Site Index |
September 19, 1988 October 17, 1988 |
November 14, 1988 January 30, 1989 February 27, 1989 |
March 27, 1989 April 24, 1989 June 26, 1989 |
1. Van Hook welcomed the Senators to the year's first Senate meeting by outlining some of the principal issues the Senate will face in 1988-89, including participating, in the assessment process of the campus to be instituted by President Alexander, the search for a new UTK Chancellor, health insurance issues, and race relations on the UTK campus.MINUTES
2. Van Hook announced that Senate-Administration retreat will be held on Thursday, September 22, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. in UC 221.
3. Van Hook reported on a Board of Trustees meeting of September 10. At that meeting, the Board extended affirmative action to higher-level campus and systems administration. It also approved President Alexander's plan for systems reorganization.
4. Van Hook then read a resolution of appreciation to past president Henry Frandsen "for his outstanding leadership and devoted service to the Senate and the University." Passed unanimously. Van Hook then presented Frandsen a copy of the resolution and a plaque. (Copy of resolution attached.)
5. Van Hook then reported on the Chancellor's search, especially on the search process. Senators were asked to contact advisory committee members if they knew of outstanding candidates for the position.
6. The Chancellor addressed the Senators. He said that the report by the Association of Research Libraries on the UTK library was not accurate in fixing the percentage of E & G budget spent on the library. While Reese emphasized that spending for the library is not adequate, it has not been so bad as portrayed by the ARL report. Reese also said he was pleased by the percentage of faculty support in the library development campaigns (detailed figures will be available soon).
The Chancellor then addressed Fall 1988 enrollment, which is very close to 24, 361. The senior class is down 590 students from 1987-88, taken as evidence of students pushing to graduate to avoid the semester transition. New freshman enrollment is 3,795 (goal was 3,800). Part-time students have also declined. The average class load is 12.02 hours, down from Fall 1987's 12.38. The average ACT score for entering students now is 22.4, up from 21.7 for entering freshmen in 1987.
Finally Chancellor Reese underscored the importance of the Senate's work this year on race relations issues, especially in areas of faculty-student relations and curriculum.
1. Faculty and Staff Benefits (Insurance Matters). Dotterweich (a member of the committee and of the State Insurance Committee) reported that not much change had taken place since his last report. An effort by the State Insurance Committee (mandated by the General Assembly) to investigate insurance companies who might be willing to provide a plan similar to the one in effect prior to April 1, 1988 turned up only one inquiry. Dotterweich urged faculty to keep pressure on the appropriate State government organizations, although he didn't think much would be done during the term of the present contract.NEW BUSINESS
2. Library Committee (report T. Miller). Committee presented a resolution of appreciation to former library director Donald Hunt. Passed unanimously, with applause. (Copy of resolution attached.)
3. Educational Policy Committee (report Everett). Everett reported that the material before the Senate largely was pro forma, on the MBA program description, minor alterations and corrections in courses in Engineering and in Nutrition and Food Sciences, and descriptive titles for the Graduate Catalog. Approved unanimously.
4. Research Council (report Phillips). The report was on a policy statement dealing with research incentives for entry-level, tenure-track faculty. The statement has been changed somewhat from the one presented (and not voted upon) on July 11. Phillips made an eloquent appeal for the Senate to approve the proposed motion as a general statement.
In response to a question, Phillips said the committee defined "entry-level" as someone without prior teaching or research experience.
Dobbs said that, while he agreed with the intent of the motion, be thought the guidelines (not part of the motion) might serve to insulate the entry-level faculty from the business of the department, and therefore were not in everyone's best interest. Silverstein reminded the Senate that it was not voting on the guidelines.
Grimm recommended that all administrators (not just department beads) should be included in the class of those who would not overburden these faculty members, a point to which Phillips agreed.
Mead commented that the word "young" usually refers to chronological age and not to "young in the profession," and urged its removal. Silverstein moved (2nd Hood) that word "entry-level" be substituted for "young" throughout the document. Carried unanimously.
Motion then carried. Phillips then briefly reviewed reports from Research Council sub-committees on State-Supported Research, Awards, and Research Computing which had been submitted to the Senate for information (see agenda for September 19, 1988 meeting.)
1. Medigap Insurance for Retirees (report Silverstein). Silverstein introduced a resolution to the State Legislature commending them for passing legislation to provide retirees insurance protection against catastrophic illness. Passed unanimously. (Copy of resolution attached.)Meeting adjourned at 4:53 p.m.
2. Survivors' Benefits Resolution (report Silverstein). Resolution recommended a package of benefits to deceased faculty members' spouses and dependent children similar to those available to retirees. Benefits include aquatic center, discount at bookstore, one-half price athletic tickets, etc. Motion carried. (Copy of resolution attached.)
1. Van Hook read the letter from Governor McWherter, responding to the Senate resolution of September 19th.PRESENTATION
2. Van Hook reported on Board of Trustees meeting of October 15, in which he told the Governor and the Board, faculty concerns about the Vice Presidential and Chancellor searches, the health insurance program, and the campus visitations of Board members. Van Hook also reported to the Senate the Governor's concerns: a) UT help for economic incentives; b) minority teacher recruitment and University recruitment of minorities; c) the Chairs of Excellence programs; d) health insurance. The Governor said that if Blue Cross/Blue Shield did not resolve certain current problems, the state might enter into a lawsuit.
3. Van Hook distributed the detailed criteria for Chancellor selection which are to be used in the Chancellor search. Comments may be addressed to Van Hook, Frandsen or Bruce Wheeler.
4. Van Hook reported on Executive Committee-Administration retreat of September 22.
1. Budget Committee (report Frandsen, substituting for Stanga). Frandsen reviewed the role of the committee. Homer Fisher then reported that he will begin investigating the gradual move to a sabbatical policy. The committee also has been looking at questions concerning summer school calendar and compensation, and will be looking at graduate student compensation (assistantships, etc.). Fisher reported that THEC now is considering an increase in equipment funding.NEW BUSINESS
In response to a question, Fisher said the Board of Trustees in June approved an early retirement system under certain circumstances. In response to a system about the enrollment shortfall, Fisher said that it will mean a loss of $2.5-3 million in next year's state revenues, In response to a question about SAMS, Fisher reported that the scope and cost of the program has been cut (to under $10 million).
2. Joint Senate-Provost Committee on Teaching Evaluation (report Moffett). Moffett reviewed the committee's change and its progress. Presently the committee is testing evaluation procedures in the departments of art, chemistry, civil engineering, and economics. There was some discussion about the competence of the peer reviewers themselves, and about the amount of faculty time to be consumed in peer review. As to the student evaluation form itself, most of the questions have been used and validated for some time in the College of Business Administration.
3. Educational Policy Committee (report Everett). Everett advised senators to bring Graduate Council and Undergraduate Council minutes to the next meeting to vote on curricular matters. Everett also reported that the Undergraduate Council has approved the requirement that all undergraduate seniors take a comprehensive field examination and reported that the committee is currently studying the impact of various assessment policies.
1. Phillips made Senate aware that all electrical purchases (right down to a light bulb) must be approved by Purchasing and Physical Plant. Grimm reported that, in his opinion, this was not a new policy.Meeting adjourned at 4:45 P.M.
2. Senators were made aware that faculty parking in their spaces has been extended to 10:00 P.M., thus knocking evening students out of spaces, or ticketing them. Van Hook asked B. Moore (on parking board) to investigate this.
3. Senators were made aware of proliferation of Whittle Communications bulletin boards, complete with advertising. Van Hook said he will investigate.
1. Van Hook reported on the Vice Presidential searches. Other UT Senates have endorsed our statement on faculty involvement in those searches. On October 31, Van Hook and other UT Senate presidents met the two candidates for the positions, though he was not yet at liberty to identify them.MINUTES
2. On the Chancellor's search, Van Hook reported that search was proceeding satisfactorily, with a consulting firm being engaged to help widen the pool and to do some screening. The consultants will report directly to the chair of the Advisory Committee, and not to President Alexander.
1. Educational Policy Committee (report Everett). Everett requested the Senate approve curricular changes recommended by the Graduate Council on June 23, September 8, and October 6, 1988. These were approved unanimously.Van Hook announced that, barring emergencies, there would be no December Senate meeting.
On the Undergraduate Council minutes, originally the Committee had requested the Senate to defer action on the proposal for major-area comprehensive exams. However, since its meeting immediately following the October 4 meeting of the Undergraduate Council, the Committee reversed itself and now urges limited approval of the proposal for two years. The Committee also requested the formation of a joint Senate-Provost Committee on assessment issues. Vice Provost Norman urged the Senate make the major-area comprehensive requirement effective as soon as possible. The examination requirement would be enforced by the graduation office.
Everett noted that it was important that the faculty impress upon students that they should try to do as well as they can, in spite of the fact that the comprehensive exam is not a pass-fail examination. Obviously, if the exam was not given in a field in a certain year, the students would not be required to take it. Broadhead said Geology Department was dismayed by the content of the ETS exam in geology. Lee Humphreys said departments could choose whether to use outside exams or to design their own comprehensive exams.
M. Betz said a single comprehensive exam at the end of a student's undergraduate career was not as important as data from "time one, time two" exams, and urged consideration of that idea. G. Reed said that where exams were selected by outside groups (as in licensing exams), it was very important that students do well, since departments are rated professionally by how students perform on these exams.
In response to a question, Humphreys said the University was willing to pay the exam fees for students in the particular years the department was required to give the exam. Homer Fisher also added that funds would be available for departments who chose to develop their own exams.
Moffett moved to amend the statement to add "by the department" to the end of the statement (2nd Wrisberg). Approved.
Provost Wheeler stated that UTK should take the lead in this testing program to avoid unfortunate results due to outside pressures.
Statement then approved by Senate for 2 years.
2. Van Hook reported on a meeting of the Baccalaureate Advisory Group with the Executive Committee. BAG reports that with the change to the new calendar, and with improved advising services, a great deal of lead time is required to get new courses listed in the timetable and catalog. In order to allow new courses to be taught within a reasonable time the group asked permission of the Senate to list courses which had been approved by Undergraduate or Graduate Councils but had not yet been approved by the Senate. If the Senate later refused to approve a course, it would then be cancelled. The Executive Committee approved this and asks the Senate to do so. No objection being raised the approval was granted. It is the understanding of the Executive Committee and the Senate that the Provost's office will investigate the possibility of speeding up the entire printing process in order to solve this problem in an alternate way.
3. Joint Senate-Provost Committee for the Improvement of Teaching (report B. Wheeler)
After discussion, report approved, with amendment on number of teaching fellows from Liberal Arts (one from each unit) and rewording on page 6, parts a) and b). Report will necessitate changes in by-laws. (Corrected copy attached.)
4. Faculty and Staff Benefits Committee (report Auxier)
Auxier reported on retirees insurance and increased cost for dental insurance. He said his committee has been very concerned with possible ways to redesign the health insurance plan. Major ideas: increase deductible limit, cap out-of-pocket expenses, 85-15 TPN services and 75-25 non-TPN services, increase in mental health benefits, coverage added where not now available. The general thinking of the committee is that it is unrealistic to expect us to return to the old plan which is too costly in today's market. The committee also is interested in exploring the details of phased retirement plans.
1. Van Hook announced an agenda change. Vice-President Homer Fisher, originally scheduled to address the meeting will be unable to attend today.MINUTES
2. Van Hook reported on the Chancellor search which is proceeding satisfactorily. Campus meetings with persons on the final short list of candidates will be announced shortly. Faculty opinions on the candidates should be offered to the Search Advisory Committee or to President Alexander promptly after the meetings.
3. Appointment of The Joint Senate Provost Committee on Assessment was announced. A list of committee members and a copy of the charges to the committee is attached to the Jan. 30 agenda.
4. Van Hook reported on his attendance at the Board of Trustees meeting in Nashville on January 27. He reviewed some of the points on the agenda which are of particular interest to UTK.
5. Van Hook read a letter from Chancellor Reese reporting that new Senate approved policy for GPA's required for honors classification would be implemented and become effective on June 1, 1991. The old standards will be used until that date.
1. C. Pierce reported for the Faculty Affairs Committee. He reported that the organizational structure of the committee and its charges as found in the Bylaws no longer adequately describe its duties. The committee is presently working on how to best define and carry out its role. He then read a list of seventeen representative problems or potential problem areas which the committee is considering in one or another stage and enumerated seven work groups of the committee carrying out these tasks. The seventeen items are as follows: 1. Roles and Organization of Faculty Affairs Committee; 2. Race Relations Task Force Report; 3 . Academic Tenure of Administrators; 4. Evaluation of Administrators; 5. Tenured Assistant Professors; 6. Emeritus Status; 7. Award and Revocation of Professorial Chairs; 8. Chairs of Excellence for incumbent UTK faculty; 9. Twelve-month tenure track academic appointments; 10. Leaves of absence; 11. Administration of Merit pay policy; 12. Mandatory Evaluation of Teaching; 13. Faculty Rights and Responsibilities regarding Course requirements and grading; 14. Faculty Responsibilities regarding academic integrity; 15. Faculty Responsibilities regarding accessibility; 16. Compensated Outside service; 17. Faculty misconduct not warranting discharge for cause. The committee will bring forward a recommendation soon on emeritus status. P. Phillips indicated that other committees are working on similar issues.NEW AND OLD BUSINESS
2. M. Pierce reported on the activities of the Student Affairs Committee. Among the items they are considering is the lack of an adequate number of scholarships for out-of-state minority students. They are happy to report a reduction in the speed limit on Volunteer Boulevard and feel this will improve traffic/pedestrian safety on the campus.
WHEREAS MR. HOMER S. FISHER has provided distinguished service to the UTK Faculty Senate during his term of membership; and
WHEREAS Mr. Fisher has contributed greatly to a favorable relationship between the Senate and the UTK administration; and
WHEREAS Mr. Fisher has made numerous significant contributions to the work of the Senate Budget Committee.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the UTK Faculty Senate expresses its sincere appreciation to Mr. Fisher for his distinguished service to the Faculty Senate and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be presented to Mr. Fisher and that the Resolution be made a part of the minutes of the Senate meeting held on February 27, 1989.
Marian Moffett introduced the members of the committee: William Bull, Edwin Burdette, Henry Frandsen, Dorothy Habel, Anne Hopkins, Tom Ladd, Anne Mayhew, R. Baxter Miller and Carl Pierce. She pointed out that the thrust toward a formalized teaching evaluation process actually started in the seventies and has been pursued through the eighties. The main purpose was to design a process to evaluate teaching in some reasonably objective manner. Details are found in the report which was mailed with the 27 February agenda. Basically her committee was to establish implementation procedures for the general policy earlier approved by the Senate and to provide some of the necessary materials. The committee reported on test evaluations carried out in the Fall semester, 1988.2. Development and Alumni Relations Committee Report
The discussion began with a series of comments about the questionnaire to be provided to students. Stanga asked whether question #4 was not in fact three separate questions. Moffett replied the point is moot since the form is designed "to pick up problems", rather than to be an accurate and detailed diagnostic tool. Pinckney asked whether #5 mandates a syllabus but this point was not resolved. Hood reflected on the limits of question #4 and Ladd pointed out that to make this question comprehensive would make the questionnaire too long. Rather it was designed to "flag" problems. Moffett indicated that material treated by #4 and #5 was of continuing concern to the administration.
Gross asked Lenhart to offer an amendment that the words "or one approved by the department head" be inserted between "report" and "is" in line 2 under item 1. Student Surveys, on page 2 of the report. Dobbs seconded. Pinckney felt that the document was already satisfactory. Dobbs enumerated various criticisms of the questionnaire. His major point was that it would tend to locate the poor instructors rather than to find the outstanding teachers. Kovac pointed out that the amendment may be moot since line 6 on page 2 gives departments the option of using additional forms. Following discussion centered around this being a campus wide questionnaire which could be supplemented by department, Grimm indicated that they (Chemistry) used both this and their own questionnaire, and that the results were practically identical.
The amendment failed.
Grimm moved that question #5 be removed. There was no second.
Stanga questioned the fairness of question #1 based on class size. Moffett said it would be the department head's responsibility to interpret this in the light of the class size. Pinckney indicated that a common student complaint is instructors not following posted or announced office hours. Hood questioned whether the proposed procedure would identify truly outstanding teaching. Ladd responded that based on similar questionnaires from business, it will do SO. Everett questioned that some mechanism needs to be provided for changes in this document. Moffett responded that results will be monitored by an on-going committee and that it may indeed come back to the Senate revision. Reed (Civil Engineering) indicated his department's participation in this study correlated well with studies they had done for accreditation purposes. Question was raised by Haughton about why only tenured faculty could be peer evaluators and by Grimm to why three peer evaluators were chosen. Moffett responded to the first point that this was to avoid possible prejudice during their tenure evaluations. Frandsen replied to the second that three was the smallest practical number (odd and greater than one!). Pierce pointed out in response to a question from Jolly that the committee was prohibited in its charge from requiring in-class observation.
The motion (report) passed by a large majority and next goes to the Provost.
Mary Lou Jolly presented a report from the Development and Alumni Relations Committee. She reported that Cox and Associates consultants from Atlanta, recently considered this function of the University. She reviewed a number of interesting points about campus development policies and pointed out that contrary to common perception the fraction of money raised for athletics is modest. The committee has continued its interest in recording the history of the campus. Jolly pointed out that Milton Klein, UTK historian, is making good progress on this project.3. Professional Development Committee Report
Clifton Woods spoke for the committee which has been charged with recommending Senate response to the Race Relations Report of Spring 1988. The Committee has met with black students and faculty in small groups to identify the problems. Their next step is to meet as a full committee to summarize the results and to draft recommendations for Senate action.Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.
1. Van Hook reported that John Quinn from Brown University has been selected as the new UTK Chancellor. Van Hook indicated that he felt the input from the faculty members of the Search Advisory committee was carefully considered in the selection process, and that this search was well conducted.MINUTES
2. There will be a Senate meeting in April, and it is hoped that Dr. Quinn will address the Senate at that time. Also, the candidates for president-elect will be announced at the April meeting. There will be reports from the Bylaws, Athletics, and Professional Development Committees.
1. Budget Committee (report Stanga). Stanga reported on the broader implications of state funding for UTK. The sources of those deficiencies which exist lie in a low state tax rate and low per capita income in Tennessee. The University's percentage of state monies collected is roughly equal to other institutions in nearby states. He indicated that in the long term a state income tax would help our situation as would cutting unnecessary programs, and attracting additional private money. The FY-90 budget process started last summer and will soon be completed.The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
A special subcommittee (report Stanga, Frandsen and Buehler) dealt with the summer school program. The exact rate of pay has not been fixed at this time.
Another subcommittee (report Carroll, Woodruff and Kovac) looked into the cost of a sabbatical program and has prepared an extensive report which furnishes estimated costs as a function of various input assumptions.
Reese commented on the FY-90 budget. He indicated that no significant increase over FY-89 is to be expected. State funds will be increased about seven million dollars and student fees about two and one half million dollars, roughly keeping step with inflation. Allocations have not been fixed at this time. Uncertainties in Fall 189 enrollment mean allocations will be kept conservative at least until the actual enrollment is known. Reese indicated on serious need which will be addressed is library acquisitions. These plans are complicated by the high inflation rate in the cost of printed materials. It will also be important to encourage private giving for the library.
G. Wheeler praised Reese for doing his best to find and raise funds for academic programs. Costs related to faculty replacement and retention are high priority. About 300 more freshmen are expected for Fall '89 and this will increase costs as well as revenues. Monies will be held back administratively until it becomes clear what our resources actually are.
Wheeler and Reese discussed problems connected with raising minority enrollments, number of faculty, etc. Further discussion on this important topic followed.
Dietz asked if an adjustment will be made in summer budgets to compensate for the 50% increase in teaching. Reese indicated that UTK hopes to reduce the number of course offerings while keeping the number of hours approximately constant (thus allowing for the quarter/semester transition), and Wheeler indicated that the summer budget will be basically flat. Pinckney questioned a common attitude toward summer school, i.e. best students do not go and the best faculty do not teach. Reese indicated that such attitudes did not result from any intent of the administration. Quite the opposite, UTK was trying to enhance summer school opportunities while keeping the program on a fiscally sound base.
2. Education Policy Committee (report Everett). Everett presented five sets of minutes (see attachment with the March 27 minutes). The November 17, 1988 Graduate Council minutes were approved with the changes noted in Everett's March 13 memo as were the February 2, 1989 Graduate Council minutes. The Undergraduate Council November 3, 1�88 minutes were likewise approved. Also, approved as amended in the March 13, 1989 memo were the minutes for the Undergraduate Council January 19 and February 23, 1989 meetings.
3. Executive Committee: Election of Committee on Committees. Lester distributed the ballots for the election of the committee on committees. Ballots were collected at the meeting and the results reported. Elected members were:4. Legislative Committee (report Ungs). Ungs spoke for the committee mentioning the FY-90 flat budget to which Reese referred earlier. He also brought up questions concerned with fringe benefit policies for part-time employees. The committee has found that legislators are quite receptive to reform of state policies relating to this issue. Other matters brought to the attention of the committee include the advisability of lobbying for the addition of a faculty member to the board of trustees (the committee advises against), and problems connected with the health and fringe benefits package for state employees. This latter topic was discussed in a recent breakfast meeting with Knox County delegation to the legislature. The delegates expressed concern with the present situation but feel there is little chance for improvement until the current State/Blue Cross contract expires.
AGR. EXTEN. SER.- M. McManus
LIB. ARTS/NAT. SCI.- H. Frandsen
LIB. ARTS/SOC. SCI.- B. Silverstein
LIBRARY & INFO. SCI.-M. Karrenbrock
NURSING- M. L. Jolly
ROTC- H. Howard
SOCIAL WORK- V. Williams
SPACE INST.- J. Caruthers
In response to a question from Silverstein, Ungs indicated that to his knowledge the increasing of the longevity period has not been considered.
5. Research Council. After briefly discussing the role of the Research Council in establishing and implementing policies to insure the University is operating in accord with federal and state regulations (the "compliance" function), Phillips brought a suggested policy on merit raises to the floor. That policy statement had been included with the March 27, 1989 agenda. It was moved and seconded. Grimm questioned whether there were any raises other than merit. Phillips replied that other factors were sometimes considered. Ratner expressed concern that public service was not properly articulated in the policy. Pinckney and Buehler questioned whether this policy was not a repetition of already existing policies, and Wheeler responded that this was indeed the case. Kovac questioned why this matt comes up consistently and answered that the reason must be that these existing policies have not been been properly implemented. Dobbs encouraged the emphasis on research matters in calculating raises, but he pointed out the diversity of interest of various faculty members. He felt the new policy would make little difference in most cases. Ratner moved an amendment to change the wording in paragraph (a), line 3, to "The criteria should include research, teaching and service components After some further discussion the amendment passed. Kenney moved that a vote on the entire motion be postponed until. the next meeting. Schroedl suggested that this be the first agenda item at the next meeting. Pierce supported the motion. Van Hook said current policy statements on workload and salary will be distributed prior to the meeting if the motion should pass. The motion passed.
6. Administrative Reports. Norman requested that his report be postponed until the April meeting.
Van Hook as a member of the Chancellor Transition Committee asked those with concerns to share them with him. Silverstein pointed out that most faculty get their information from the newspapers and that there is a need to have the administration communicate more directly with the faculty. Van Hook responded that the talks are so preliminary that such communication is not yet possible. Silverstein responded that tentative changes need to be brought up to the faculty before they are put in place. Hood asked Van Hook to comment on the Executive Committee meetings with President Alexander and Chancellor-Elect Quinn. Van Hook responded that administrative changes in service areas were brought up, but no definite plans were put forth. Hood pointed out that Quinn had requested input from faculty. Pierce indicated that we now have more contact with the administration now than before, and for the time being should leave this matter with our representative leaders.2. Nominating Committee
Van Hook yielded the floor to Clifton Woods who presented a resolution routed from the Professional Development Committee through the Executive Committee to the Senate. The resolution took advantage of the recent publicity surrounding a University decision to withdraw AA supported memberships in Cherokee Country Club for several coaches. It reads as follows:
WHEREAS, President Lamar Alexander has recently announced as University policy to not host any University events at clubs in which members of the University Community would feel uncomfortable or whose membership composition suggest actual or possible membership exclusion based on race, religion, sex or ethnic background;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the UTK Faculty Senate commends President Alexander for his appropriate sensitivity and policies; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the UTK Faculty Senate, acting as the elected representatives of the faculty, recommends that the Board of Trustees of the University establish a formal, University-wide policy that precludes any University sponsored function from being held in an establishment where the membership composition indicates that possible exclusionary membership practices are being utilized; and that the University, its Trustees, Administrators, Faculty, Staff, and Students both publicly and privately exert all efforts possible to encourage such establishments to eliminate their exclusionary policies; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Trustees of the University of Tennessee adopt an appropriate policy as soon as possible and that the policy be widely publicized on each University Campus to assure compliance.
April 24, 1989
Date Approved
J. Wayne Waller, Secretary Alexander Van Hook, President
David Lee presented a report from the Nominating Committee (see attached).3. Athletics Committee
Kovac noted that this report requests Bylaws changes which must go through regular channels to change Bylaws and Lee replied that the present report was the first step in such process.
Lee then announced the nominees for President-Elect for 1989-90: George Everett and Anne Mayhew. The nominations passed. Election (by mail) will be reported by mail early in May. Biographical information enclosed (see attached).
Reed presented a report from the Athletics Committee. To begin with he filed a statement (see attached) from Ely Fly that no educational and general funds were used to support the Thompson-Boling Arena. Reed indicated a comprehensive report of intramural activities will be forth-coming, as well as description of the educational programs of the Athletics Department.4. Benefits Committee
Auxier presented a resolution from the Faculty Affairs Committee pertaining to State Health Insurance Plan for Employees which was part of the April 24 agenda mailing. He indicated that until the current contract with Blue Cross expires, practically no changes can be implemented. Nationwide health costs are increasing about 20% per year. The resolution should encourage the state to at least not decrease benefits.Auxier also presented a resolution regarding longevity pay as follows:
WHEREAS, all officers and employees of the State of Tennessee now receive longevity pay of $100 for each year of State employment up to a maximum of 20 years; and
WHEREAS, there are many individuals who have been employees of the State for more than 20 years; and
WHEREAS, longevity pay is a means of encouraging employees to retain their positions, as opposed to seeking employment elsewhere; and
WHEREAS, House Bill 986 and Senate Bill 319 have been introduced to extend longevity pay through the 21st year of service.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville call on the Members of the General Assembly and Governor McWherter to pass the proposed legislation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the longevity pay be extended in subsequent years so as to eventually fully recognize and reward employees for all their years of State service, and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be sent to the members of the General Assembly and Governor McWherter to request their consideration and support.
April 24, 1989 Date Approved
J. Wayne Waller, Secretary Alexander Van Hook, President
1. Van Hook announced that Professor Anne Mayhew has been elected president-elect of the Senate and extended the congratulations of the Senate.MINUTES
2. Van Hook communicated to the Senate the essence of his greeting to the Board of Trustees at their summer meeting on campus. Van Hook stressed especially the national trend of an erosion of faculty fringe benefits, especially medical.
1. Bylaws CommitteeRESOLUTIONSProfessor Blalock summarized the recommended bylaws changes, the most substantive being the creation of a Teaching Council. Approved unanimously.2. Educational Policy CommitteeProfessor Grimm brought the Undergraduate Council minutes of April 20 and the Graduate Council minutes of March 9 and April 27 to the Senate floor, where they were approved unanimously.3. Committee on CommitteesProfessor Moffett brought the 1989-90 list of committees with their members, which was approved unanimously.4. Research CouncilProfessor Phillips reported on the status of research at the University. Considerable time has been spent by the Compliance Committee of the Council, on tightening up compliance procedures and procedures to deal with scientific integrity and misconduct, as well as standards for a drug-free workplace. Some of this increased attention has been made necessary by recent or pending federal legislation. Professor Phillips also brought up the working report of the Long-Range Planning Committee, especially the point relating to merit pay (see report of May 2, 1989).5. Faculty Affairs CommitteeProfessor Pierce brought forward the proposal which more clearly defines eligibility for emeritus professorships and the encouragement of their continued relations with the campus. Silverstein offered an amendment to the proposal which would automatically make eligible for Emeritus status associate and assistant professors, i.e., not to limit automatic Emeritus status to full professors. Silverstein's amendment would automatically offer all tenured faculty with 10 or more years of service Emeritus status, at the rank each professor had upon retirement. Untenured faculty or those with less than 10 years of service could achieve such status in the way prescribed by the original proposal (2nd D. Lee). After a short discussion, the amendment failed. A discussion then ensued over whether the University would refuse to support an Emeritus faculty member in applying for research grants or supporting research. The original motion passed unanimously.
1. Professor Moffett offered resolutions to appreciate the services of Chancellor Jack Reese, which were passed unanimously and enthusiastically. (see attached)OLD BUSINESS
2. Professor Moffett then offered resolutions to appreciate the services of Dr. George Wheeler as Provost, which were passed unanimously. (see attached)
3. Van Hook then offered resolutions in appreciation of Dr. Wayne Waller's service as interim secretary of the Senate, which were passed unanimously. (see attached)
4. Professor Frandsen then offered resolutions honoring Professor Van Hook as President of the Senate, which were passed unanimously. (see attached)
1. B. Wheeler reacted to Provost Wheeler's April 13 reaction to the Joint Committee on the Improvement of Teaching, saying the Provost's reactions have seriously weakened the committee's recommendations. Van Hook promised to bring this to the attention of Hood.Meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.
2. Silverstein reported that the 21st year for longevity pay was approved by the Legislature.
3. P. Pinckney urged faculty to be involved in planning for the enlargement of the Faculty Club.
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