until the first Fall meeting. The decision relative to a second meeting of the Senate during the summer term was left to the discretion of the Senate officers.
April 25 | Budget Allocation Subcommittee met with Chancellor Reese and Vice Chancellor Ebersole to discuss budget prospects and priorities for 1974-75. |
April 29 | Keller and Wagoner met with new Senate officers, Arthur Jones and Sandra Bell, in an orientation and planning session. |
April 30 | The Executive Committee members were guests of the Chancellor at a luncheon meeting with Dr. Merle Baker, University of Missouri. Dr. Baker is working on a special assignment to study the administrative structures of multicampus and statewide consolidated higher education systems. |
a) The Annual Spring Meeting of the faculty has been set for May 22 at 3:30 p.m. in the Shiloh Room. Chancellor Reese will deliver his "State of the Campus" address and the Faculty Senate President will report on Senate activities and accomplishments during the past year.
b) President Boling's Faculty Counselors will meet on the Knoxville campus on May 23. A special meeting of the Faculty Senate Presidents from the five campuses will be held in conjunction with this meeting to discuss items of mutual interest.
a. Problems associated with cancellation of Liability Insurance Coverage on UT automobiles. This matter is to be referred to the Retirement Committee for further study.
b. Transfer of Workman's Compensation Coverage to the State Board of Claims.
c. Report on effort to enlist the aid of students in various counties to engage in activities designed to improve the image of UT. Ms. Puett is coordinating this activity from the Chancellor's office.
d. Possibility of greater involvement of Faculty Senate in legislative matters. Legislative Committee has been asked to consider ways the Senate could tactfully and prudently be of service to the work of the Legislature.
e. Chancellor announced plans for the creation of a new position of Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance (subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees). The Vice Chancellor of Business and Finance will report to the Chancellor and be responsible for the administration of the present offices of Finance, Physical Plant, Purchasing and Personnel. Previously, heads of these units have reported directly to the Chancellor.
The Chancellor also indicated his plans to appoint an Advisory Committee to assist in the search for a person best qualified to fill this position. Two members of the Executive Committee have been asked to serve on this Committee (Norman Dittrich and Luther Keller). The procedure outlined by the Chancellor for filling this position is fully consistent with the recent agreement between the Faculty Senate and the administration on how faculty would be involved in such cases.
May 23 | Senate President attended meeting of President Boling's Faculty Counselors held in Knoxville. Matters discussed included the following:
a. A review of the 1974 legislative session and the image of UT among legislators. |
Presidents of the Faculty Senates on the various campuses held a joint meeting (prior to the Counselors meeting) to discuss common problems and interests. | |
May 20 | Faculty Senate officers and Councilors attended meeting of the University Council. Some items discussed included the following:
a. Role and function of University Council. |
June 5 | Faculty Senate President and Budget Allocation Committee met with Chancellor Reese and Vice Chancellor Ebersole to review budget allocations and priorities for 1974-75. Also discussed, were plans for developing a computerized management information system for the campus. |
June 11 | Senate Executive Committee members were guests of Chancellor Reese at a meeting with Drs. Batson and Cathey from the University of South Carolina who were here on a special assignment to study administrative structures of selected major universities. |
June 19 | Senate President attended meeting of Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees. Items considered included approval of new degree programs on the various campuses, proposed enabling resolution to establish a Faculty Senate at UTN, proposed revisions of Faculty Handbook at UT Martin, changes in admission requirements and procedures at UT Martin, UTC and UTK and appointment of new Dean of School of Home Economics at UT Martin. |
a. Committee on Committees (1974-75) has held two meetings and is making good progress on developing recommendations for Senate Committee memberships for next year.
b. Senate President made recommendations to administration for faculty membership on President's Faculty Counselors, UT Self Study Committees, Athletics Board, and Board of Trustee committees.
c. Received official acceptance from both system and campus administration for the proposed agreement on faculty involvement in administrative appointments.
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